Friday, February 23, 2024

Friday Fives - Five Short Reviews For Books I've Read Recently

I'm taking a bit of a break from my usual Friday Linkups to try something a little different.  I'm in a list making kind of mood so I thought I'd start making random five lists.  Sometimes they'll be bookish other weeks not so much. This week I'm sharing 5 quick reviews for books I've read recently.

1.  The Couple in the Photo by Helen Cooper - Well that was a roller coaster!  I picked this book up on a random library wander only really knowing I liked the title.  This is the first book I've read by this author but it won't be the last. I really liked the author's writing style and balance of giving the reader enough details to keep the plot moving but not so much that I figured things out before the end.  This was an entertaining thriller that kept me guessing and was a quick read.  My Rating: Really Liked It (4 Stars)

2.  Death at the Crystal Palace by Jennifer Ashley -
I've been a big fan of the Below Stairs historical mystery series since the first book but somehow I've missed the last couple.  I'm trying to get caught up and I had forgotten how much I missed Kat, Tess, Daniel, Lady Cynthia, and the rest of the characters.  The mystery kept me hooked and and guessing - and I never quite guessed it right.   And now I really want a piece of lemon cake.  If you enjoy a lighter historical mystery with some upstairs/downstairs interaction this series cannot be beat.  My Rating: Really Liked It (4 Stars)

3.  The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches by Sangu Mandanna -
This was an absolutely delightful cozy read.  Mika Moon is a witch and one that has never really felt like she belonged.   That is until she lands at Nowhere House with 3 young witches and assortment of quirky adults.  This was everything my found family loving heart desires and I loved reading along as Mika got to know this new world and come to terms with her new life and past baggage.  I loved Mika, Ian, Ken, Jamie, and Lucy and of course the three children.  My only minor issue was an open door spicy scene towards the end that didn't really fit the tone of the book and I found a bit jarring.  Other than that if you love a book about found family this is a must read.  My Rating: Really Liked It! (4.5 Stars)

4. The Secret of Bow Lane by Jennifer Ashley -
I've caught up with this series and am ready for the next book that comes out in March.  I really enjoyed this one as we really get a look at Kat's past from her childhood to her kind of marriage.  She's also doing some soul searching for what she wants in life and how she wants her relationships to go moving forward.  In a mystery series there is frequently a book where the character development overshadows the mystery and I feel like that is definitely the case with this one.  I thoroughly enjoyed this one and the mystery was interesting and well done as I expect from this author but when I think about this book what stands out is what I learned about Kat and her past.  I'm so looking forward to the next book!  Really Liked It (4 Stars)

5.  One Little Sin by Liz Carlyle -
This was a reread for me though it's been more than 10 years since I've read it.  I'm honestly surprised with how much I enjoy it.  There's definitely a bit of an ick factor with Alasdair being accused of being the father of Esmee's toddler aged half sister.  Alasdair is definitely more than a bit jaded and full of bad habits focusing most of his life on drinking, gambling, and womanizing.  But while he has made bad decisions and been careless with people's feelings at heart he's a good person and never purposely causes pain to anyone which I think is what saves his character.  Esmee is delightful.  She's tough and smart and funny and I couldn't help but love her from the start.  Sorcha is a lot of fun and a pretty accurate portrayal of a strong willed tyrant.  I really enjoyed this book and couldn't help but root for the Alasdair and Esmee and this one stays on my reread shelf.  This one has decidedly mixed reviews and I can see why but for me it absolutely worked.  My Rating:  Really Liked It!  (4.5 Stars)


  1. I've read the Jennifer Ashley series. In fact my next read is going to be Mrs. Holloway's Christmas pudding and Speculation in Sin (out March 5).

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  2. I've been wanting to read the Jennifer Ashley series. It's on my list. Looks good.

  3. I'm so glad you enjoyed the Kat Holloway mysteries and The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches! Sangu Mandanna has another book coming out in September that looks like it could be in the same world, but with a different protagonist.

  4. The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches was one I really loved, too. :D

  5. Well five successful books, I am definitely waiting for the next Jennifer Ashley book too. I like that the Liz Carlyle book stays on your shelf I must look it up. And a ten years gap is great for a reread, I find that I have forgotten much of it and its a book love all over again.

  6. I love Jennifer Ashley's series and am really looking forward to reading her latest this month. I am so glad you continue to enjoy the series too! And yay for The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches. I loved that one too.
