Friday, February 9, 2024

Friday Fives - Books on My TBR I Just Know I'm Going to Love

 I'm taking a bit of a break from my usual Friday Linkups to try something a little different.  I'm in a list making kind of mood so I thought I'd start making random five lists.  Sometimes they'll be bookish other weeks not so much.  Since February is the month of Valentine's Day I'm focusing on love, romance and warm and fuzzy feelings.  Today I'm looking at 5 books on my TBR that I just know I'm going to love (now fingers crossed I do!).

1.  Tara Road by Maeve Binchy - I have read a few books by Maeve Binchy though not nearly enough and every book has been wonderfully warm and cozy.

2.  When the Lights Go Out by Mary Kubica - I listened to another book by this author and absolutely loved it.  This sounds even better and I can't wait to read it.

3.  The Shadow of the Wind by Carols Ruiz Zafon - I'm not sure I've read a bad review of this book and I love the cover and the premise so what can go wrong?

4.  Tiny Little Thing by Beatriz Williams - I read the first book in the Schuyler Sisters series and really liked it and this looks like another bit of mid-century gorgeousness.

5.  A Skeleton in the Family by Leigh Perry - This is an older cozy series with a bit of a bonkers premise that I've heard fantastic things about.  Plus there's a dog on the cover so that right there is a good sign!

Have you read any of these?  What books are on your TBR that you just know you'll love?


  1. Maeve Binchey has been a favourite of mine. Also Mary Kubica. Leigh Perry is new to me.

  2. I'm fairly certain that I read Tara Road many years ago. I read a lot of Maeve Binchy's books at that time. And I've reread some of them. Hope you enjoy it. I've also read a few of Mary Kubica's books, but not that one.

  3. It's such a great feeling to anticipate certain books that you have that good feeling about. I love seeing Tara Road on your list! I used to read everything Binchy wrote and was so sad when she passed away. Tara Road was a wonderful story.

  4. These all sound really good. Enjoy them!

  5. Tara Road is a good one. And I love The Shadow of the Wind! Happy reading all of these. :D

  6. I've read a couple of Maeve Binchy books, and I liked every one I read.

  7. I've never read Maeve Binchy I think, I have A Week in Winter marked as WTR. The dog on the cover of the cozy mystery does invite.

  8. I also love the cover of The Shadow of the Wind . 📘✨
