Sunday, June 24, 2018

This Week in Reading - June 24

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

The Lighthouse Keeper's Daughter by Hazel Gaynor - I'm super excited about this one.  I loved the last Hazel Gaynor book I read and isn't the cover gorgeous!  (Edelweiss)

The Mystery of Three Quarters by Sophie Hannah - This is the 3rd in Hannah's Poirot series.  I had mixed feelings about the first one but did enjoy the second so I'm looking forward to this one.  (Edelweiss)

Second Chance at Two Love Lane by Kieran Kramer - This is a second chance romance and one of the members of the second chance is a movie star which is always fun.  (Publisher)

The Boy at the Door by Alex Dahl - This is a dark gritty Scandinavian thriller.  This isn't a genre I've read very much of but have been wanting to try so I'm excited to give it a try.  (Publisher)

Maybe for You Nicole McLaughlin - It's a road trip story!  I love road trip romances!  (Publisher)

Toucan Keep a Secret by Donna Andrews -  I do love a good pun-ny cozy mystery title and this may be one of the best.  (Publisher)


Reading:  Rainy Day Friends by Jill Shalvis and Wednesdays in the Tower by Jessica Day George

Listening:  I finished Anything is Possible by Elizabeth Strout (really enjoyed) and am back to A Man Called Ove by Fredrick Backman (mixed feelings)

Watching:  I've been watching a lot of YouTube beauty reviews lately when we're not watching the World Cup.

Off the Blog:

Thanks for all the well wishes last week regarding my ankle.  It's gotten a lot better and next week I'll be able to start the prescribed exercises which will hopefully make it heal even faster.  I did have to cancel a trip to visit my grandparents this week because I'm not confident that it would really hold up to a 6 hour drive (of course it's my right ankle) which was disappointing.  We have rescheduled though and hopefully J will be able to go with the Tornado and me this time.  

Other than that it's been a pretty quiet week.  We've done some reading and some video games.  We played an old Nancy Drew PC game and the Tornado's enjoying the puzzle solving quite a bit.  I'm hoping next week I'll be able to be a bit more active.

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday: The Cottages of Silver Beach - Contemporary Romance Review
Tuesday:  Ten Books I Want to Read Because of Their Summer-y Covers
Wednesday:  Cooper's Charm - Contemporary Romance Review + Giveaway
Thursday:  Only With You - Contemporary Romance Review
Friday:  Friday Linkups with Current Book
Saturday - 2018 2nd Quarter Check In

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. You are keeping more with my Sunday than your own, ;) I just put the Elizabeth Strout book into my wish list at Audible. Yes the cover of The Lighthouse Keeper's Daughter is beautiful. Hope that ankle continues to heal well.

  2. I'm reading Rainy Day Friends too! I am enjoying and hope you are. Sorry you had to cancel you trip and hope your ankle is better soon! Enjoy your new books and have a great week!

  3. I've got an older Hazel Gaynor book on my kindle (the one about the Titanic) but haven't read it yet... keep hearing good things about her. I loved Anything is Possible!

  4. I'm kinda curious about this Scandinavian noir I keep hearing about! I've seen a few shows that supposedly fall into that category too on Netflix. I'll have to try one.

    Glad your ankle's doing better! Hope you have a great week. :)

  5. Glad to hear you're doing better :)
    Check out my Sunday Post at Exclusory ❤️

  6. Glad to hear that your ankle is doing well, but sorry you had to cancel your trip that is a bummer. You got some good sounding books here, hope you enjoy them! The Boy at the Door sounds intriguing!

    Happy Reading,
    Week in Review

  7. Glad to hear the ankle is better! I always love puzzle games and real life puzzles, ha ha!

    You new books sound really cool, especially Toucan Keep a Secret - I love cosy mysteries!

  8. Happy to hear that your ankle is healing! Sounds like you got some good new ones - the Donna Andrews series has been a favorite of mine for a long time. I haven't tried any of Sophie Hannah's Poirot books - maybe at some point. It's tough to think about someone else writing about him. Sigh.

  9. Glad to hear the ankle is on the mend - and it sounds as though you are doing the right thing and giving it plenty of rest. So many folks don't give foot and ankle injuries sufficient time to heal! The Nancy Drew PC game sounds fun - glad the Tornado is enjoying it.

  10. I haven't yet read Gaynor, but I love books with lighthouses in this one is going on my list.

    I also love Sophie Hannah, but haven't yet tried her Poirot series. Thanks for sharing, and I'm glad your ankle is better.

    Have a great week, and here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES

  11. I keep seeing up and down reviews of the Ove book, and I was thinking of starting with another Backman, but then I realized I probably would never read it if I did that, so it's back on top. 😛

    Great news about your ankle! I hope it continues to heal quickly. 💪

    The Nancy Drew game sounds enticing, even to me! Ha ha. 🎮

    Have a wonderful week. 🌞

  12. I loved Rainy Day Friends. I got it on audio for review. My daughter has those Nancy Drew PC games. We also have like a hundred of the books!
    Anne - Books of My Heart

  13. I'm glad to hear your ankle is feeling better. I want to read Rainy Day Friends. Looks good. Hope you enjoy your books and have a great week!

  14. Glad your ankle is on the mend. I saw something Nancy Drew...maybe it was on Netflix but I didn't have a chance to really read the show's summary.

  15. Glad your ankle is properly on the mend now! I've been playing a lot of minecraft with my kiddo lately and it's oddly therapeutic! :)

  16. Glad you ankle is doing better but what a bummer that you had to cancel your trip. It does always seem to be the driving foot that gets injured doesn't it?! The new Hazel Gaynor book looks fantastic! I definitely need to read more of her work soon. Have a great week!

  17. Great book this week. Sorry you have to cancel your trip. I hope you get a chance to go again. Ugghhh I hate that. Have a great week!

    Mary my #Sunday Roundup #24!

  18. Sorry that you had to cancel the trip, but I’m glad your ankle is getting better. Have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  19. The Gaynor cover is lovely. I think I've only read a short story by her - something in an anthology? Can't remember. Keep feeling better!!

  20. Glad you were able to reschedule your trip. Probably a good thing to give your ankle more time heal. Enjoy those new reads:)

    My Sunday Post

  21. I tried to read A Man Called Ove twice but didn’t manage to stick with it. My daughter read it and liked it, but I struggled with it. I’ll be looking out for your final thoughts on it.
    I hope your ankle will continue to improve.

  22. I liked A Man Called Ove but not his other two books. I am a sucker for feel good stories.

    Hope you get well soon.

    Gayathri @ Elgee Writes

  23. Hope your ankle continues to heal really quickly. What a way to start summer :(

    Thanks for these ticklers--I love the cover and the storyline of this one: "The Lighthouse Keeper's Daughter" by Hazel Gaynor. Lately, I've been on a real historical kick and it's even spilling over into other areas of life (writing especially) so this one sounds right up my alley. Take care of yourself and thanks again for the newsy post.

  24. Maybe for You sounds good, I added that one to my TBR!! Glad your ankle is better.
