Sunday, June 17, 2018

This Week in Reading - June 17

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Season of Wonder by RaeAnne Thayne - I love RaeAnne Thayne's Christmas romances and there was no way I could resist that cover! (Publicist)

Rancher's Dream by B.J. Daniels - I've been enjoying this series by Daniels about the Cahill family in Montana so of course I had to grab this newest one. (Blog Tour)

The Guilty Dead by P.J. Tracy - This is more of a procedural than my usual cozy mystery and involves a suicide that may not be and all kinds of shadowy secrets (Publisher)

Dying up Loose Ends by Maggie Sefton - I had mixed feelings about the last book in this series but I'm hoping this newest book will convince me that this is a series for me (Publisher)

Poisoned Pages by Lorna Barret - I just read and enjoyed the previous book in the series so I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next.  (Publisher)


Reading:  The Cottages on Silver Beach by RaeAnne Thayne and Lost Lake by Sarah Addison Allen

Listening:  Anything is Possible by Elizabeth Strout.  I'm liking it pretty well and am about halfway done with it.

Watching:  I've been watching a lot of TV this week (more about that later) and have been enjoying some of the Hallmark Mystery movies like the Garage Sale Mysteries and the Fixer Upper series.  Also we've had the World Cup on the last few days.

Off the Blog:

I had big plans this week.  With the Tornado at Space Camp all week during the day I was going to get stuff cleared out and organized, create a filing system for my books and even get some reading done.  I did get some reading done but that was about it.  Monday morning just after I had dropped the Tornado off I was walking through the parking lot back to my car and somehow managed to step in a low spot and my ankle rolled and made a popping sound and it was about all I could do not to sit down in the parking lot and cry.  I made it home and then after a few attempts to walk which resulted in some involuntary screaming which scared the cat I ended up at the doctor.  It's not broken for which I'm very grateful.  I've broken this ankle before and no part of me wants to relive that.  However it is badly sprained with some extra ligament damage done just for fun.  I have an air cast and this massive boot and am supposed to rest it as much as possible.  So I did get a lot of reading done and I got a lot of TV watching done but this definitely wasn't the week I had in mind!  

I've been resting it and it is feeling better than it was that first day and it could have been so much worse.  But really if I have to injure myself can I at least get a better story?  The last time I hurt myself I missed the bottom step and broke my ankle.  I need to do more adventurous things.  I'll still get hurt but at least I'll have better stories!  

Thanks so much for all the suggestions for books for J.  I got Empire Falls by Richard Russo and the first Jack Reacher book out of the library and we will see what he thinks of them!

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday:  Ramblings from the Stacks - Reading Slumps and How to Fix Them
Tuesday:  Top Ten Tuesday - Summer TBR
Wednesday:  Caroline - Historical Fiction Review
Thursday:  Heaven Adjacent - Fiction Review
Friday:  Friday Linkups with Current Book
Saturday:  TBD

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. So sorry about your ankle and glad to hear it's not broken. Gotta love books when you're laid up:) I love reading Christmas stories in the summer. It gives me good vibes:)

    My Sunday Post

  2. I'm so sorry about your ankle! I hope it heals up well. Quickly would be good, but completely is more important. Don't hesitate to ask for PT if it doesn't feel normal by the time they say it should.

    I got Season of Wonder, too, and just finished reading The Cottages at Silver Beach. Looking forward to your thoughts! I'm envious of the Maggie Sefton; my request was declined. But I put in a hold request at the library, so I'll read it eventually! Have a good week, and enjoy the reading time.

  3. Ouch! A sprained ankle is the worst, and I have done that same thing walking across a parking lot or a sidewalk with dips...what a hazard those places are! Hope it heals fast.

    Your books look good...I like the look and sound of The Cottages on Silver Beach.

    I remember enjoying Lost Lake a couple of years ago, and that reminds me that I have another one or two books by Sarah Addison Allen that I need to bring to the front of my Kindle.

    I also love the Hallmark Mysteries...I am addicted to them all, from the Garage Sale ones to the Aurora Teagarden movies. I love them all, and how they rotate them over the year.

    Enjoy your week!

  4. Oh no- sorry to hear about your ankle! Ow! I did that once, sprained my ankle and hear that horrible popping noise- weirdly enough I was IN the hospital at the time it happened (not as a patient, I was there with my mom who was having a procedure)- at least I didn't have to go far to get it X-rayed. :) Hope you're feeling better and heal quick!

    I need to watch the World Cup, I've been terrible so far at catching any games!

  5. I personally would say that "getting some reading done" is a huge accomplishment, because everyone's life can be really busy. And I guess for the World Cup, I'll just watch some clips on youtube haha. But I do know people that woke up in like 2am to watch it live. Have a great week!

  6. Oh my, Season of Wonder does have an amazing cover, doesn't it?!

    Oh no, I'm so sorry about your ankle :( that sounds painful I hope you're all healed soon.

    We've watched some of the World Cup, my team plays tonight and I'm totally staying up to watch (I live in the worst timezone, the games are between 10pm and 2am *sigh* the things we do!)

  7. On no, I'm sorry to hear about you ankle. I hope it gets better soon. I bet your son is having so much fun at Space Camp! Hope you have better week for you coming up Enjoy your new books too.

  8. Damn the ankle sounds painful, I hope it heals fast. I sprained it once and don't need that pain ever again! No World Cup for me, I'm one of the ones that just doesn't care.

  9. Oh no! Just as I was reading how it all sounded I knew too well what you mean. This has happened to me and it sucks majorly. Please make sure you do rehabilitation exercises! If the doctor doesn't prescribe any, google it or youtube it, because that's the only thing that really fixed me. I have had this two times, and the first time it took me a half a year to heal... with no exercises. Next time this happened, I got on the exercise program on the clinic and it healed really fast!

    Evelina @ AvalinahsBooks

  10. Auch, sounds painful. Despite all the scrapes I got into as a child I never once broke any bones, which seems like a miracle really. Hopefully you'll get some good books read to cheer you up.

  11. Oh no, sorry to hear about your fall! It always seems to happen when you have big plans to do something while you have the house mostly to yourself! Hope it heals up soon and in the meantime get some good reading done!

    Enjoy your books!
    Week in Review

  12. Katherine how very scary to hear your ankle pop! So glad your getting some rest time. Rest easy and hope you feel better soon.

    Angelica @ Paperback Princess

  13. Oh, no! I'm so sorry about your ankle. That sounds so painful.

  14. Ugh, so sorry about the accident. (psst... tell folks you were riding a dirt bike down a mountain or something, to sound more "glamorous"). Hope it doesn't hurt too badly now and that you can relax and just read a book instead of chores!

    Christmas stories already, yikes!! Hope you enjoy it anyway, but I can't read holiday books out of season. And PJ Tracy, I love the Monkeewrench series and can't wait to pick that one up or pre-order it even. Sadly, 1/2 of that writing team passed recently so it will only be the daughter writing the series from now on.

  15. OUCH! I am so sorry about your ankle but please rest it as much as possible because you don't want to make it any worse. Your story was interesting to me. :)
    Sit back and enjoy the rest and reading!

    I hope it heals up quickly. Have a great week, Katherine! Happy Reading! ox

  16. Oh my...sorry about your ankle. I hope your ankle gets better.

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays

  17. Oh that's so painful! I hope your ankle is feeling better.

    What a great book haul you have. Enjoy! Have a great week!

  18. Like everyone else, I'm so sorry about your ankle injury! What a massive pain in more ways than one. However, at least you could read and watch TV. And you had an excuse for not checking those items off your list. Have you ever read books by P.J. Tracy (just the daughter now and not the mother/daughter duo)? The Monkeewrench series is a great one - think Rita mentioned that above. The first book is Monkeewrench (ha!). I'm excited about a new one. Wasn't sure it would continue. My husband and I both love the characters. I've kind of stopped reading Maggie Sefton's knitting series. Think it may have fallen off my list - at least for now. Hope this week is a better one!

  19. While I'm relieved you haven't broken your ankle - I'm so sorry you have injured it so painfully and hope you are able to continue to keep your feet up and read most wonderful books...

  20. Oh no, I'm sorry you hurt your ankle :-( And how frustrating that you couldn't even get done the things you planned. At least you were productive with reading though. But no, even if you did more adventurous things, you'd still get hurt walking through the parking lot lol. I used to be a gymnast, and I knew lots of athletic people, and most of the time our worst injuries were not from our athletic things but rather ridiculous things like getting out of cars or opening doors lol.

  21. That is a huge ouch for your ankle, so sorry to hear it, but... lots of reading! I enjoyed the Thayne book you are reading and I look forward to the Christmas one as well!

  22. Oh, no! I hope your ankle heals quickly! (But at least you have an excuse to sit around and read and watch tv.) Space camp sounds amazing. Feel better soon and happy reading!

  23. I hope it heals quickly! At least you have plenty of books to keep you busy. Have a good week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  24. Soon as you said pop I thought achilles tendon tear. I am glad that it's just a sprain and not worse but still it stinks. I hope you feel better but with a ligament torn - it takes a while. Hope you have a better week this week.


  25. Oh man, big ouchie! Hearing a pop does not sound fun. The fact that you were able to even get home is miraculous. I hope you are comfortable.
    That breakfast sandwich sounds so darn good. I can eat eggs any time of the day. Yeah, my teen was like free food! I'm going.

  26. I am excited about Season of Wonder. I think you are the reason I read RaeAnne Thayne now--and I just love her books. I keep telling myself I need to give Elizabeth Strout's work a try. I am glad you are enjoying Anything is Possible. I am so sorry about your ankle! I am prone to spraining mine, and so I can appreciate the pain all too well. I hope it is healing well for you. I hope you have a great week, Katherine.

  27. I am so sorry to hear about your ankle but it is good that it wasn't worse. I know that having your plans change like that had to be a bummer plus the pain! I hope you enjoy all of your new books!

  28. Oh sorry about your ankle. Sounds so painful! Thank goodness you love to read. I have the Thayne book too. Such a pretty cover.

  29. Oh dang. Best laid plans. Glad to hear it isn't broken at least. Thayne does have lovely covers :)

  30. So, so sorry about your ankle! That is so painful!! At least it did allow for some reading and tv watching. :) I hope this week goes much better. Thanks for stopping over.

    Tressa @ Wishful Endings

  31. Blogger ate my comment twice, so long story short... sending good vibes for you to heal quickly. 💜

  32. Season of Wonder - am jealous, cannot wait to read it.
