Friday, August 29, 2014

Friday Linkups - Great Expectations

It's Friday which means I'm linking up with Book Blogger Hop from Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings on Fridays with Rose City Reader, and The Friday 56 with Freda's Voice.

First - the Book Blogger Hop Question:
Do you request notification of new replies when you post a comment on a blog post?

Usually I do especially if it's a blog I've just discovered and am going to follow.

So it's happening - I'm going to reread Great Expectations.  This was on my spin list for The Classics Club in the dreading section.  The last time I read it was 20 years ago when I was a freshman in high school and I HATED it.  I think my one sentence review was "Pip complains - a lot."  However, people love Dickens and surely my perspective now is a bit different than it was at 14.  So I'm going to read it with an open mind!

The Beginning:
"My father's family name being Pirrip, and my Christian name Phillip, my infant tongue could make of both names nothing longer or more explicit than Pip.  So, I called myself Pip, and came to be called Pip."

The 56 from page 56 of my Kindle edition:
"That fearful impostor, Pumblechook, immediately nodded, and said as he rubbed the arms of his chair, "It's more than that, Mum.""

So I just started this but haven't made enough progress to offer any opinion.  The writing is taking some getting used to but that's mostly because I've been reading lighter stuff this summer.  The review for this is due October 6th so I figure I've at least given myself enough time to get it read!


  1. I like to know what's happening. :) That's why I request notifications.

    Good luck with Great Expectations. :)

    ENJOY your weekend.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  2. It does take some adjusting to the language of those classics...but the prose is beautiful. Hope you enjoy your second journey into this one. Here's mine: “THE HOME PLACE”

    1. Thank you! I'm both looking forward to this one and scared. I do need to remember that it takes some getting used to.

  3. Hope you fall into the rhythm of Great Expectations soon. An audio version sometimes helps me if I have a hard time getting into classics.

    1. I'm scared but I'll definitely be taking your advice. I'm hoping I'll enjoy it but I know I'll be glad I read it even if I don't.

  4. I remember reading this in high school and I didn't appreciate it. I'm not sure I'm up to a second reading. Good luck with yours.

    1. Honestly Bea I'm not sure I'm up for it either but it's the book that came up in the spin. I'm scared but I'm determined!

  5. I did love this one when I was younger, and I'd like to re-read it one day. I hope you enjoy it more this time, but there's nothing wrong if it's not for you again, either.

    1. I'm a little apprehensive of this one but I know a number of people who enjoyed it so I'm hopeful!

  6. Hi! I do not request notifications, too many e-mails.
    I'm visiting from Book Blogger Hop.

    Have a great weekend!

  7. Charles Dickens! Wow, I do hope you enjoy your adventure with this one; anything Mr. Dickens writes certainly leaves its impression. Have a wonderful weekend!

    Sparrow's BB & Friday 56

    1. Thank you! I'm looking forward to really getting started with this one!

  8. I always ask for notification. I want to see what everyone is saying and have chats.
    Sounds like the writing could make you stumble until you get the hang of it. I've heard good things about this book and think it'll prove worth the slow start.
    Here is my 56 from I'm With You-

    1. I definitely think the writing is going to take some getting used to. I've gotten some advice to mix in the audio version so I think I'll be giving that a try.

  9. Another classic I have not read.

    Happy weekend!

  10. I read this one but it was a very long time ago!

    1. That's how I feel about it. I'm hoping I enjoy it more this time around.

  11. I can't remember if I liked the book in high school. But I do remember really liking the movie we watched in class. I thought it was good. Good luck!

    1. I know there's been several movie adaptations that look pretty good. I'll have to look for those when I've read this one!

  12. Every Dickens book I've read has taken some time to get into, but eventually I found myself enjoying the story - the characters and descriptions are wonderful. Maybe that is why his works were usually serialized and digested in small amounts ate one time?
    I do enjoy getting replies from comments I've made - some wonderful virtual friendships have developed from these interactions!

    1. Hmmm... That's an interesting idea about the serialization. I'll have to keep that in mind while reading it. Little bits might be the way to go.
      I do love talking to other book people! I like comment replies as well.

  13. Ack. I know what you mean by "dreading." I have such a problem with classics!

    1. It's definitely hard to make myself read them. Especially the more serious ones like this one!

  14. I'm excited to get started though a little nervous! I'm definitely looking forward to filling in the gaps of my reading.

  15. I'm hoping I enjoy it more this time around than I did the first time!

  16. I have never read Great Expectations. I did like Oliver Twist when I read it. And I am a big fan of A Christmas Carol. I would like to read more by Dickens at some point, but I'm not sure when or what. I hope you like it better this time around!

    In answer to the blog hop question, I always check the notify me box. Sometimes I like seeing what others have to say, and I'm always hoping the person will respond to my comment. :-)
