Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Top Ten Tuesday - Ten Popular Authors I Still Haven't Read

Today I'm linking up with Top Ten Tuesday hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl which is all about lists.  Since lists are one of my favorite things this is one of my favorite linkups!  Today's topic is Ten Popular Authors I Still Haven't Read.  I probably could have made this a Top One Hundred list (though that doesn't have quite the same ring) as there are so many authors I mean to read that I don't seem to quite get to though I'm hoping to make some progress on this list in 2024.

1.  Ann Patchett 

2.  Kirstin Hannah

3.  Taylor Jenkins Reid

4.  J.R.R. Tolkien

5.  Riley Sager

6.  Kelley Armstrong

7.  Alice Feeney

8.  Emily Henry

9.  Gillian McAllister

10. Jane Harper

What popular authors have you not read?


  1. I think I've read at least one book by all these authors, but for some of them it was just that one book. If I had to suggest a couple to try - Kelley Armstrong (love her Rockton series and the new series that comes after it - Haven's Rock) and also Jane Harper's Aaron Falk books. I think we all have a long, long list of authors to try - ha!

  2. I don't think I've read any of those authors either and I want to.

  3. From your list Kristen Hannah, Taylor Jenkins Reid, Riley Sager and Gillian McAllister.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  4. I haven't read any of Kristin Hannah's, Gillian McAllister's, Jane Harper's, or Alice Feeney's books either. But I have read the other six authors on your list.

  5. I have read most of the authors that made your list. I still need to get to Kristen Hannah, Ann Patchett, Gillian McAllister, and Jane Harper.

  6. I've read at least one book by all of these authors except for TJR. I love Hannah, Harper, Sager, and Armstrong and have read a number of books by all of them. I've only read DAISY DARKER by Feeney, but I loved it and definitely want to read more by her. I hope you enjoy all these authors when you get to them.

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!

  7. I've read books by Kristen Hannah and Kelley Armstrong and highly recommend both authors. As for Tolkein (lowers voice and looks around to ensure Himself is elsewhere...) I'd frankly give him a miss unless you're really keen on classic, epic fantasy. His writing is very dated and while he was a trendsetter back in the day, now his stories seem quite predictable, which is somewhat ironic! Best of luck with the best of your list and I hope you get to them, Katherine:).

  8. Pretty sure I've read at least one book by each author listened, some more than others.

  9. I haven't stopped to think about popular authors I haven't read, I have read some of these and am not likely to read others like Jane Harper because of her genre. Ann Patchett I have tried although not head over heels in love with.

  10. I haven't read quite a few of these authors either. Perhaps someday! I have read Ann Pratchett and Kelley Armstrong.
