Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Top Ten Tuesday - Book Titles That Would Make Great Headlines

Today I'm linking up with Top Ten Tuesday hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl which is all about lists.  Since lists are one of my favorite things this is one of my favorite linkups!  Today's topic is Book Titles That Would Make Good Headlines.  It's been awhile since I've actually read a newspaper but if these book titles were headlines I would definitely want to read the article!  Really this should probably just be titles that make me want to read the book but it loosely fits this topic.  

1.  The Mysterious Bakery on Rue De Paris by Evie Gaughan - Why is it mysterious?  Can just the average customer tell that it's mysterious or do you have to spend a lot of time there to feel the mysteries?  And most importantly - how is the pastry?

2.  Stirring the Pot with Benjamin Franklin: A Founding Father's Culinary Adventures by Rea Katherine Eighmey - This sounds like a very entertaining foodie column where Benjamin Franklin is going around causing trouble with recipes.  The book also sounds pretty interesting.

3.  Miss Dimple Disappears by Mignon F. Ballard - What happened to Miss Dimple??  I would be looking for follow up articles.

4.  The Case of the Murderous Dr. Cream by Dean Jobb - I actually have this book on the shelf now but I would be going down Google rabbit holes if this was a headline.

5.  Murder Off the Beaten Path by M.L. Rowland - I do love a good crime story and anything involving a murder definitely makes me want to read the article.

6.  The Last Pirate of New York by Rich Cohen - Pirates are another thing that interest me and this is a story I definitely want to know.

7.  The Llama of Death by Betty Webb - How could you not read an article with this headline?  I now really want to read this book.  

8.  The Great Peal Heist by Molly Caldwell Crosby - I do love a good heist and I want all the details of this one!

9.  Murder in the Family by Cara Hunter - Another crime title and another one that would pull me in and have me reading the article.

10. Esme Cahill Fails Spectacularly by Marie Bostwick - You can't help but want to know what Esme did and how was the failure so spectacular?    

What books do you want to read that have titles that would make good headlines?


  1. Yes all great titles, all totally new to me. Hope you try some of them.

  2. Great titles for this week's TTT! #3 is my favorite. :D

  3. We finally cancelled our long-time newspaper subscription because no one was really reading it. I'd read articles with these headlines, though!

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!

  4. Stirring the Pot with Benjamin Franklin actually sounds good! 🍲
