Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Top Ten Tuesday - Ten Bookish Goals for 2023

Today I'm linking up with Top Ten Tuesday hosted by 
That Artsy Reader Girl which is all about lists.  Since lists are one of my favorite things this is one of my favorite linkups!  Today's topic is about bookish goals so I've spent some time thinking about my 10 bookish goals for 2023.

1.  Read 200 books - I've read over 200 books in the past 2 years and I'd like to keep that going!

2.  Finish 2022 ARCs - I only have a few review books leftover from 2022 but I want to be sure I finish them before the year is over.  

3.  Finish 2023 ARCs - I'm hoping to get all my 2023 review books finished this year so I don't have any carry overs into next year.

4.  Finish my Classic Mystery List - For the last few years I've made a list of classic mysteries I want to read during the year and this year I've made a new list of books I'm really looking forward to reading.

5.  Finish on Catch Up on 10 Series - I read a lot of series and want to read even more series but I'm not so great at actually staying caught up on them or finishing them so I really want to focus on getting some read this year.

6.  Finish my Priority List - I made a list of 10 books that I'm really excited to read this year and I want to make those a priority.

7.  Read 10 Overdue Review Books - While I've done pretty good on  ARCs from the last few years I have years of overdue review books gathering dust.  I'd like to read 10 of them this year.

8.  Finish the 3 Agatha Christie play novel adaptations - These are the only three Christie books I haven't read yet and this is the year that I'm going to fix that.

9.  Read 5 Nonfiction Books - I really enjoy most nonfiction but I'm not great with getting it into my reading so I want to read at least 5 this year.

10.  Read 2 Random Book Choices - I haven't decided exactly how I'm going to do this but I want to choose 2 books at random - either through a random number generator or a random prompt generator or one of the TBR games that are out there.  Regardless of what I decide I want to pick 2 books like that.

What are your reading goals for 2023?


  1. Great bookish goals! I wish you luck on all of them. :D

  2. These are great goals. Good luck in 2023!

  3. Sounds like some great goals. I'm not sure how to organize the tracking but good luck with them.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  4. I don't have any goals.... I think I might just have to piggy back here with you this year!

    200 books..... WOW!!! I'll cheer from the sideline!!!

    Elza Reads

  5. I've really got into kids non-fiction. I much prefer having lots of images to go with non-fiction. You've got a hefty to read plan there - wishing you happy reading!

  6. I love the idea of a book priority list. I need to do that. Best of luck to you on your goals.

  7. I know that feeling of series getting away from you -- I have several that I need to catch up on. My goal this year is at least 5 series, but I would love if I could do 10! Good luck with your goals!

  8. You have named some very relevant goals that you no doubt will go a long way to reaching. I hate having overdue review books, I have two or three from 2022 and that feels bad. I really want to keep my finger away from clicking them this year.

  9. These are all worthy goals. Good luck Katherine!

  10. These are great goals! Some are very similar to mine. I have a few series that I hope to finally get to this year. Good luck with these!

  11. I'm the same with series. I love them and am in the middle of a bunch of them. It's hard to stay caught up and even harder to actually finish them! I'd like to at least make some good progress on some of them this year. Good luck with all your goals!

    Happy TTT (on a Friday)!

  12. Such ambitious goals! If anyone can do them, you can. :-) Good luck with your goals this year!
