Friday, January 6, 2023

Friday Fives - January TBR

I'm taking a bit of a break from my usual Friday Linkups to try something a little different.  I'm in a list making kind of mood so I thought I'd start making random five lists.  Sometimes they'll be bookish other weeks not so much.  Since this is the first Friday in January I'm picking 5 books I hope to read this month.

1.  Fatal Fascinator by Jenn McKinlay - This is a review book that's coming out a little later this month and I'm really looking forward to it.  I really enjoy this author's books and it's been awhile since the previous book in the series came out.

2.  The Art of Arranging Flowers by Lynne Branard - This has been on my review book shelf for several years gathering dust but a cold gloomy January seems the perfect time to read it and get a bit of virtual flower happiness.  

3.  An Irish Country Doctor by Patrick Taylor - This book was on my Clear Off My Shelves list for 2022 and it's one I'm still looking forward to reading so this is the month!

4.  Black Coffee by Agatha Christie and Charles Osborne - The three plays written by Christie and adapted by Osborne are all that I have left to read in my Christie reread and this is the first one.

5.  Thin Ice by Paige Shelton - My theme for January is cold and this first in a mystery series set in Alaska fits the bill.  I read the second book a year or two ago and really enjoyed it so I'm looking forward to going back and getting to know the characters from the beginning.

What are you hoping to read this month?


  1. I've read and enjoyed the Paige Shelton book.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  2. Fantastic 5 on Friday. The Christie collection looks good.

  3. Thin Ice was a fun read, and I love the cover for The Art of Arranging Flowers. :D

  4. Good choices! They all look good.

  5. These all look good! I hope you enjoy them. I like the look of An Irish Country Doctor

  6. They all look really good, hope they are really enjoyable.

  7. I've always loved the cover of The Art of Arranging Flowers. I haven't yet read it but I hope to. I hope you get to all of these this month and enjoy them!

  8. I really need to read more of Jenn McKinlay's cozies. I have a feeling that I would love them.

  9. Thin Ice is one I've been wanting to read too. Love Alaskan settings!

  10. I'm hoping to find some books set in Ireland for the month of March. I've never done any St. Patrick's Day themed reading in March before, but I'd like to start making it a thing every year.
