Saturday, January 14, 2023

Life with Leukemia, a Puppy, and Some Reading - January 15

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Pall in the Family by Dawn Eastman - For some reason my library has all the books in this series I haven't read except for this one.  (Purchased)

The Cure For What Ales You by Ellie Alexander - I'm catching up this series and didn't have the latest one.  I'm really looking forward to it!  (Purchased)


Reading:  The Backup Plan by Jill Shalvis and An Irish Country Doctor by Patrick Taylor

Listening:  The Art of Arranging Flowers by Lynne Branard

This has been a pretty quiet week.  Will had his chemo orally so we didn't have to go to clinic and were able to relax at home.  He's feeling pretty good and we've gotten some school done.  We are going to start volunteering at the Humane Society this week.  They have a program called Paws for Reading where we go and read in the cat room.  It's apparently to help socialize the cats and help with confidence for the kids.  My only concern is I'm allergic to cats so I'm keeping up my allergy medicine regimen.  

Rover and I started back to the various dog classes and are really enjoying it.  He still gets a bit too excited but he has made so much progress and I've learned a lot with training.  Other dog classes have started too and I'm enjoying working with a new group of dogs!  

Reading is going pretty well.  I'm sticking to my reading theme of sticking with books I'm excited about and DNF'd a book that just wasn't working for me.  

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. I'm glad you had a quiet week and Will is doing well. And I'im glad that you and Rover are enjoying his classes.

  2. I'm allergic to cats and dogs, so I certainly understand your concerns there. Still, reading to cats does sound like fun.

  3. I love that first title. :)

    That program with the cat room sounds awesome. How neat!

  4. A quiet week sounds nice. I am glad to hear Will is feeling good. That's awesome that you are going to volunteer at the Humane Society. Hopefully the allergy medicine will be enough to keep your cat allergy from acting up too much. Have a great week, Katherine!

  5. Pall in the Family looks cute. I Hope you enjoy your books!

    My Sunday Post.

  6. That sounds like a good week. The reading with cats thing sounds good. I have to admit that I am nervous around them, but it sounds like a good idea for other people!

    Have a good weekend

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

  7. That's such a cute idea!! I would end up coming home with a bunch of cats though lol. Probably not the best idea for you to do that though.

    Pall in the Family looks good!

  8. I am glad it was a good week. The paw program sounds so cute., I am allergic to cats also (I have 3) but I would sacrifice to read to cute kitties :)

    Have a great week, Katherine! Happy Reading.

  9. I'm all for low key weeks. 🤗

    Reading to the cats will be super fun for Will! 🐈 Our Humane Society had reading to dogs for kids before Covid. I wonder if they will start it up again? 🤔

    Have a wonderful new week! ☀

  10. Working with animals is a great thing. I think they just make us feel better and you are definitely helping the cats socialize! Glad the chemo is coming to an end soon.

  11. Working with animals is a great thing. I think they just make us feel better and you are definitely helping the cats socialize! Glad the chemo is coming to an end soon.

  12. Reading books we really love and want to keep reading is so key. Nice to not have to go to the hospital for the chemo. It's great you love working with Rover and the other dogs, such a great interest.

  13. A quiet week is a good week. I couldn't even consider a cat room; I'm deathly allergic. Pretty soon Rover won't really be a puppy anymore. Happy reading!

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  14. I'm looking forward to readin The Backup Plan! It looks fun. :D

  15. Hope you're not too allergic when you go!

  16. Nice quiet weeks are the best, especially with all you have went through and I am glad Will is doing great.

    Have a great a week and happy reading!
    Week in Review

  17. So glad to hear Will is continuing to do well. The cat reading sounds interesting - I'd be nervous with the allergies too, hope the meds do their job. Enjoy your week ahead !

  18. It is nice that you didn't have to go into the clinic for this round of chemo. I love the idea of reading to the animals. The only problem with going into the Humane Society is that I tend to want to adopt them all. I hope that you have a great week!

  19. I'm glad Will is doing well, and can do his chemo at home this week. And reading to cats sounds like a wonderful volunteer opportunity -- good for cats and humans both (except for your allergies -- I'm sorry!) I'd be awfully tempted to adopt one of the cats, though, and we're trying to hold off until we can get a bunch of work done on the house. (I don't want to traumatize a new arrival with renovations.)

    The Backup Plan was good, and I remember really enjoying that Dawn Eastman series, too. I hope you have fun reading both of them!

  20. I love cozies. They have such fun characters, titles and covers, don't they!

  21. Reading to cats actually sounds kind of awesome. I'd probably end up adopting all the cats though!
