Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Top Ten Tuesday - Ten Christmas Books I Want to Read Next Year

Today I'm linking up with Top Ten Tuesday hosted by 
That Artsy Reader Girl which is all about lists.  Since lists are one of my favorite things this is one of my favorite linkups!  Today's topic is a freebie.  This year I've done almost no seasonal reading and will probably be spending the rest of December trying to finish up a few other projects.  Next year I'm going to try and plan a little seasonal reading into my reading and here are ten books that might be on reading list next year.

1.  Winter Solstice by Rosamunde Pilcher

2.  'Twas the Knife Before Christmas by Jacqueline Frost

3.  Sleigh Bells Ring by RaeAnne Thayne

4.  Last Christmas in Paris by Hazel Gaynor

5.  Duck the Halls by Donna Andrews

6.  Wrapped up in You by Jill Shalvis

7.  A Christmas Mourning by Laura Bradford

8.  Seven Days of Us by Francesca Hornak

9.  Candy Slain Murder by Amanda Flower

10. Ghosts of Greenglass House by Kate Milford

Have you read any of these?  What Christmas books are on your TBR?


  1. You've got some splendid titles. I am always on the lookout for HoHoHo readathon reads.

  2. I enjoyed the Jill Shalvis book.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  3. What a great idea! You are definitely thinking ahead. :-) Last Christmas in Paris is one of my absolute favorites. I'm not much of a re-reader, but I can see myself reading that one again. I enjoy RaeAnne Thayne's holiday themed books. I haven't read one this year and likely won't. I will have to make a point of doing so this coming year.

  4. I'm eager to read a Christmas book this year, and I'd really, really like one set in Paris.

  5. Always good to have a list of holiday books you want to read. Sleigh Bells Ring is a cute little romance, and I love Winter Solstice! :D

  6. I feel like you're reading my mind too. I want to read more seasonal books next Christmas too, and now I have a great list to choose from!

  7. They all looking promising. I have a couple of Christmas books lined up I hope to read this month. I don't always seasonal read but its a nice idea.

  8. I need to add the Greenglass House books to my 2023 TBR. 🤗
