Saturday, December 3, 2022

Life with Leukemia, A Puppy, and Some Reading - December 4

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Six Sweets Under by Sarah Fox - I've been wanting to try a book by this author and when I saw this was the first book in a new series I couldn't resist! (Publisher)

Fatal Fascinator by Jenn McKinley - I thought this series was over so I was super excited to see this new book in McKinley's series about an American milliner in London.  (Publisher)

Murder, She Wrote: Death on the Emerald Isle by Jessica Fletcher and Terrie Farley Moran - I adore Jessica Fletcher and have really been enjoying the books.  (Publisher)


Reading: Frozen Detective by Amanda Flower and The Listening Eye by Patricia Wentworth

Listening:  The Janes by Louisa Luna

This week was a bit of a long one. Will's clinic visit was a tough one - no bad news just I think he's done with getting chemo and being poked and prodded and his body is just exhausted by it all.  Only 8 more weeks of treatment and we are clawing our way to the end.  

Dog classes are wrapping up for the year.  We have one more week of the classes that I assistant teach and two more classes for one of the ones Rover is in (the other already ended).  I'll really miss some of the dogs in the classes that I work in but other then that I'm looking forward to the break.  All classes will start back in January and I'm going to be assisting 4 - Puppy, Manners, Beyond Manners, and Pre-Novice Obedience and Rover and I will be taking too - Novice Rally and Scent Work.  Rover is still super enthusiastic at times but he is doing so well and definitely maturing.  We had company over for Thanksgiving and he was so good.  He only leapt for joy a few times!

We had a good Thanksgiving - we celebrate with my family on Thursday and with Jason's family on Friday.  Then on Saturday my mother and I went shopping for Small Business Saturday.  It was so fun to visit a number of small local boutiques and stores.  I was able to get a decent number of Christmas presents and a few extras for me!  The good thing about living in Alabama is that #1 it's not that cold and #2 when the Alabama vs Auburn football game comes on pretty much every place empties out so we had the stores mostly to ourselves.  Sunday I slept pretty much all day and for the rest of the week didn't feel absolutely exhausted which was really nice.  I'm trying to take a day or two to get really solid sleep because I really don't have to time to take a day a week to get 22 hours of sleep!  

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. I still need to snag my ARC of Fatal Fascinator as well.

  2. That's one thing nice about the football game! :) It's the same here more or less when U of M plays Ohio State. And I hope Will has a good week this week and can get a little relaxation in. :)

  3. Poor Will. I hope the last 8 weeks go smoothly. I'm glad you had a good Thanksgiving. Happy December!

  4. You guys are in the home stretch now! Poor Will. I hope this week is better.

  5. Eight weeks to go - yea! that has been a long haul and Will has been amazing. I'm glad for you all.
    Puppy classes would be fun and i can imagine you would miss seeing some of the dogs.

  6. I just went and requested Six Sweets Under. I didn't realize it's a new series before. Poor Will, he's such a trooper, I hope the next eight weeks goes fast for him.

  7. Good sleep is so important and not always easy. I can hardly believe this year is nearly finished. Hopefully it will be busy enough to go quickly with fun activities for Will. You really have made Rover and the training a key component of your life. It's good for both of you. I really have enjoyed those Alice Vega books.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  8. Your Thanksgiving weekend sounds wonderful. I hope Will is doing well and the next 8 weeks aren't too terrible for him. Six Sweets Under looks really good. I love that it's the first in a series. Have a great week!

  9. Keep on hanging in there with Will's treatment. That must be beyond tough. Sounds like you had a lovely Thanksgiving.

  10. Yes Will ( and you) must be exhausted now with all the chemo, such a long haul. The dog classes sound great and perfect for you at this point in time. Go Rover, well you can't blame him for a few leaps of joy!!

  11. Only 8 more weeks! Hang in there, Will and parents!

    Not getting decent sleep is tough. Ugh.

  12. Six Sweets Under sounds like a great start to a new series. I hope you enjoy all your reading. I hope Will has a better week this week. He's such a trooper, but I know it must be hard on all of you. I hope you have a great week, Katherine.

  13. Hope those 8 weeks fly by! Glad you had a nice Thanksgiving. I read a Sarah Fox book and really enjoyed it, hope that one is good!

  14. Chemo is so exhausting and you guys have been at this for such a long time. I can understand why Will is ready to be done with it. If you are ever in St. Louis, please stop by and see if you can train my dogs. They are good girls overall but I think that they are worse at barking than they have ever been. I hope that you have a great week!

  15. I hope the last eight weeks go by quickly and easily.

  16. I hope the last eight weeks of treatment aren't so rough. It will be wonderful when this is all behind him. 🤗

    Happy to hear you had a great Thanksgiving and that Rover mostly minded his manners. 😊
