Friday, December 23, 2022

Friday Fives - Five Overdue Review Books I Hope to Read in 2023

I'm taking a bit of a break from my usual Friday Linkups to try something a little different.  I'm in a list making kind of mood so I thought I'd start making random five lists.  Sometimes they'll be bookish other weeks not so much.  Since 2022 is racing to a close I'm looking at books I want to read in 2023.  Here are 5 overdue review books that I'm thinking of putting on my list.

1.  If You've Got It, Haunt It by Rose Pressey - This has ghosts and vintage clothes which are two of my favorite things and this author has another series that I really want to read too.

2.  Night of a Thousand Stars by Deanna Raybourn - I love this author and this looks wonderful.

3.  The Beekeeper's Daughter by Santa Montefiore - I've read an earlier book from this author and really enjoyed it.  This one looks fantastic.

4.  The Scent of Murder by Kylie Logan - I've liked previous books I've read by this author and this has dogs which I can never resist.

5.  The Vanishing Season by Joanne Schaffhausen - I've heard great things about this author and this has been sitting on my NetGalley shelf for years but somehow I still haven't read it.

Do you have any overdue review books on your shelf?


  1. I like pretty miuch anything Santa Montifiore writes, I have read The Beekeeper's Daughter an that was a good one. Liking the looks of Scent of Murder.

  2. All these look good and I hope you find the time to get to them.

  3. I loved The Vanishing Season! But then I love that whole series. Ellery is such a great character, and so is Reed Markham. Good luck getting some of these read. :D

  4. I think I have most of these on my TBR pile and haven't yet gotten to them. I think they would make great reads for the new year. I hope you are able to read them all!

  5. I've been wanting to read The Vanishing Season for a long time. Hope you can get to these in '23!

  6. I'd read the first four but not too sure about the last. That cover!

  7. It seems like an overdue pile just comes with the territory of being a book blogger. lol. I will have to take a look at Night of a Thousand Stars since I love her books.

  8. It feels really good to get overdue review books read. 🤗
