Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Top Ten Tuesday - Childhood Favorites

Today I'm linking up with Top Ten Tuesday hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl which is all about lists.  This week's Top Ten list is about your childhood favorites.  Here are some of my favorite books as a kid - books I read over and over and books (well some of them) that I still own.

1.  The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett - I read this over and over and I reread it a few years ago and enjoyed it just as much.  The odd thing is that I've never read anything else by Burnett.  I picked up A Little Princess and just never was able to get into it.

2.  The Four Story Mistake by Elizabeth Enright - I don't know how I got my copy of this book or how I missed picking up any other Enright books but I adored this one and read it until my copy just about fell apart.  As an adult I've tracked down the rest of her books and I love them all.

3.  Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery - I resisted reading this series but then I saw the movie with Megan Follows and read the whole series in a weekend.  I still reread it periodically. 

4.  Eight Cousins by Louisa May Alcott - I have very strong emotions (mostly negative) about Little Women but I loved Eight Cousins and reread it countless times.  I did get a copy of the sequel which I should reread.  I read it at around 11 or 12 and didn't like it because of what happened to dashing Charlie. 

5.  Belles on Their Toes by Frank B Gilbreth Jr and Ernestine Gilbreth Carey - I loved Cheaper by the Dozen but the one I reread over and over was the sequel.  I loved seeing the dozen as teenagers and young adults.

6.  The Secret of the Old Clock by Carolyn Keene - I loved all the Nancy Drew books - the original series, the remakes, the off shoots - just all of them.

7.  A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle - I reread this a few years ago and was really surprised by how much I liked it as a kid because it is so different from everything else I enjoyed then or really now.  However, it is a wonderful story and now I want to read the rest of the series - which to be honest I didn't know existed until a few years ago!

8.  Mystery Behind the Wall by Gertrude Chandler Warner - I loved the whole Boxcar Children series but this one about a scavenger hunt left by the last resident of the house was my very favorite.

9.  The Ghost at Dawn's House by Ann M. Martin - I loved all of the Babysitter's Club books but this one was my favorite.  It had ghosts, mysteries,and secret passages so how could I not?

10.  The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis - This was the only book from the Chronicles of Narnia that I read as a kid.  Unlike a few other books I actually had the whole series but mine was sorted in order printed so this one was followed by Prince Caspian which I never could quite get through.

What were some of your childhood favorites?


  1. I loved Anne of Green Gables too! Happy Tuesday and Hugs, RO

  2. The only one I've read is the Narnia one. I used to own the whole series too but never read the rest of them!

  3. The Nancy Drew books are the best. I used to love to scroll through the different titles (because the titles were awesome) and same with the Hardy Boys- the covers and titles of both series were so cool!

  4. I have the Anne and the Emily Moon series but I read them when I was probably in middle school. I have these two books of fairy tales that my mom had and I faintly recall reading them a lot. I would say Ramona Quimby was my childhood reading though.

  5. Love seeing readers' childhood books. i never even heard of Eight Cousins - now how is that! Possibly because my reading was limited as there was no library where and when I grew up.

  6. We really do have a lot of these in common! The only ones I never read were the Boxcar Children books and the Babysitters Club books; the former I never encountered as a child and the latter came along too late for me; I was just out of college when the first one was published. I saw their popularity, though, because I worked in bookstores for about 6 years after college -- right when they exploded onto the MG reading scene.

  7. I still need to read Eight Cousins, and Belles on Their Toes. I bought them both for my Kindle ages ago.

  8. I did a big project on the C.S. Lewis series when I was in 5th grade! LOVE those books! I need to reread them soon!

  9. I was, and remain, a huge fan of Little Women and Louisa May Alcott and also love Little Men and Eight Cousins. I hardly ever run across anyone else who also loved Eight Cousins!
