Sunday, July 21, 2019

This Week in Reading - July 21

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Singapore Sapphire by A.M. Stuart - I've been loving historical mysteries lately and I really loved that this one was set in Singapore.  (Publisher)

The Christmas Keeper by Jenn McKinlay - I was super excited to get this on NetGalley.  I love McKinlay and I love her mysteries and I really enjoyed the one romance of hers that I read.  (NetGalley)

The Art of Theft by Sherry Thomas - I enjoyed the previous books in this series so I couldn't resist this one when it got offered.  I'm looking forward to reading more of Charlotte's adventures.  (Publisher)


Reading:  Life Among the Savages by Shirley Jackson and No More Time by Suzanne M. Trauth

Listening:  I finished Suddenly One Summer by Julie James which I enjoyed and am currently really enjoying What We Find by Robyn Carr.

Watching:  I've watched a couple of episodes of Dr. Pimple Popper on TLC.  It's by far the grossest thing I've ever seen but somehow I can't quite seem to quit watching it.

Off the Blog:

Not much has been going on here.  Finishing up the rental house (we might be done!  It's listed and there's only a few little exterior repairs to do which we are hiring done) so please cross your fingers and send good vibes and everything else that we get a renter soon.  It's been a long six weeks!  Physical therapy is still going on for my neck.  I worked a lot on strengthening exercises last time which I liked because I feel like I'm making progress but I've been in some serious pain most of this week.  If anyone has neck problems have you had any luck finding a pillow that helps?  I got this fancy pillow that's supposed to help with neck pain but I'm not sure what I think about it.  It's super hot so we've been staying inside when we can.  We get just enough rain to turn the outside into a sauna but that's Alabama in July for you!

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday: Montauk - Historical Fiction Review
Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday - Ten Settings I Want to See More Of
Wednesday: No More Time - Cozy Mystery Review
Thursday: Books from the Backlog
Friday: Friday Fives
Saturday: TBD

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. Alabama in July would probably kill me haha! It gets humid enough here! And sending lots of vibes that you get a renter soon- it must feel good to almost have everything done.

    Have an awesome week!

  2. All the best with the house sell. I hope your neck comes right soon, anything like that slows you down and the pain is so debilitating. You are certainly getting through those audiobooks.

  3. My dad suffers a lot of neck and back pain from a car accident back in 1999. Acupuncture helped him but we can't afford to pay for that now. He uses a Batwing pillow for support but it isn't really a cure so he's now using a back brace during the day which seems to cut down on the pain. Good luck with potential renters!

  4. Are you enjoying the Shirley Jackson book? 📚

    I usually jerry-rig everything for my neck from old plastic Pepsi bottles filled with hot water placed behind my neck, to hair towels (small bath towels) folded or rolled and fastened with diaper pins. You can customize the fit for what you need that way. It's not pretty, but pain knows no fashion. Ha ha. I recently ordered a bed set that had some decorative pillows and one was a plain old roll pillow and I love it. I put it under the side of my neck when I'm reading in bed, and behind my neck when I'm reading in my chair. I wish I had bought one years ago. I know they don't like you to wear a neck brace when they are trying to strengthen your muscles, but if you are going to be doing something you know aggravates the pain, wear one. Did you find one of those inflatable neck stretching pillows? I hope you can find something that will help. 👍

    Have a wonderful and pain free week. 🌞

  5. Alabama in July sounds so so so hot! Also, there's a pillow I like from Purple's brand. You could see if it's possible to find at a store and try it out :)
    Genesis @ Whispering Chapters

  6. I'm so sorry to hear about your neck pain. Everything else seems to be falling apart on me as I age, so I imagine I will be facing neck pain, too, soon. I hope you get relief with a good pillow and less pain.

    The historical mystery looks fabulous. And I did enjoy Life With the Savages. I read that when I was raising savages of my own; oh, it's so comforting to read that raising children can be a struggle for others, too.

    Have a good week!

  7. Arkansas in July is bad enough. I can't imagine Alabama.

    I am completely hooked on Dr. Pimple Popper!!!!! If all doctors were like her I might not be terrified to go to them.

    Hope your mean neck gets better soon!!!!

  8. PS - Yes, of course! I hope you get a renter soon and that he/she/they are very responsible renters who take good care of your home and pay on time!

  9. I hope you get the house rented quickly. I love the cover of Singapore Sapphire. Hope you have a good week, Katherine!

  10. It sucks that your neck pain is still bothering you. My dad has problems and has yet to find a pillow that makes him sleep better and not wake up with a neck ache so if you find one let me know. :)

    Enjoy your new books! Have a great week!
    Week in Review

  11. Singapore Sapphire really looks good. I'm sorry about the neck pain. I have no advice but I do hope you are feeling better soon. Have a great week!

  12. I am melting in NJ. I can't even express how much I hate this weather. I use those thermacare pads. They are like a miracle for when I get my pinched nerve.
    I hope you get a renter. We had the same issue and it cost so much after the person wrecked the house. We did find a nice family to move in so that was good.

    I hope you have a great week, Katherine! Happy Reading!

  13. I got SINGAPORE SAPPHIRE this week, too. It sounds like a good one. THE ART OF THEFT is also winging its way to me.

    I feel your pain (literally) on trying to sleep with bum body parts. My shoulder has been really sore for months and sleeping has been really tough. Doing my exercises before bed helps a little, but it's still difficult to get a good night's sleep. I hope we both find some relief soon!

  14. Good luck in your search for reliable renters! I’m sorry to hear you have had increased pain this week, I hope you are able to find a solution.

    Have a great reading week, and stay cool!

  15. Keeping the fingers crossed you get not just a renter but a good one! One who takes care of the place.
    Enjoy your books and have a good week!

  16. I'm glad to hear that the Rental House is almost done! Have a great Week Katherine. Here is my post -

  17. I am so happy I retreated to the mountains and it is cool here. I cannot stand the heat, and this year it is unbearable. Hope you neck will be better soon!

  18. Glad you have now finished work on the house - it must have been a slog working on it in that heat and I hope the therapy helps as neck pain is always agonising. Take care and have a great week:)

  19. OMG Katherine, I was going to do lead-in to my next blog with Dr. Pimple Popper!!!!!! You are so right - it has to be the grossest show on television, but something about it keeps reeling me back in.(lol) I hate that you're still having trouble with your neck. I recently switched to MY Pillow and find that it makes my neck more comfortable, but I have to be honest, had it not been a gift, I'm not sure I would have tried it because it is a little pricey. Feel better soon! Hugs, RO

  20. Entered a giveaway for the first book. I like the sound of it.
