Friday, July 19, 2019

Friday Fives - Five Books I Picked Up on a Whim This Year

I'm taking a bit of a break from my usual Friday Linkups to try something a little different.  Michelle over at Because Reading is Better Than Real Life   used to do a Five on Fridays that I always enjoyed and I've seen a few other variations on the theme.  As well I'm in a list making kind of mood so I thought I'd give start making random five lists.  Sometimes they'll be bookish other weeks not so much.  This is a bookish list about books I've picked up on a whim.  Most of these have been on my shelf or on a library list for years but for some reason - not connected with publishing date - I decided now was the time to read them.

1.  Dark Witch by Nora Roberts - I didn't really love this one when I first read it but I picked up on a whim in a sale on Audible and then decided to listen to it kind of on a whim and really enjoyed it.

2.  The Girl in the Cellar by Patricia Wentworth - Sometimes you're just in the mood to read something by a favorite author and this one in particular called to me.

3.  The Distant Hours by Kate Morton - I knew I was going to read this one at some point but had no plans to get to it anytime soon until I read the blurb.  I went straight to Amazon and ordered it right away.

4.  Slay in Character by Lynn Cahoon - I was flipping through my review books and this one jumped out at me and demanded to be read.

5.  The Long Way Home by Mariah Stewart - This was one of the first books I listened to after I got the Romance Package (or whatever they're calling it now) and for some reason this one jumped out at me.


  1. I love that you pick books up at a whim - of boy - getting books is so good. I am not sure I am a whim buyer, but well maybe I am, I can think of a few on my shelf I bought knowing very little about them. I think Dark Witch is the only one I've read on this list.

  2. Ooh The Girl in the Cellar sounds kinda ominous! And Lynn Cahoon's books always look good. :)

  3. I love Kate Morton. I can't remember how I first heard about her, but as soon as I read my first by her I was hooked and immediately read her backlist. She's SO good!

  4. Maybe Dark Witch can be my Nora Roberts read. I can read it during October. 👍✨
