Monday, July 8, 2019

A Family of Strangers - Fiction Review

Goodreads: A Family of Strangers by Emilie Richards

Rating: Very Good
Source: Blog Tour

Description: All her life Ryan Gracey watched her perfect older sister from afar. Knowing she could never top Wendy’s achievements, she didn’t even try. Instead Ryan forged her own path while her family barely seemed to notice.
Now Wendy shares two little girls with her perfect husband while Ryan mourns the man she lost after a nearly fatal mistake in judgment. The sisters’ choices have taken them in different directions, which is why Ryan is stunned when Wendy calls, begging for her help. There’s been a murder—and Wendy believes she’ll be wrongfully accused.

While Wendy lies low, Ryan moves back to their hometown to care for the nieces she hardly knows. The sleuthing skills she’s refined as a true-crime podcaster quickly rise to the surface as she digs for answers with the help of an unexpected ally. Yet the trail of clues Wendy’s left behind lead to nothing but questions. Blood may be thicker than water, but what does Ryan owe a sister who, with every revelation, becomes more and more a stranger?

Is Wendy, who always seemed so perfect, just a perfect liar—or worse?

Genre: Fiction - Contemporary

Why I Picked This Book:  I love Richards' books and I really enjoyed that the main character is a true crime podcaster.

My Impression:  I've been reading Emilie Richards book for probably close to 20 years and every time I pick one up I know I'm in for an emotional and enjoyable read.  This lived up to my expectation with a little bit of a twist.  While I expect characters I immediately connect with I wasn't really expecting the touch of suspense which was quite a welcome surprise.  I loved Ryan's job and the references to investigating cold cases as she and her colleague tried to figure out just what was going on with Wendy. 

The emotional elements that I expect from Richards were still very much present as Ryan wrestled with her relationships with her parents, sister, and nieces.  I also enjoyed that Holly and Noelle weren't the perfect friendly children that are so often portrayed in fiction.  They have zero interest in making things easy for Ryan and something seems very much wrong with them. 

I've really enjoyed Richards' books in the past but I think this one was probably my favorite.  I absolutely loved the addition of the mystery and it kept me up late into the night completely wrapped up in the story.

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?  Absolutely!  I always enjoy Richards' books and I'm hoping we get a little suspense in future books too!

Would I Recommend this Book?  Definitely!  If you enjoy fiction with well developed characters and complicated relationships than this author is one you should definitely try.

* I received this book in exchange for an honest review.  As always my opinions and impressions are completely my own. *


  1. Now I want to know all about Wendy's secrets haha! The podcaster angle sounds fun too.

  2. I have had my eye on this one, and also have enjoyed another book by the author, A Swallow's Nest.

    Thanks for sharing,

  3. I would like to read this one. It sounds so good. I haven't tried anything by this author before.

  4. Great review. I think nothing will every surpass her Shenandoah series for me, but I did enjoy this one too.

  5. This does sound like a really good read. I haven't tried this author yet but it sounds like I need to give this one a try!

  6. This is the first Richards book I've ever read. I really liked it and am planning to check out her backlist for more goodies :)

  7. This is a new-to-me author and I wanted to read it solely for the cover. Terrible reason, I know! But I'm glad the story is even better. Thank you for being on this tour! Sara @ TLC Book Tours
