Sunday, October 19, 2014

Sunday Post - Oct 19

It's Sunday!  Time to link up with The Caffeinated Book Reviewer for The Sunday Post!

What I Got:

A somewhat slow week with only one book from NetGalley!

Tempest in a Teapot by Amanda Cooper - the first in a new cozy series that I've been wanting to get my hands on since it came out a few months ago (paperbackswap)

Murder in the Mystery Suite by Ellery Adams - while I've read another book by this author this is the first in a new cozy series involving a bookish Inn.  (paperbackswap)

House on Blackberry Hill by Donna Alward - This is a contemporary romance set in a small Maine coastal town.  There's a crumbling mansion, a ghost and a contractor so I'm definitely looking forward to reading it!  (paperbackswap)

A Haunting Dream by Joyce and Jim Lavene - I've really enjoyed the 2 books in this series set in the outer banks of North Carolina.  Looking forward to reading this one. (paperbackswap)

Murder at the Book Group by Maggie King - it's a cozy involving a book club!  I've definitely been in a cozy reading mood lately and this one sounds really good!  (NetGalley)


Reading:  The Night Garden by Lisa Van Allen, The Bone Room by James Vitarius and The Murder of Roger Ackroyd by Agatha Christie.  I'm enjoying all of them though they are very different books. 

Listening:  I've slacked off on audio books lately for some reason.  There wasn't time to listen while we were on vacation and I haven't gotten back to working them into my schedule.  I was really enjoying The Lost Art of Mixing by Erica Bauermeister and really need to get back to it.

Watching: So many shows!  I finished CSI:NY on Netflix and have started re-watching Criminal Minds.  I'm not sure if I ever watched a lot of these early shows so that's been fun.  I've also started watching Stalker which wins the award for show I really should watch while home by myself at night.  I really like the show but I don't like how they're making the main guy have stalker tendencies.  I like my crime shows without much character drama.  Still loving NCIS and NCIS: New Orleans.  We've also been enjoying The Middle and Modern Family.  The Middle really cracks us up because each of our kids is like one of the kids on the show to the point that even they recognize themselves.  It's extremely exaggerated of course but it's very funny.

Off the Blog:

The Tornado has taken to reading lately and it's beyond adorable.  The other night I went to check on him and he was sound asleep and surrounded by books and yesterday he was all excited about his bookmark.  It's fun to see reading starting to click with him.

Not much going on other than that.  I've had some allergy issues and have been spending some time at the dentist which hasn't been much fun though I love the new dentist I've started going too.  It seems I have a teeny tiny mouth and I have 2 molars that don't fit so it appears that oral surgery is in my future.  Not looking forward to it though I don't think it will be a big deal.

We went to a pumpkin farm today which was lots of fun.  They have all kinds of animals, this big trampoline thing and all kinds of other things for kids to play on.  We took a hayride out to pick pumpkins and ended up with 3 pretty good sized ones.  The Tornado wants to carve them with a Star Wars theme to go with his costume.  He decided he wanted to be Jango Fet from Star Wars and absolutely in love with his costume.  I've had to talk him out of sleeping in it 2 nights running.  It'll kind of be a miracle if it survives until Halloween.

On the Blog:

What's Gone On:
Monday: A new small town romance series - Going Home by Stacy Finz
Tuesday: The Top Ten Places Books Have Made Me Want to Visit
Wednesday: The first entry in the Asperger's Mystery series The Question of the Missing Head
Thursday:  Some Egyptian history with The Woman Who Would Be King
Friday: Linkups with excerpts from The Bone Room
Saturday: A Weekend Cooking Linkup with Recipes and Road Stories

What's Coming Up:
Monday: Review for Deadly Tasting - A murder mystery set in France involving wine!
Also, a feature of a wartime historical fiction that looks promising.
Tuesday: Top Ten New Series I Want to Start
Wednesday: The Night Garden - Review
Thursday: The Bone Room - Review
Friday: the usual linkups
Saturday: TBD

Happy Reading!


  1. The weather is horrible right now for allergies! Perfect time to sit in, cuddle with Tornado and read all those cozy mysteries you picked up! You are really stocked up!!! Have a great week!!!

    1. I know! The books just keep showing up! Sitting, snuggling and reading sounds like heaven!

  2. The pumpkin farm sounds fun! Nice batch of cozies too- I've found myself reading mysteries more the last few weeks. Joyce and Jim Lavene- aren't they the ones who write the renaissance faire mysteries? I was always curious about those, but never read them...

    1. Yes, the Lavene's are the Renaissance fair people. I'm curious about those books as well. I really like this series so I'd definitely say they're worth trying.

  3. I want to visit a pumpkin farm too. Sounds really fun. Have a nice week!

    Here's mine:
    My Week in a Wrapped #4

  4. I have made it through another week without visiting NetGalley. Go me! lol We love Star Wars, but none so much as my 15-yr-old. He's been Star Wars crazy since he was little. :) Bummer about the dentist, but it'll be over before you know it and you'll be looking at it in the rearview mirror. Have a fab week!

    1. You are my NetGalley hero!
      The whole Star Wars thing is kind of new to me so I definitely feel in the minority around here. Luckily I have enough books to keep me busy when they're talking Star Wars.
      That's precisely how I feel about the dentist! I'm not looking forward to it but I'm looking forward to having it done with!

  5. Ah, yes, the allergies! I ran out of my medicine earlier this week, and I was comfy at home and didn't want to go out and get it....bad call!

    I hate going to the dentist, too...there is never anything good about what happens there...LOL.

    The pumpkin farm sounds so good....and I like the look of your new books. Tempest in a Teapot and House on Blackberry Hill look especially tempting. Enjoy!


    1. It's never good to skip the allergy medicine. You always regret it! I thankfully really like my new dentist but it's still not much fun!

      I'm excited about the books! I've heard good thing about all of them!

  6. Nice books, Katherine. I'm adding Tempest in a Teapot and Murder in the Mystery Suite to my wish list. I love to start new cozy mystery series. Have a great, hopefully allergy-free, week.

    My recap:

    1. I'm really looking forward to reading both of them. So many great cozies out there! Thanks! Luckily I got the allergies under control!

  7. I love you call your little one the Tornado :) Good luck with the dental treatment, I had that trouble also having a small mouth (high, narrow roof) and having some extractions to make room. I used to enjoy taking mine to make Halloween pumpkins when they were small.

    1. It's pretty fitting giving the amount of destruction he can cause is a very short period of time!

  8. I can just picture that scene with The Tornado! It's so great when reading clicks with kids. Have a great week, Katherine.

    1. It was pretty cute! I'm hoping he will stay a book lover!

  9. Criminal Minds comes on late night tv, like two episodes back to back and I love watching them. I haven't totally warmed up to NCIS New Orleans, but I am current on that. Enjoy your week!

    1. I LOVE Criminal Minds though it does creep me out! I like that NCIS:New Orleans actually looks like it actually takes place in New Orleans and south Mississippi

  10. The Murder of Roger Ackroyd!! I love that one, it's sooo awesome, can't wait to hear your thoughts on it! I need to get back into Modern Family soon, I've been binge watching White Collar, haha. Have an awesome week!

    1. I agree! Roger Ackroyd is so good! I love Modern Family and White Collar is on my to watch list!

  11. Teapot looks good, hope you enjoy! Have a wonderful week

  12. Nice haul! I read House on Blackberry Hill and really enjoyed it. I'll have to check on the next book in the series. Yikes, oral surgery... boo!

    1. Oh good! I hadn't heard that much about it but couldn't turn down that premise!

  13. I love seeing children get excited about books and reading! Sounds like a great time at the pumpkin patch, too. Nice picks from the paperbackswap! I should probably sign up with them sometime. Sorry to hear about the allergies and oral surgery - no fun!

    1. I like paperbackswap because it's great for getting rid off all those paperbacks that I'll never read again!

  14. I couldn't get my daughter to read until we read Harry Potter. She fell in LOVE with those books. Now she reads Shakespeare! It's so much fun watching them grow! Hope you feel better!

    1. That's how my daughter was. She liked reading when she discovered Magic Treehouse but her reading really took off with Harry Potter!

  15. Murder at the Book Group is up at NetGalley? YAY! I requested it months ago at Edelweiss but they still haven't replied. Maybe I'll have better luck at NetGalley.

    Aaaw, that's wonderful the Tornado has discovered books and reading. :) I hope he loves it.

    Good luck with your allergies and the dentist. *crosses fingers*

    1. It's a recent addition. I hope you get it it sounds really good! I'm very excited about him really loving reading. It's such fun!

  16. All those cozies look so good. Enjoy! Have a great week!

  17. Yay, lots of great cozies there! I picked up Murder at the Book Group too. Enjoy your week!

  18. As how cute ! I just love it when kids learn to read and get really excited about it. Good luck with the Halloween costume! If he tried to sleep in it twice already, I can see why you worried about it making it to Halloween LOL

    I hope the allergies ease up for you! I'm lucky and have never had trouble with allergies, but my brother has always struggled. Have a great week!

    1. You're lucky about not having allergies! They're not fun. I'm really hoping he continues loving reading!

  19. The Night Garden and The Murder Of Roger Ackroyd are both books I hope to read in the near future. Tempest in a Teapot looks great too, it's almost enough to make me think I should register for NetGalley :)

    Have a great week.

    1. Stay away from NetGalley! I thought I was behind on my TBR before!

  20. The new Stalker show is awesome and I agree..should watch it alone in the dark. LOL Thanks for visiting my blog and have a great day.
    Sherry's Shelves

  21. How awesome The Tornado started reading!

    That oral surgery sounds scary. I always hate going to the dentist I am so nervous. It's a good thing you have a nice dentist though, that makes it a bit easier. Our dentist is a grumpy person who seems a bit chaotic, we're thinking of switching to another dentist.

    That pumpkin farm sounds fun. And how awesome The Tornado is doing a star wars custome for halloween!

    1. Change your dentist! I hated mine and ended up not going and having a major phobia. My new dentist is great and I'm seriously kicking myself for not doing it sooner!

  22. hahaha, my daughter slept in her Halloween costume last night :D

  23. All your recent book finds sound wonderful! I'm tempted to go to NetGalley and see if I can get a copy of Maggie King's book, but I won't. I already have a full plate and really shouldn't take on any more.

    Oral surgery. No fun. Maybe they can find another alternative. Hopefully. I have a small mouth too.

    I'm finally back to reading one book, and I have to say I'm a little relieved. The three books I was reading were all so different--and so good! It made it hard to choose.

    How wonderful about Tornado! Mouse was making up her own words the other day with letters and I was so proud of her. Even though they aren't real words, the fact that she knows letters are put together to form words is a step in the right direction. :-)

    That's so cute about his costume! My daughter won't even try hers on to make sure it fits because it's "only for Halloween!" I want to take pictures this weekend so she's going to have to give in. I'll think of a way. :-)

    Have a great week!

    1. It's so funny what opinions kids this age get lodged in their heads. I can easily see him being like that! Good luck with the pictures!

      Way to be strong and have some self-restraint about NetGalley. I have none which is why I have more books than I'll ever be able to read!

      At this point I'm not too worried about oral surgery. I don't think it will be a big deal and at least it will be done!

  24. So glad to hear the little one is enjoying his books too. :) That's always fun to see. Sounds like you have been busy too. Hope you have a great week!

    1. Isn't it! I'm really enjoying how much he likes looking at books!

  25. I'd rather go to the Dr than the dentist, *uggh* feeling for you! Cute stories about the Tornado lol. Enjoy your reads this week :)

    1. I don't really like either so I tend to wait until things are really bad! Definitely not the recommended method!

  26. Murder mysteries/suspense novels can be such fun! I love seeing my kids begin to love reading and getting lost in books. I hope you have a fabulous week and thanks for stopping by!

    Tressa @ Wishful Endings

    1. I'm definitely in a murder mystery kind of mood! So far 2 out of the 3 teenagers are readers now I'm hoping to bring the little on board too!

  27. I've quite slacked off with audios atm too. I don't mean to! I just haven't had as much time lately, and I haaate being in the middle of a book and not knowing what happens. Gah! Drives me a little crazy. ;-) I should just go for a long walk and listen.
    So awesome with all the pumpkins and carvings! We absolutely don't do that in Oz, but it's awesome seeing the pictures. xD

    1. I'm the same way. It's not that I don't want to listen to audio it's just hard to fit it back in!

      I hadn't thought about what other countries seeing our Halloween celebrations must think about us! It is a lot of fun though. You should start a trend :)

  28. Thanks allergies are under control. It has something to do with cotton defoliating which is now thankfully done!
    It's so fun watching your kids start to get into reading! I'm really loving it!

  29. 1977 sounds about right. My husband was in the first generation that really watched at as children and he's a big fan. I'm kind of between the original series and the new so I didn't really really grow up with it. But we're all Star Wars all the time around here!

  30. I wish my kids enjoyed reading a little more than they do! My boys think it's a waste of time, and my oldest daughter is just too busy... My youngest daughter has just started to really enjoy reading, and I love that. Due to her dyslexia, it is quite hard for her, though.
    Pumpkin-farm visiting sounds really nice! And you've read some great-looking books lately, too.
    Happy reading :)
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

    1. We are kind of split with the reading but I'm hoping they'll all becomes readers of some kind when they get older!
      Dyslexia definitely does make it more difficult. My dad has it and struggled for years though now he does read quite a bit. He's had better luck on e-readers than actual books.
