Saturday, October 18, 2014

Recipes and Road Stories - Review

I'm linking up with Beth Fish Reads for Weekend Cooking.  I love food and books and so books about food are something I can never pass up!  So when I was contacted about reviewing Recipes and Road Stories: Life on the Road with Sisters Hannah and Caroline Melby I jumped on the chance!  Hannah and Caroline Melby are sisters who make up the Bluegrass duo HanaLena and have been travelling and cooking since they were in their teens.

I liked the layout of the book.  For each chapter there are around a dozen short stories and at least that many recipes.  The stories are loosely related by timeline and then the recipes relate to the stories.  There are recipes for everything from snacks, to desserts, to main dishes and everything else you can think of and the name of the person who contributed the recipe.  Some recipes (like Deer Steak and Gravy or Pickled Sausages) didn't grab me but there are others (Fried Oreos, Mama Ruby's Chicken Salad, or Inside Out Chocolate Cake) that I can't wait to try me.

I hadn't heard of this group before receiving this book and while I did enjoy the songs on their website - especially Picket Fences - I don't think I enjoyed it as much as I would have if I was already a fan or familiar with bluegrass in general.  There are a lot of names mentioned and many of them are probably pretty big names in the industry.  However, the story telling was so natural that it didn't feel like name dropping.

If you're a fan of this group or enjoy bluegrass music I definitely recommend this one.  However, get in the print version.  This is a book you want to pick up and flip through!


  1. I've never heard of the duo, but I like some bluegrass (not all). I'm not so sure about the fried Oreos, but chicken salad looks appealing. Neat that the book includes stories.

    1. Fried Oreos are definitely different. I'm not sure I'm brave enough to make them but they are fun to eat very VERY occasionally!

  2. Oh now that's an interesting set up! I'm not a bluegrass person though I know a few who love it :)

    1. I'm kind of neutral on the bluegrass thing though the song I heard on their website I really enjoyed.

  3. I like music and would be willing to give them a shot, looks like a cool book.

  4. I like that this is both a recipe book and has short stories about them. I like a little bluegrass or should I say I like a few bluegrass songs.

    1. I don't think I've really listened to much bluegrass but I like what I heard on their website.

  5. I'm not familiar with HanaLena but I do like cookbooks containing interesting personal stories. I do like some bluegrass music so I should check out their website.

    1. I liked the songs I heard on the site and this is definitely a fun book!

  6. My better half loves bluegrass - particularly Emmie Lou Harris. Cheers from Carole's Chatter!

    1. I guess I've just never really been exposed to much bluegrass. I did really like the songs I heard on their site though!

  7. Now fried Oreos are something I've never heard of...although I have seen fried Snickers bars at a Nascar festival!

    1. That's so funny because I think I've actually seen fried Oreos more than fried Snickers! My daughter who has had both says that fried Snickers are far superior.

  8. I've never heard of them either but the setup and premise sound fun.

    1. I do like the premise and the way the book is setup. If I was a big fan this would definitely be a must have book!

  9. I'm not familiar with the bluegrass genre, it's probably more of an American thing but I like the combo of stories and recipes
    Please drop by and see what I'm cooking,
    Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

    1. Definitely more American - I think it originated in Kentucky. I like the combo as well. It always makes the recipes more interesting.

  10. I like how it combines stories and recipes. I'll have to check them out!

    1. It's a fun combination. I love books like this - it makes the stories and the recipes better!

  11. I'd give it a look through before buying it but I did enjoy the book.
