Thursday, October 2, 2014

Mademoiselle - Review

Mademoiselle: Coco Chanel and the Pulse of History by Rhonda K. Garelick Rating: 3 Stars
Source: NetGalley
Description:  While Chanel is one of the most recognizable names in fashion very little is known about the actual Coco Chanel.  Even her own accounts of her childhood are vague and contradictory.  Garelick presents a comprehensive account of what made this icon who she was.

Genre: Nonfiction

Why I Picked This Book: Chanel is always been the definition of elegance and was one of the first (if not the first) female designer to become a household name.  I've always been fascinated with her.

My Impression:
Pros:  It was fascinating to see where Chanel's fashion inspirations came from and how she re-imagined herself into what she became known as.  The journey from the lowest of the low to the world renowned elegant stylish woman she became is really interesting and inspirational.  After reading this one I wanted to look up the Chanel designs to really look at them now that my understanding is so much greater.  Also, the majority of the pictures are small and I had no problem reading this on my Kindle. This is good because at over 600 pages this is a pretty bulky book.

Cons:  You know those non-fiction books that read like fiction and you fly through them all the while being fascinated by the subject matter?  Yeah, this isn't one of them.  While the topic was fascinated it was not the fastest of reads.  The amount of information seemed inconsistent and there were lots of allusions to what would happen.  In some ways this worked as in talking about the school uniforms that Coco Chanel and her sisters had to wear to show they were charity wards which Chanel later turned into her trademark little black dress.  However, in some cases as with her life long cousin/friend the allusion to the future wasn't needed.  The beginning felt very disjointed - like the author was trying to give a quick summary of Chanel's life - and it took me awhile to become interested in it.

Overall:  This was an interesting work on an interesting subject.  It did take some time to get going and was never a can't put down book.  However, if you have an interest in fashion this is one to look for.

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?: Not sure.  The subject matter would have to fascinate me and be hard to find in other sources.

Would I Recommend this Book?:  If you have an interest in fashion or Chanel this one is worth picking up.


  1. I actually know very little about Chanel; this might be a good book to get from the library. 600 pages is a lot; would you say that the author was thorough?

    1. She was definitely thorough though a little convoluted. It was interesting though. Definitely worth a try!

  2. I've heard a bit about her life, and it sounds very interesting. However, sounds like this book might not be the best one to read about her? I wonder if there's other books out there that tell her story....I may have to look now :)

    1. I think I would look for another one though this may be one of the more complete books about her childhood. It's definitely an interest life!

  3. I'd like to know more about her life, but will turn to Karen Karbo's The Gospel According to Coco Chanel: Life Lessons From The World'S Most Elegant Woman instead.

    1. I'll have to go check out this book. While this one was interesting it was a little too convoluted for me.

  4. I find her fascinating, but I am disappointed this reads more like a non-fiction..I do love the ones that feel like a story..bummer.

    1. I had been on a roll with nonfiction that read like fiction and so I think my expectations were a little high. This was interesting but a little dry.

  5. Good review, Katherine! You've really laid out the strengths and weaknesses of the book. Chanel was an interesting woman, from what I have read about her, but a 600+ page bio is a bit more than I want to bite off right now. ;-)

    1. She is definitely an interesting woman but this was definitely a little dry.

  6. Sounds interesting, but probably not my thing. Great review, though.

    1. Thank you! Despite the flaws I did enjoy this one.

  7. Hard to imagine one could write a book about Coco Chanel, an iconic and fascinating woman, and make it boring!

    1. It definitely could have read a little more smoothly though I did find it interesting.

  8. Chanel is definitely interesting even if you don't care much for fashion. She's definitely a rags to riches story and is a pioneer for women in general. The 608 pages did drag a bit though!

  9. I have never really been into fashion so am not sure this is a book I am likely to pick up. It sounds interesting though, and I'm glad, even with its flaws, you got something out of it.
