Sunday, July 13, 2014

This Week in Reading - July 13

The Sunday Post is a linkup with The Caffeinated Book Reviewer

What I Got:


I actually did better this week.  I only requested 1 book and an older pending request got approved.

How to Be Parisian Wherever You Are by Anne Berest et. al
I thought this little guide book about French fashion and habits sounded fun.

The Suffragette Scandal by Courtney Milan
I have several friends who absolutely adore her.  Instead of actually reading the book by her that I've already bought I decided to get this one when I saw it on NetGalley


The Ghoul Next Door by Victoria Laurie
This one came through Paperbackswap.  This is a series that I can't seem to quit reading despite the fact that I haven't exactly loved the last few.  The main characters suffers from an extreme case of know-it-allness.

Clammed Up by Barbara Ross - enjoyed the 2nd one of this series so much that I went and immediately bought the first.

I also ended up with Key of Light by Nora Roberts and Fatal Fixer-Upper by Jennie Bentley.  These are both rereads but the Tornado wanted to go to the playground by the library after story hour and I had forgotten my Kindle so I thought a nice fun reread would do the trick.


The garden has hit the wild stage.  While it had been all nice and neat everything's gotten so big it's been a tumbled mess.  I'm getting tons of tomatoes and making BLTs and bruschetta toppings like crazy.  My favorite dinner right now is to lightly pan fry some chicken, top with it with a little fresh mozzarella and then top that with a mix of chopped tomatoes, basil and balsamic.  Seriously yummy! 

Allergies are better so I'm trying to get caught up on some stuff!  We've hit the part of summer where the kids are restless.  Well mostly the Tornado and Eleanor as Emma and Paul are busy enough with work and friends that they are rarely still.  I think Eleanor is looking forward to going back to school and living on her own again and the Tornado is just restless.  The weather has been to hot and humid to really do much outside.  We're thinking about making a few day trips though - Nashville and Atlanta most likely - so that will keep him busy.  We're in the last month of summer which is odd to think about.

We've had a great weekend.  Friday night J and Eleanor went to a play for a class that she's taking this summer and Emma and Paul both had other plans.  The Tornado and I had a pajama party which mostly consisted of putting pajamas on early, eating ice cream for dinner and watching Frozen.  We hadn't seen it before but I really enjoyed it.  He liked it but was ready to get back to the Batman cartoon he's been watching on Netflix these days.

I seem to have hit a reading slump which is annoying.  I just can't get into any book I've tried lately.  I'm about to have to bust out a reread to see if that helps.

On the Blog:

This Week:

The Awakening of Miss Prim - a book I really wanted to like
On Sunset Beach - Finally a book in Stewart's Chesapeake Diary series that was exactly what I've been hoping for this whole time!
The Cape Cod Mystery- a classic American mystery.  Fun read but not nearly as timeless as most of the British mysteries of this time period.  Still not sure why this is.
Boiled Over - a fun cozy set in a Maine fishing village.
A few excerpts from the Agatha Christie book I'm currently reading.

Coming Up:

The week I'm hoping to get 3 or 4 reviews out
My top ten favorite other entertainment list which will probably be mostly TV
The review for my July Birchbox
Brought to you by the letter B post

Also, I'm working on another page where I try and layout a more official rating system.

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. Love the cover on How to Be Parisian...makes me want to be there! Thanks for visiting my blog, and enjoy your week.

  2. I'm soooo glad I didn't put a garden in this year. I remember the tangled mess of tomato plants gone wacko and what to do with all red globes! Time to can!!! My neighbor would steam, peel and freeze her tomatoes for the winter. I never had time :( Have you read V. Laurie's werewolf books? Eh, it may be just b/c it's the middle of summer, too!! :)

    Have a great week next week!!! Tell Tornado I think Batman is better than Frozen, too!!

    Maybe your re-read will get you out of your slump but you could always try a new genre (?) Or try a book of short stories to see if you like any particular new authors.

    1. OMgosh!! what happened to my comment! It's all over the place! Sorry! I must have put the cursor where it shouldn't have gone... sorry!?

  3. Your garden sounds great! Fresh ingredients are the best, wish I lived someplace I could have a garden. Sounds like a great weekend, hope it finishes off well. Have a great week :)

  4. Jealous of your tomatoes! I finally started to get some fruits but then realized that they all look diseased. I think this will be my last year for tomatoes if I don't get any good ones. Super bummed. Glad your allergies are better, though!

    Hot summers are tough. We're supposed to be 103 tomorrow so I'm thinking about taking the girls to the aquarium. I'm already counting down the days until the weather cools down a bit but I shouldn't complain as our summer hasn't been too hot.

    Hope you're able to settle into a good read soon. A re-read might help bust the slump.

  5. Your garden sounds wonderful even if it is starting to go wild. So does your dinner (even if I can't eat tomatoes; I'm allergic.)

    Re-reads usually help me beat a reading slump; I hope it works for you. Have a great week, Katherine!

  6. There's nothing better than home-grown tomatoes. I was drooling just reading about them. Hope you get over your reading slump soon!

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  7. Paperbackswap, love that site! Your dinner sounds delicious, mmm. I second the re-read suggestion for breaking your slump. Though, I think re-reads are good any time. :)

    have a great week!

  8. I love fresh from the garden tomatoes. Hope you get out of your reading slump soon.

  9. hope you can get out of reading slump soon!

  10. I'm stuck in a reading slump, too! It can be such a pain right! Hopefully we both get out if it soon! Have an awesome week!

  11. Netgalley really is addicting for all of us. LOL Have a great week!

  12. Ah, I hate reading slumps. I actually was in one not too long ago than all these amazing books were released and now I can't stop reading.

  13. Now I want bruschetta on garlic bread and tomato sandwiches! Sounds like things have been good. Have a wonderful week!

  14. My garden is wimpy wimpy. Nothing is really growing. Well I take that back. My pumpkins have gone wild. Everything else is just doing nothing really. It's not dying but not living either. They are like zombie plants! LOL! I am going to post a picture on next week's Sunday Post.

    Reading slump huh... well... maybe read a unique book. If you type in unique books goodreads does have a list of them. I recently read S by JJ Abrams and that was unique. Sometimes when I read something unique it gets me out of a slump.

  15. Such restraint with NetGalley! I've had to banish myself from the sight...

  16. I love NetGalley, but sometimes they take forever to approve of a book and then by them I get it I don't want to read it. Lol You have a nice book haul! I can't wait to read some of your reviews.

    I hope you have a good week, and thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Whitney@Shooting Stars Reviews

  17. Oh.Em.Gee!! Bruschetta is our new favorite food! We had it at a local Italian place and now I need to try to make it here at home. It doesn't look hard at all. I think I can handle it. lol Have a wonderful week and I hope you break out of the slump.

  18. I've been meaning to start the Victoria Laurie series, but there's just so much in my TBR already. I love paranormal cozies though, especially ones with ghosts!

    I'm so jealous of your garden! I've had one ripe tomato and two jalapenos so far. Not even enough to make salsa, lol.

  19. Hooray for self control!! I don't think I've requested anything yet this week ....I'm so proud of myself...wait it's only Monday night.

  20. I didn't put any tomatoes in this year… only got a few herbs going. It has been quite a dry summer so far I have to say, so i'm glad I don't have to do too much watering which would have been a must if I'd had tomatoes.
    Enjoy your books. :)
    Peggy @ The Pegster Reads

  21. I hate know-it-allness--and yet, I know what you mean. There have been a couple series I kept up with even though I wasn't especially enjoying the series anymore.

    The Suffragette Scandal by Courtney Milan sounds like a good one. I admit I didn't request it because I felt like I'd already over done it last time I was there. I really need to stay away from NetGalley.

    Day trips sound like a fun idea. I had hoped for more of those this summer, but with me working so much overtime, especially on the weekends, when we do get a free weekend, I have so much to do at home that going away for a day is out of the question. Ho hum. I am hoping August will be better.

    I hope you are having a good week, Katherine!

  22. I have sort of given up on Laurie as I didn't love the direction the books were taking. The move to Texas with the psychic eye series seemed like a good place to stop and MJ ditching her doctor bf was another good spot. I hope it works for you.
