Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday - Ten Books About Travel on My TBR

Today I'm linking up with Top Ten Tuesday hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl which is all about lists.  Since lists are one of my favorite things this is one of my favorite linkups!  Today's topic is Planes, Trains, and Automobiles so I'm focusing on ten books about travel on my TBR.

1.  Sweet Little Lies by Jill Shalvis - So no planes or trains (though there probably are some automobile mentions) but the main character is a boat captain so I'm saying this counts!

2.  Murder Road by Simone St. James - Travels by car that don't seem to end particularly well for most people involved!

3.  The Girl Who Came Home by Hazel Gaynor - This involves a travel by shop - specifically the Titanic.

4.   Everyone On This Train is a Suspect by Benjamin Stevenson - There's a train in the title and apparently not just any train but a train full of suspects.

5.  One Plus One by JoJo Moyes - I love roadtrips in real life and road trips in fiction are also fun!

6.  Not the Ones Dead by Dana Stabenow - So apparently the bulk of my travel books don't go smoothly as this one involves a plane crash.  

7.  Murder on the Christmas Express by Alexandra Benedict - Another train ride and another one involving murder - but this is a Christmas-y murderous train ride!

8.  Last Ride to Graceland by Kim Wright - No murders or catastrophies in this one but it does involve a drive to Memphis as a woman tries to learn more about her mother's past and herself.  

9.  The Last One by Will Dean - A woman wakes up on a cruise ship to find herself completelyalone.  It sounds absolutely bonkers and pretty fun.  

10.  Her Last Flight by Beatriz Williams - And some historical travel! 

What books involving travel that are on your TBR?


  1. Great list! I just finished reading Murder Road and you're right...their car trip did not go well. And both Not the Ones Dead and The Last One are ones I now want to read. Happy TTT. :D

  2. I really enjoyed One Plus One by Moyes via audiobook.

  3. I've only read Murder Road on your list, but it was a good one. There are several other titles here I hope to get to. This sounds like a fun topic this week! Thank you for sharing!

  4. EVERYONE ON THIS TRAIN IS A SUSPECT is on my list today too. I love a good locked-room mystery set on a train!

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!

  5. Murder Road sounds really good and I like that author.

  6. I liked One Plus One a lot.
