Monday, August 12, 2024

Between a Flock and Hard Place - Cozy Mystery Review

Goodreads:  Between a Flock and a Hard Place (A Meg Langslow Mystery #35) by Donna Andrews

Rating: Really Liked It! (4.5 Stars)
Source:   Publisher

Description:  Meg's neighbors, the Smetkamps', have won a makeover for their old home from Marvelous Mansions, a flashy, yet dubious company, focused on making historic homes more "modern." The company already several days into its makeover of the Smetkamps' house, and tensions are running high--not only between the officious, demanding Mrs. Smetkamp and her neighbors, but also between her and the renovation crew. Meg, who is trying to keep the peace and prevent the makeover crew from trampling on every clause of the county's building code, arrives at the Smetkamps to find that Caerphilly's resident flock of feral turkeys has moved into their yard--or been relocated there by someone who wanted to cause them trouble. The turkeys are huge, territorial, cranky and aggressive - and impossible to move! Meg does what she can to calm down the irate neighbors and help the makeover crew make progress in spite of the turkeys. She comes up with a plan to gather a group of turkey wranglers to snatch them early in the morning. But when they arrive, they find the body of Mrs. Smetkamp in her backyard. Someone stabbed her, and then tried to make it look as if she was attacked by one of the turkeys, but Meg, the Chief, and the Sheriff are not fooled. Together, they must figure out what really happened to Mrs. Smetkamp...and what to do with all these turkeys!

Genre: Mystery - Cozy

Why I Picked This Book:  I love this series!

My Impression:  One of the things I love most about this series is all the chaos that always seems to be happening around Meg.  This may be the most ever and may be my new favorite (narrowly edging out the Christmas mystery where they were all having to wear hats indoors to protect themselves from dive bombing blue jays).  This time Meg goes to help out one disaster - an ill-informed resident who is participating in a home makeover show - and immediately lands in the middle of an even bigger disaster. This time it's a flock of over 200 feral turkeys running amok and causing massive amounts of damage.
While Meg and others try and deal with the turkey crisis they soon stumble on another and even bigger crisis - a murdered resident.  Meg, as usual, ends up in the middle of the investigation with a handful of town officials and more than a few turkeys.   I am very glad I'm not Meg and I don't know that I would visit Caerphilly if it was a real place as they do have a rather large number of disasters.  
As usual, this was a lot of fun and incredibly entertaining read.  I love catching up with Meg and her family and friends - and assorted animals. The mystery both of who relocated the turkeys and who killed the unpleasant homeowner kept me reading and guessing.  This is my go-to series for a fun entertaining cozy with characters I love and a few laugh out loud moments.  This one did not let me down!

Would I Read More of this Series/Author? Yes!  I'm already looking forward to the next book and have really enjoyed the earlier books I've read.

Would I Recommend this Book? If you enjoy fun cozy mysteries this is a must read series.  While it easier to figure out who is who if you start from the beginning you can jump in anywhere.  

* I received this book in exchange for an honest review.  As always my opinions and impressions are completely my own. *


  1. This sounds hilarious! We don't have feral turkeys in this country - but I've seen enough footage of grumpy turkeys to know I wouldn't want to tangle with them:)).

  2. I never read this series. I'll have to try it.
