Monday, August 19, 2024

Death Scene - Cozy Mystery Review

Goodreads: Death Scene (A Witch City Mystery #14) by Carol J. Perry

Rating:  Really Liked It (4 Stars)
Source:   Publisher

Description:  Between documenting the progress of the movie, corralling starstruck autograph seekers and fans, and managing unmanageable traffic on Salem’s narrow streets, Lee and her police detective husband, Pete Mondello, are beyond busy. Even Lee’s best friend, River North, tarot card reader and practicing witch, gets in on the action, landing a job as a stand-in and body double. But it only takes one interview for Lee to realize that the male and female leads—whose roles include torrid love scenes—despise each other. Yet the problem is short-lived, literally . . .

When the gorgeous lead actress is found dead on a set staged to replicate the room where suspected witches were tried in 1692—and her on-screen lover, in full costume, is discovered sound asleep in her trailer—the hunt is on for a killer on the loose. Nevertheless, the producer decrees “the show must go on!” Now, even with help from River, Lee’s Aunt Ibby, and O’Ryan, a remarkably clairvoyant gentleman cat, sorting out a witch’s brew of secrets, sorcery, and special effects might turn Lee’s documentary into her own final act . . .

Genre: Mystery - Cozy

Why I Picked This Book:  This is one of my favorite series so of course I had to pick up the newest book.

My Impression: This is such a fun series!  I always enjoy catching up with Lee, Pete, Aunt Ibby (though her page time is sadly less since Lee has gotten her own place), the crew at WICH-TV and of course O'Ryan.  While I do miss Aunt Ibby and Lee's little garage apartment I have enjoyed how the series has shifted as Lee and Pete have gotten married and the characters are evolving.  I've also enjoyed the introduction of Aunt Ibby's firends and their mystery watching sleuthing group.  

In this book Salem is abuzz with movie making excitement and traffic problems as a film crew is making a big budget movie on site and in the middle of October which is the highest point of tourism season for Salem.  I adore the Salem setting and how not only are the usual well-known tourism spots are mentioned but a number of off the beaten path historical places.   Things get even more chaotic when one of the major stars of the movie is found dead on one of the recreated sets.  

Lee's got a lot going on and her job naturally gets her involved in the investigation and I really enjoy how she and Pete discuss things.  He values her opinion but at the same time doesn't share more than he can professionally.   I enjoyed this book from beginning to end.  While the murder doesn't happen until about a quarter of the way through the book there are so many little mysteries and bits and pieces that don't quite feel right that it was never slow going.  

Would I Read More of this Series/Author? Of course!  I've really enjoyed everything this author has written.

Would I Recommend this Book? If you enjoy cozy mysteries with a touch of paranormal this is a fun series though I do recommend starting towards the beginning as there are a lot of relationships that make more sense if you start there.

* I received this book in exchange for an honest review.  As always my opinions and impressions are completely my own. *


  1. Sounds good, I like she has carried the series on and developed the characters. I read the first one in the series but don't seem to have gone further. But I do like a taste of paranormal.

  2. This looks so good. I have to catch up with this series.

  3. I like that cover. Looks just like a cat to be sitting there telling people what to do :-) Glad you enjoyed the book.
