Friday, August 16, 2024

Friday Fives - Five Book Titles in My TBR Jar

I'm in a list making kind of mood so I thought I'd start making random fve lists.  Sometimes they'll be bookish other weeks not so much.  I've been putting together a TBR jar which is something I've wanted to do for ages and am filling it up with book titles that I've been wanting to read but for whatever reason just haven't.  This way when I can't decide what to read I can pick a title out of the jar and problem solved!  Here are 5 titles in my jar already.

1.  The Kamogawa Food Detectives by Hisashi Kashiwa - This one really hasn't been on my TBR for all that long but it looks so good and I've really been wanting to read it.

2.  The Shop on Royal Street by Karen White - I have been wanting to read more by this author and this is set in New Orleans which makes this especially appealing.

3.  The Haunting of Maddy Clare by Simone St. James - I love this author and a character in a book I was reading was reading this book and made it sound super creepy and good.

4.  The Coloring Crook by Krista Davis - I read the first book in this cozy mystery series and really enjoyed it but keep not picking it up for whatever reason.

5.  Tiny Little Things by Beatriz Williams - This another book where I read the first in the series (though this is a trilogy of three sisters) but keep not getting around to reading it.

Do you have a TBR jar?


  1. That food detective book has an adorable cover! Sometimes that's what gets me to pick up a book when I am browsing.

  2. I love the idea of a TBR jar! Might have to try it sometime. And I thought The Haunting of Maddy Clare was a great ghosty read. One of my faves. :D

  3. The Kamogawa Food Detectives & The Shop on Royal Street sound good!

  4. I've seen other bloggers do TBR jars and think it's a great idea. The Kamogawa Food Detectives looks like a fun read!

  5. No TBR jar Here! Some good reads, I didn't pick up this series by Karen White. I think I may have read Tiny Little Thing, not sure.
