Saturday, October 14, 2023

This Week in Reading - October 15

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

The Clock Struck Murder by Betty Webb - I don't know much about this series but it takes place in 1920s Paris and involves art so I couldn't resist. (Publisher)


Reading:  Mistletoe and Murder by Connie Berry and The Reef by Nora Roberts

Listening:  Death Comes to Marlow by Robert Thorogood

This was a busy week.  We got back into school and I'm starting Will on a research project.  He really should have written some kind of research paper or at least an essay by now but it was something that just got dropped.  This school year I think we are going to alternate between a research type project where we slowly build up to a research paper and book report type essays.  I'm slowly trying to figure out how to get him caught up for the time where we just survived when he was in active treatment.

As well, I got back into my obedience classes both as a teacher and as a student.  Rover and I are taking a break from agility classes while I work on him having a bit better focus and recall and are going back to obedience to work on that.  We will continue to work on agility on our own but it'll be at least a year before he's ready for agility trials.  We are ready to start showing in scent and rally but I'm not in a rush.  He will be 2 this week and Golden Retrievers are pretty notorious for being a bit slow to mature and he's extra puppy-ish!

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. Mistletoe & Murder looks fun, that cover reminds me of the Pennyfoot Hotel series by Kate Kingsbury even though I'm sure they're different. Something about holiday mysteries this time of year- love em!

  2. The cover of Mistletoe and Murder makes me want to dive into some holiday reads. The temps are cooling off here a bit so the timing seems right. :)

  3. I hope Will enjoys some research. It can be fun and is a great skill to have. Good luck to Rover. Our next door neighbor Marley was just 2, a mini-doodle and she's still wildly energetic.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  4. Looks like some good cozies. Rover sounds like he is progressing well. Yes you do have work I am sure to catch up for Will, but I think once you get into the swing it will happen.

    1. The advantage you have is you are home schooling and its one on one. That helps heaps.

  5. Your books look good. I have to add these to my list. Hope you have a great week!

  6. I'd pick up The Clock Struck Murder for that gorgeous cover alone!

  7. Your dog training adventures have gone beautifully, I think.

  8. I like the cover and title of The Clock Struck Murder. I hope it's good! It sounds like your getting settled into your fall schedule with Rover and with teaching Will and getting him caught up. I hope his research project goes well! Take care, Katherine, and happy reading!

  9. It sounds like you have been very busy! I know that homeschooling has to be a lot of work. I really wish that I had trained my dogs better. I have one that acts like a lunatic anytime we see another dog.

  10. Happy birthday, Rover! 🎉🎉🎉

    I hope you are having a great week. ☀
