Saturday, September 6, 2014

Cook It Up! Cookbook Challenge - August Edition

I love to cook and love cookbooks so I was thrilled when Trish over at Love, Laughter and a Touch of Insanity proposed a new challenge centering around using our cookbooks.  The rules are pretty simple.  Focus on using our cookbooks more and link up the first Saturday of the month.

This month I focused on using Michael Symon's latest cookbook  5 in 5.  The concept is 5 fresh ingredients and 5 minutes.  The 5 minutes is actually more like 15 or 20 but they are all quick and all the ingredients are fresh as promised.

This is what I made this month:
Breaded Chicken and Mozzarella with Basil Sandwiches

Patty Melt

Breaded Chicken with Tomatoes and Basil

Pork Saltimbocca

Salisbury Steak

So I was going to do a description about each one but then I realized I pretty much have the same thing to say about all of these.  All the ingredients are easy to find (the toughest was Prosciutto) and all the recipes are easy to make.  They're unique and fresh tasting and this is a great cookbook to use after a long day.  All of these are 1 pan meals so even the cleanup is quick.

This isn't necessarily the most exciting cookbook.  There's nothing here that I absolutely HAVE to make but it's a good go-to cookbook.  Even my picky family enjoys the food from this one so it will be staying on my shelf for awhile!

Next month I think I'm going to be focusing on Carla Hall's cookbooks!  She has 2 - Carla's Comfort Foods and Cooking With Love.

I'm also linking up with Weekend Cooking at Beth Fish Reads


  1. Sound like one I might check out of the library. It's nice to have a reliable go-to cookbook, even if the recipes are overly exciting.

    1. This is definitely one to try. I haven't made anything bad from this book in the months that I've used it!

  2. I love Michael and am off to check out these recipes! Looking forward to your review of Carla's too.

    1. These are good reliable recipes. I LOVE Carla's food. I can't wait to get more use of her cookbooks.

  3. I haven't heard of this one, but I like the concept. I feel it's necessary to have a variety of go-to cookbooks, to suit your time availability and your mood. This one fits a niche for easy but healthy recipes.

    1. This is definitely a good one when there's not much time. While it does have some unhealthy bits - there's some pan frying - all the fresh ingredients more than make up for it. It's definitely worth trying.

  4. 20 minutes is still even quicker than Rachael Ray's "30 minute" meals! I'd definitely be interested in hearing more about the Pork Saltimbocca--did you just use pork chops?

    1. You can use pork chops or sliced up pork tenderloin. I prefer to get a tenderloin and then cut it into chops. The main thing is you want them fairly small and thin. Then you put a sage leaf on each chop, wrap it in prosciutto, dip it in flour and lightly pan fry it. So yum and really quick.

  5. I enjoy Michael Symon on The Chew, but have never tried any of his recipes. I'm all for quick, one pan recipes, so will have to look for this cookbook soon. :)

    1. I love The Chew! So far I've enjoyed all of Michael Symon's recipes that I've tried. Carla Halls are great too and I'm looking forward to focusing on her books this month. We're not going to talk about Batali's food :)

  6. I love Michael Symon...and the concept of this cookbook. Great for weeknights!

    1. It really is! It's definitely one of the first I go to if I've had a busy day.

  7. I like him too! Thanks. Cheers from Carole's Chatter

    1. I love his attitude about food and he just seems so nice. Plus every recipe of his I've tried has been really good!

  8. This is the kind of recipes I like. My kids and husband are really picky so I don't do elaborate dishes so this would be perfect for us. I'll check this out. thanks!!

    1. Mine are to and this one works for us. He stresses fresh ingredients versus exotic ingredients so that helps a bit. I hope you're able to use this one!

  9. I like some of Michael's 5 in 5 recipes- they are a great go-to for weeknight dinners.

    1. I've only tried the ones in the book but I do want to look at some of the ones he makes on the show. They're definitely great weeknight dinners!

  10. LOL, it is never 5 mins, and if it works for picky eaters I am in!

  11. I'm going to give this a test-cook from the library. Love the sounds of 5 ingredient, 5 minute recipes... even if they really take 20 ;-)

    1. I figure 20 isn't too bad! I'd definitely see if your library has this one. I've enjoyed this book.

  12. I like 1 pan meals, though it doesn't surprise me that 5 minutes stretches to 15 or 20

    Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

    1. I figure 15 - 20 minutes is still pretty good for a made from scratch dinner!

  13. I'd definitely look for this one. There's a pretty good variety of main dishes.

  14. I see his cookbooks all the time but haven't had his recipes yet. Yeah, I see how 5 minutes can stretch out a bit longer when you are cooking!
