Sunday, April 11, 2021

Life with Leukemia (And Some Reading) - April 11


It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

Another good week!  Will was having some pain due to a particular chemo drug that causes muscle tightness but the wonderful physical therapist showed us some stretches he can do that really really help.  Because his immune system is so low he can't take any kind of pain medicine that can reduce a fever because sometimes that fever might be the only sign that something's really wrong.  I really like that the stretches are something that he can do and that he controls.  So much of this is out of our hands that I really want to give him any sense of control that he can have.  His energy level has been a little lower but it's mostly because he was on steroids last week and now that they're getting out of his system he can finally get some sleep so he's trying to catch up.  But when he's awake he's been in a great mood and we've been back into school and video games and other games.  It feels amazing to see him actually have fun again.

My back pain is finally better from last week.  I pretty much discovered that sitting is my worst enemy.  I either needed to be resting or moving and now I'm pretty much back to normal though I'm being careful about lifting anything.  I got my first Covid vaccine last Friday and I was a little worried because my daughter had had a pretty bad reaction to both - it was short lived but I was prepared to be out of commission for a day or two.  Luckily, I just had a bit of a sore arm but was otherwise fine.  I have my next one in a couple of weeks and I've heard that can be tough but I'll just be relieved to have it done with.  


Murder on Wall Street by Victoria Thompson and She Came Back by Patricia Wentworth

Listening: The Pearl Sister by Lucinda Riley

Watching:  I finished up The Con which is ABC series about scams which I find absolutely fascinating.  I'm not sure if it's still going on but I've been loving it when it shows up on YouTubeTV.

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. That's great that Will is able to have some fun. I hope this week turns out to be a good one as well!

    Yay for the vaccine. We're scheduled to get our this week.

  2. Stretches are wonderful and I am glad it helps to ease some of the pain for Will. Glad to hear your back is better. Strange that sitting can sometimes be the worst.

    Hope you will have a good week and that you will have some time for reading!

    Elza Reads

  3. Glad to hear that Will was able to have some fun and that the stretches were helping! Glad your back is doing better.

    I love the Gaslight mystery series!!! I still have so many to go to catch up!

    Have a great week and happy reading!
    Week in Review

  4. So glad that the stretches have helped to ease down Will's pain a bit. And I'm pleased that your back is recovering. Yes - sitting can be an ongoing problem. Especially if the chair isn't the right sort. Good luck with the second vaccine - I'm due to have mine at the end of May. Have a good week, Katherine.

  5. I'm glad Will had another good week. It's great that Will is able to have some control of his pain through exercise. I hope this next week continues to go well for you all. So glad your back pain is also better, Katherine. And so glad you got your first Covid vaccine. I'm sure it's a relief to get started with that. Take care and hope you all have a good week.

  6. It's so nice to read that Will manages to have some more normal, fun kid experiences. Glad your back is better. If I sit too long my knee becomes more problematic as well. Hope you have another good week and glad you have gotten partially vaccinated.

  7. I'm glad that Will is able to do some things and enjoy himself! I am glad too that the stretches are helping with muscle tightness.

    And yay for vaccines! My husband had his second shot yesterday and I keep asking him how he is doing - because I get mine tomorrow and I am a little nervous. Lol. Good luck on your next one as well. :)

  8. I'm glad the stretches are working for Will, and that his spirits have been good. And I'm so happy that you've gotten your first vaccine shot! Yes, the second one can be tough, but you may be fine. My husband had a fever after the second one (for a little over 24 hours), but I was only tired.

  9. I am glad Will's spirits are good...and that the stretches are helping. Stretches are a great solution for many kinds of pain.

    Have a great week, and here are my WEEKLY UPDATES

  10. Glad you all had a good week. It's so good that you have found a way for Will to be able to relieve pain. I agree with you it's very important he is able to control some aspects of this long treatment. Glad you back is feeling better!

  11. I think about you all so often. I hope Will has a good week, it is great that he is in a good mood. That really helps the healing.

    I also have a hard time sitting for too long, if I do my ankles, hurt. I go for my second shot on Tuesday. I am a little worried but fingers crossed we are both side effect free.

    Have a great week, Katherine! Happy Reading!

  12. I'm so glad to hear Will is doing better and that your vaccine went well. I also want to read Murder on Wall St.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  13. I am so glad that Will had a good week. Great news on dong well with your first dose. My husband didn't have much of a reaction either so I am hopeful that I won't either. I hope that you have a great week!

  14. It is great to see Will having some respite and fun, moments to be celebrated along the way for sure. Good to hear your back is responding to the TLC. Yay for the vaccine, ours will be a long way off, my brother has had his two doses but he works sometimes at the ports and that's who they are doing first. Hope the Pearl Sister is going down well. I liked it once it got to Australia.

  15. I'm glad to hear you and Will had a good week. I'm glad your back is getting better.

    I've been wanting to read the Victoria Thompson books for a long time. The series sounds so good.

    I hope you have a great week!

  16. I'm glad Will is feeling better and hope that continues this week. Great that your back is better too!

  17. Two good weeks in a row, that's great! Happy to hear your back is better and that you got your first vaccine - progress! Had my second last week and ended up with more of a reaction than my husband had, but I was better within 24 hours. Hope things are off to a good start this week :)

  18. I'm glad that Will had another good week. It's wonderful that he was taught a way to control his pain through stretching. It helps so much to be able to do something that makes things better.

    I'm looking for a new series. I wish I had a way to see the Great American Baking Show!

  19. I hope this week is going as well as last. I am glad the stretches have helped. Hopefully you aren't having any more back trouble. I do a lot of sitting because of my work. I try to get up and walk around or stretch frequently, but sometimes, when it's especially busy, I forget. Back pain is no stranger here, unfortunately. I am glad you were able to get your first vaccine and the side effects were minimal! I was fine with my first dose other than a sore arm, but the second dose had a stronger affect. Still mild compared to some, but I did take a day off from work because of body aches and fever. I probably could have worked through it but am glad I chose not to. My body appreciated the rest.

    I hope you are enjoying your week! Take care!

  20. I am soooooooo behind on commenting. I hope to get caught up with everyone by the end of the week. 😯

    Baz only had a sore arm from the first shot, too. He has three days off in a row from work the week he gets his second shot, just in case. I hope you both do well. 😊

  21. I hope Will is feeling better nowadays as I'm late catching up here. I'm glad you didn't have bad reaction to your first vaccination. My experience was a whopper of pain. I'm leary of the second one that I'll get in two Fridays.
