Sunday, April 4, 2021

Life with Leukemia (And Some Reading) - April 4


It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

It's been another good week!  Will's spinal tap went flawlessly and was super fast and the chemo he had afterwards was quick so we were able to be home my mid-afternoon.  He was tired from the sedation but even that was pretty mild.  So far he's still feeling pretty good and is up and playing and interacting way more then he has for awhile.  He's on kind of a nasty med combination which includes steroids so this week might be tough but it's so great to see that we CAN have normal moments.

I got my first Covid vaccine!!!!!!!  And I have my appointment for my second one in just a couple of weeks.  I'm so excited though a little nervous about side effects.  I've heard a range from no issues to fever and fatigue but even the latter was short lived so I'm not too worried.  I'm writing this Friday afternoon so if I do feel bad I can wallow in bed for the weekend.  I really didn't believe it was going to happen until I got to the clinic on Friday morning but now it feels like one step closer to normalcy.   Jason has his appointment for his first one in a couple of weeks so soon we will be fully vaccinated.   And in less exciting news I did something to mess up my back and I'm not happy about it. I was putting groceries in my cart the other day and when I went to stand up straight I just couldn't.  Now I've got a duck walk thing going on because it takes awhile before I can actually stand up straight.  So far the only thing that's making it feel better is rest but if anyone has any magic back fixers PLEASE let me know.  I'm not a fan of the duck walk!


A Likely Story by Jenn McKinlay, Mrs. Miniver by Jan Struther, and The Last Bookshop in London

Listening:  Tightening the Threads by Lea Waite

Watching:  I haven't started it yet but I'm hoping to start watching Schitt's Creek this weekend.

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. That is so awesome that the spinal tap and chemo went well for him. Yay! I hope the next weeks go great as well. And congrats on the Covid vaccine! It really does feel like there's light at the end of the tunnel a little bit with vaccinations ramping up.

    I was just at the bookstore today (for the first time, how long??) and I was looking at all the new cozies...

  2. Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear about your back. I've heard that cherries and cherry juice are good for inflammation, and stretching on the wall. I sure hope you feel better soon. Yay to the spinal tap and chemo going so well. That's great news! Kudos on the shots too! I've managed to pull myself away from the television(lol) to reorganize my bathroom and living room, but it didn't take long 'til I was back to reading and Netflix(lol) If you celebrate it, Happy Easter to the family! Hugs, RO

  3. Great news that you'll all be vaccinate soon. It certainly eases the mind, doesn't it. Sorry to hear about your back - ouch! Hope you have a lovely week anyway.

  4. I'm glad Will's spinal tap went well. I hope this week goes well with the new medication combo. <3

    I'm not eligible for the vaccine yet in my state, I'm hoping by the end of the month I will be. But then I have to fight for an appointment with everyone else lol So who knows when I'll get it. My husband already got the first dose and gets the 2nd dose in 2 weeks, but he's an essential worker.

    I hope your back feels better soon! I have no advice. I should, considering I have chronic upper back pain every day of my life, but I just ignore it >.< haha

  5. I’m glad things went well for Will this past week.
    I’m sure getting the vaccine will be a relief for you all .
    If it’s a muscle issue, I’ve found an electric back massager pillow really helps, as does very warm compresses and a mild muscle relaxer.

    Wishing you a great reading week

  6. I'm delighted to hear that Will's treatment has gone as well as it possibly could and yay for having had your first vaccination! If your back injury involves muscle and nerve pain (particularly the sciatic nerve) my life has been transformed from suffering chronic sciatica for years by acquiring a TENS machine. They are readily available online and don't cost a fortune - mine paid for itself in 4 weeks because I no longer needed so many physio visits... I hope you feel better very soon, Katherine!

  7. Glad to read that Will's week went fairly well. I got my second Moderna vaccine of Friday and the only side effect was fatigue - still feeling tired today but, I don't sleep that well these days either. Hope you have a good week.

  8. I'm so glad Will's treatment went pretty well this week and that you got your first vaccine. I've been having my own back issues since Dec 27th so I have had lots of chiro visits and various strategies. Right after injury though ice and ibuprofen are best. After the first couple days, heat can help relax the muscles but initially they are injured (inflamed) so heat only makes it worse because you need to reduce swelling. I hope it heals quickly for you.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  9. Great news on the vaccine! I'm glad to hear that your son's treatment is going well and I hope the coming week isn't too gruelling on him.

    Take care!

  10. I'm happy that Will has had a good week. I hope things go well next week for him and I hope your back feels better soon, Katherine. Back pain is so hard to deal with. I'm glad you've gotten your first vaccine. I hope you didn't have bad side effects. With both of mine I just had an aching arm for a couple of days and it's so good to be vaccinated.

  11. Glad Will is faring well this week. Sorry about your back pain. That's never fun.
    I got the J&J vax yesterday (one and done). Glad to have it off the list!

  12. Good news! The week for Will sounds good, and I'm glad you are on the road to full vaccination.

    The Last Bookshop in London looks very tempting.

  13. Oh bummer to hurting your back, it just happens so quickly. Interesting to hear you have your vaccine (1st) thats great. Especially with all your hospital visits. Will be interested to see what you think of The Last Bookshop in London.

  14. I hope Will continues to respond to the treatment well. Normal moments are so good.

    I'm glad you have gotten your vaccination, and I hope your back heals quickly.

  15. Hooray - a good week for Will and a vaccine for you! Hope your back is better soon.

  16. I'm so glad about the good week for Will. I'm sorry about your back, though. I hope you feel better soon. I hope you get no reactions from the vaccine. I had the first one with no reaction. Hope you have a great week!

  17. Glad the procedures went well for your son. Yay for getting the first dose.

  18. I am glad to hear that Will had a good week, but sorry to hear about your back! Hope this week goes well too!

    Have a great week and happy reading!

  19. I'm glad you got your first Covid jag! That'll be a relief to you. I'm still waiting to hear about my second.

  20. I am glad the spinal tap went well and Will had a good week. I hope this week has been just as good for all of you. Yay for getting your first COVID shot! My husband gets his first one tomorrow. I hope you are enjoying your reading! I just started a new book but there's another book that is tempting me. I may end up reading that one too. I hope you have a great rest of the week!

  21. I hope that your back is feeling better at this point. I'm happy to hear Will had a good week. One week closer to that day when he will be finished with treatment. Glad you got your 1st shot!

  22. I have been out of the loop a lot longer than I though. Good grief. I missed so much. 😯
