Wednesday, April 28, 2021

A Tale of Two Cookies - Cozy Mystery Review

Goodreads:  A Tale of Two Cookies (A Cookie House Mystery #3) by Eve Calder

Rating: Really Liked It!
Source: Publisher

Description:  Pastry chef Kate McGuire is loving life on the laid-back island of Coral Cay, Florida. As junior partner in a bakery renowned for luscious desserts--especially her cookies--life is pretty sweet. So when an old friend arrives and announces a spur-of-the-moment beach wedding, that's just the icing on the wedding cake.

But the groom vanishes right as a television crew descends on the town to film a hot, new realty show. Is there a connection? Is her friend Desiree somehow involved? Or did groom Judson simply get cold feet? The bride and groom were paired better than warm cookies and cold milk, so Kate doesn't buy it.

As the show's cast runs amok on the island and the investigation into Judson's disappearance heats up, Kate and her pal Maxi, along with town dog Oliver, will brave the rambunctious world of reality TV and a wedding weekend gone awry, in an all-out effort to find the missing groom.

Genre:  Mystery - Cozy

Why I Picked This Book:  I have really enjoyed the previous two books in the series so there was no way I was missing this one!

My Impression:  This one is a little different then the usual mystery.  There's no dead body to be tripped over a few pages in.  This is much more of a missing persons case - and even more of a just what exactly is going on kind of case.  I love Kate, Maxi, Oliver and the rest of the rest of crew on Coral Cay - especially when the Coral Cay Irregulars (a book club) get involved.

This story involves a friend from Kate's past life in New York.  Desiree was always unflappable, kind and helpful when she was head of concierge at a major hotel so Kate is loving seeing her old friend so relaxed in happy.  The new man in her life seems just as head over heels and happy - or is he.  When the groom disappears more and more details emerge that make Kate wonder if maybe nothing was what it seems - or was it.  This one really kept me guessing up till the very end and completely pulled in.  It was a fast read that I absolutely enjoyed though it did make me want cookies.  I feel a batch of oatmeal chocolate chip cookies will be being baked in the near future!

If you enjoy a fun, fast paced cozy with characters you want to be friends with in a town you'd want to visit then this is the perfect series for you.  

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?  Absolutely!  I can't wait for the next book!

Would I Recommend this Book?  If you enjoy cozy mysteries this is a great series to pick up.  While it would probably be better to start this series from the beginning I think you can jump in here without any issue.

* I received this book in exchange for an honest review.  As always my opinions and impressions are completely my own. *


  1. Now I want chocolate chip cookies! 🍪✨

  2. What a great title! This sounds like a really fun cozy series. Thanks for putting it on my radar!

  3. I love the sound of this one! It seems like a good one. Thanks for sharing.

  4. I read the first two books in this series and loved them. I definitely want to read this one too. It's on my wishlist.

  5. Just looking at the cover wants to make me search for cookies. Love that it was an engrossing, fast read. Like the idea of a missing person.
