Saturday, November 10, 2018

This Week in Reading - November 11

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Eggs on Ice by Laura Childs - I've read a few books from this series and while I've found it somewhat inconsistent I really like Laura Childs.  (Publisher)

I'll Be Your Blue Sky by Marisa de los Santos - I know nothing about this author but the description of this one really caught my eye.  I love a good finding yourself story - especially if the main character gets left a house that they don't know much about!  (Blog Tour Company)


Reading:  Santa Pup by Lynn Cahoon and A Dangerous Duet by Karen Odden

Listening:  I'm finishing up Lillian Boxfish Takes a Walk by Kathleen Rooney.  I wasn't sure what I thought for the first part but the last half has really hooked 

Watching:  I've been catching up on Criminal Minds.  I missed the end of last season so it took me some time to figure out what was going on but I'm good now.

Off the Blog:

So I ended up going to the doctor about the chest cold I was complaining about last week as it had been a full week without no improvement.  Turned out it wasn't getting better because it wasn't a chest cold and was in fact pneumonia.  So 1 week of crazy antibiotics and cough medicine that tastes like it can take paint off the walls and I am starting to feel a little bit better which is nice.  I haven't done a huge amount of anything this week and my meds are making me a bit loopy so I haven't really been able to read.  However, I am making some progress on clearing off my DVR so there's that I guess. 

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday:  A True Cowboy Christmas - Contemporary Romance Review
Tuesday:  My Christmas TBR
Wednesday:  City of Secrets - Historical Mystery Review
Thursday:  A Dangerous Duet - Historical Mystery Review
Friday: Friday Linkups with Current Book
Saturday: My Fall Favorites

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. I've read and enjoyed a couple of Marisa de los Santos books...the title of your new one grabs me.

    I got out of the habit of watching Criminal Minds...I think I might have to go back to it. The previews have been good.

    Thanks for sharing, and have a great week.

  2. Hope you feel better! Pneumonia can be tricky like that, same thing happened to my mom. Thought she just had a chest cold, but nope- pneumonia.

    Hope your week is good and enjoy your reads. :)

  3. Feel better! Even if the medicine is disgusting, at least it helps, and I’m sure you’re happy to get some relief.

    I’ll Be Your Blue Sky sounds interesting - and it’s always nice to discover new authors.

    Have a wonderful week ahead and happy reading.

  4. I've had friends with walking pneumonia, so thank goodness you went to your doctor to get checked out and to get those much needed drugs. Even though you don't feel 100%, this is the perfect time to get through the DVR which can pile up. I could never get into Criminal Minds, but a lot of people keep telling me how addictive the show is. Feel better and sending some cyber hugs your way. RO

  5. So sorry you've been ill, Katherine. Yes, apparently, illnesses can quickly turn to pneumonia without the person even realizing it. Good that you went to your doctor and it was also good that you took some time to let yourself relax and heal. Catching up on the DVR seems just about perfect for that. Hope this week goes better, but don't try to do too much too fast. :-)

  6. I hope you get better soon, even if you had to take more tablets. But it is good that you went to the doctor. Have a better week!

    Gayathri @ Elgee Writes

  7. Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear you had pneumonia!! That's so scary and I'm so glad you got meds! I hope you feel better soon!

  8. Glad your feeling better! Hope this week brings you good health! I just got my flu shot this week, so I hope I can ward off most of the nasties this cold and flu season!

    Enjoy your reads! Have a great week!
    Week in Review

  9. You need to take it easy if you have pneumonia. Give your body time to rest and recover. Hope you are feeling better soon.

  10. Oh good grief! I'm pleased to hear that the treatment is working though and that you are slowly going to be on the mend!

  11. I'm so sorry you aren't feeling well. I hope you feel better soon!

    I have Eggs on Ice to read. I haven't read this series yet, but I so love this author that I couldn't resist trying it. I hope I will be able to jump in with no problems.

    I loved Santa Puppy.

    Take care and feel better!

  12. Just as well you went to the doctor - hope it all clears soon. I read the I'll Be Your Blue Sky and enjoyed it. Was the third in a loosely related series.

  13. Take good care of yourself - plenty of rest! I've enjoyed another of Marisa de los Santos' books and have this one on my kindle. Hope you enjoy!

  14. I loved Lillian Boxfish in print, but bet the audio is amazing, too. Hope you're feeling better soon!

  15. Phew, it's a good thing you went to the doctor! I had that happen once—took my husband to the doctor thinking he had bronchitis and I had a cold. Turned out he had the cold and I had borderline pneumonia. Please be gentle with yourself—pneumonia will wipe out your energy. I'm glad you're on the mend and hope you feel much better soon!

  16. Good thing you went to the doctor. I hope you recover soon. Pneumonia isn't something to take lightly. I couldn't shake a cough and almost choked one night. Went to emergency and it was scary.

  17. Oh my goodness! Pneumonia is series - I recall my mother had it once over Christmas and was so ill with it. I'm glad to hear you're recovering - I would just say that take it easy. It wiped her out for a while because once she started get better, she got ill all over again because she didn't rest enough...

  18. Oh no walking around with pneumonia - I hope you feel better. I have pneumonia about 10 years ago it was so bad I was put in the hospital for a week. A WEEK! Never want to go through that again. Feel better.

    Mary #SundayRoundup #44!

  19. I am so sorry to hear that you have had pneumonia. I hope you are feeling better soon. It is no fun when you are too sick to even read!

  20. I'm glad you went to the doctor and hope you'll be well soon. It is horrible when you can't read. I also found Laura Childs inconsistent. At one point, I read all 3 series. Here's to more reading this week. Anne - Books of My Heart

  21. I'm glad you went to the doc and oh boy pneumonia? That is serious. Get well soon.

  22. I am so glad you went to the doctor! Pneumonia can lead to so many other bad things. 😱 Make sure you take ALL of your antibiotics. 😷

  23. I've read and enjoyed a couple books by de los Santos. I'll have to give this one a go.

    Sorry you've been sick. I hope you're feeling all better by now!

  24. I hope you are feeling better, Katherine! I am so glad you decided to go in to see the doctor. Take care of yourself! Books involving inherited houses the character knows little about are such fun! I'll Be Your Blue Sky sounds good.
