Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Christmas Novellas - 2 Mysteries + 1 Fiction

Santa Puppy by Lynn Cahoon - There have been several novellas in the Tourist Trap series this year.  And while I'm anxiously awaiting a full length novel the novellas are a nice little taste while I'm waiting.  Honestly, this wasn't my favorite.  I'm not sure if it was because I was reading while somewhat distracted or the book itself was somewhat disjointed.  The mystery takes place off page - the death before the book even starts and there's a discovery we only learn about 2nd hand.  I also didn't love the ending.  There was a sweet moment or two but it wasn't the more tied with a bow, unicorns and rainbows kind of endings that I want from a Christmas book.  As well I really enjoyed her Halloween novella so my expectations were very high.  This wasn't a favorite but it was enjoyable.  If you're a long time reader of the series than I'd pick it up.  If you haven't read anything in this series I'd start with something else.  Rating: Just Okay

A Christmas Revelation by Anne Perry - It's been years since I've read Anne Perry and honestly when I did read her I wasn't really a fan.  This one was a pleasant surprise.  The story of former brothel owner turned charity hospital accountant Squeaky and street urchin Worm was surprisingly sweet - especially considering that the plot of the book involved stolen gold, suspected murder, and lots of time spent running around less than desirable areas.  With all that it's hard to believe that this book is at all Christmas-y and yet it is.  Between the developing relationship between Squeaky and Worm to all the talk of the Christmas celebration at the hospital it had just the right Christmasy feel without taking the edge off the mystery.  Rating:  Good

The Christmas Star by Doona VanLiere - This was the most Christmas-y of Christmas-y reads.  There's love, forgiveness, faith and all kinds of Christmas spirit.  Did I know how this was going to work out within 20 pages?  Yes.  Did I care?  Not in the slightest.  I loved Gabe and Amy and Maggie.  I loved all the characters at Glory's Place.  I did really enjoy seeing the characters from the previous book but if you haven't read it you don't need too.  This is Hallmark with a little more heart and happy tears and busy body characters and was a true delight.  Rating:  Very Good


  1. I've never had luck with any of Anne Perry's full length novels (I've tried a couple) but for some reason her Christmas novellas that I've read have worked for me!The last one I read was a couple years ago though, so I'm a little out of the loop, but this one sounds pretty good. I think the last one I read had a similar feel, with a side character f/ the novels navigating the seamier side of London at Christmastime.

  2. I haven't read Anne Perry before but I love the sound of this novella. Brothel owner turned charity accountant is not something you see everyday. The Christmas Star also sounds fantastic!

  3. The Christmas Star does sound like a very good read and if it can be done in such a short few pages then wll done to Donna VanLiere.

  4. Wait. The Christmas Star is 20 pages? I'm off to look it up (and maybe buy). Thanks!

  5. LOL so I looked it up and saw it's more than 20 pages. It sounds good so I put it on my list :)

  6. I haven't read an Ann Perry book in ages. For the December theme at Girlxoxo I am going to read an Agatha Raisin Christmas book. Are you participating in any of the reading challenges for next year?

  7. Stanta Puppy looks so cute! Bummer that it was just an okay read. I'm glad you enjoyed The Christmas Star! I've been seeing that one pop up all over the place! I definitely want to see if my local library has it! :)
