Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Snowfall on Lighthouse Lane - Contemorary Romance Review

Rating: Good
Source: Publisher

Growing up on the wrong side of the tracks, Jolene Harper is forever indebted to the mother who encouraged her to fly—all the way to sunny LA and a world away from Honeymoon Harbor. Although Jolene vowed never to look back, returning home isn’t even a question when her mom faces a cancer scare. Which means running into Aiden Mannion all over town, the first boy she ever loved—and lost—and whom she can barely look in the eye.

Aiden’s black-sheep reputation may have diminished when he joined the marines, but everything he’s endured since has left him haunted. Back in Honeymoon Harbor to heal, he’s talked into the interim role of police chief, and the irony isn’t lost on the locals, least of all Aiden. But seeing Jolene after all these years is the unexpected breath of fresh air he’s been missing. He’s never forgotten her through all his tours, but he’s not sure anymore that he’s the man she deserves.

Despite the secret they left between them all those years ago, snow is starting to fall on their picturesque little town, making anything seem possible…maybe even a second chance at first love.

Genre: Romance - Contemporary

Why I Picked This Book:
  I really enjoyed the first book in the series and was excited to be able to revisit Honeymoon Harbor.  

My Impression:
  I have mixed feelings about 2nd chance romances.  On one hand it prevents the whole insta-love issue but on the other hand I'm not sure that I can really root for a couple where at least one has been pining for each other since high school.  Thankfully, this one fell into the win category for me!  Aiden and Jolene had a complicated relationship in high school that met with an even more complicated ending which ended up with them living very separate but very complicated lives apart until they both find themselves back in Honeymoon Harbor for uncomplicated reasons.

Aiden is a bit too good to be true but I liked him enough to overlook that.  He genuinely feels bad for the trouble he caused as a teenager and while he isn't desperately out for redemption he does have a few squirmy moments.  I loved seeing him with his family - his sister was in the previous book so it was nice to revisit them.  However, it didn't feel like characters were just being marched out for page time and it never got overwhelming.

I loved Jolene's relationship with her mother as well as her friendship with Shelby.  I also enjoyed that while she's seriously cynical she doesn't have a chip on her shoulder and is even willing to forgive a former mean girl when offered a genuine apology.    She is a bit oblivious to some very obvious solutions but I can understand that it can be hard to take your life in a different direction than expected.

The relationship between Jolene and Aiden really works.  I believe that they truly get each other and it made it easy to root for them.  I loved the addition of Aiden's former partner (in ghost form) and the mystery surrounding what happened before Aiden left Los Angeles.  This is a great Christmas romance - sweet and fun without getting too syrupy or trite - and made for such a fun read.  

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?
  Yes!  I'm looking forward to the next Honeymoon Harbor resident to fall in love and I have my suspicions about who it will be. 

Would I Recommend this Book?
  If you're looking for a contemporary romance this is a great choice.  While it is the 2nd in the series you can jump in here with no trouble.

* I received this book in exchange for an honest review.  As always my opinions and impressions are completely my own. *


  1. You've hooked me! I have to take a look at the first book now.

  2. I just read another review about this one! I gotta add it to my TBR! Great review!

  3. Glad you enjoyed it, isn't this terrible, but since I have read it a little while back I can now hardly remember it! Ouchy ouch!

  4. I have been ogling this book, since I love lighthouses...and stories that take the characters back to a small hometown. I don't always love second chance romance, either, but this one does sound tempting. Thanks for your review.

  5. Nice cover. If done well second chance or best friends romance can be a win for me.

  6. So great when a second in a series comes through. Glad you liked it!

  7. I do like second chance romances quite a bit. It sounds like the character relationships are really well done in this one.
