Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Tastemakers:Why We're Crazy for Cupcakes but Fed Up with Fondue - Review

The Tastemakers: Why We're Crazy for Cupcakes but Fed Up With Fondue by David Sax

Rating: 4 Stars

Description:  David Sax takes the reader on a trip through food trends, food fads and the people who make them happen or have to deal with the consequences.

Genre: Non-Fiction

My Impression: The cover of this book was what really grabbed me initially and then I was intrigued my the concept.  Sax did not disappoint.  This was a detailed look at everything food trend related.  He covered cupcakes, artisan cheeses, gourmet burgers, health and diet trends, the people who make the trends happen both on the production and marking level, the effects of social media and what happens when a trend fades.  I was especially pleased in the food truck chapter when he very clearly explained both sides of the controversy surround them in a way that I sympathized with both sides.  This book was a fascinating look at food from almost an academic level.  There aren't recipes and Sax is a writer not a chef.  This is definitely a perspective I haven't read before and introduced  me to an industry that I wasn't aware even existed.  It was a great read though I did learn that it's a terrible idea to go into a specialty market while reading this book.  My trip to pick up a few dollars worth of bulk spices ended up with me walking out with chia drinks, fancy apples and cheeses, gummy bears and a bacon jam.

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?: Yes

Would I Recommend this Book?:  Yes definitely.  Especially to anyone interested in food.


  1. I do find it interesting that certain foods are suddenly hot - once upon a time fondue was THE thing and then fondue pots were a joke. Suddenly fondue was big again. How does that even happen? Gracious, you don't suppose molded jello salads will become big again one day, do you?

    1. I hope molded jello salads stay in the past especially the savory ones! Not sure I can eat tomato aspic or anything like that. This book does a lot of explaining of how trends start and flourish. There's actually a whole chapter on fondue and why The Melting Pot has been able to stay in business through it all. I was really surprised how much of an industry there is behind food trends. It's an interesting combination of careful planning and fluke. I was surprised to find how much was a food trend that I hadn't even thought about.

  2. Hopping over from the Foodies Read Challenge.

    This sounds like the sort of food nonfiction I enjoy. Thanks! I hadn't come across this title before.

    Joy's Book Blog

    1. Thanks for visiting! I really loved this book! Grocery shopping and eating out definitely takes on a different perspective.
