Sunday, June 5, 2022

Life with Leukemia, a Puppy, and Some Reading - June 5

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Donut Disturb by Ellie Alexander - This is one of my favorite cozy mystery series so of course I couldn't resist this one!  (Publisher)

Castle Deadly, Castle Deep by Veronica Bond - The first book in this series was one of my favorites of 2021 so I'm so excited to pick up this second book. (Publisher)


Reading:  A Man Lay Dead by Ngaio Marsh and Peril at Pennington Manor by Tracy Gardner

Listening:  The Secret Life of Miss Mary Bennett by Katherine Cowley

Not much going on this week.  Will is feeling pretty well and is getting calories in and finally gaining weight.  We are trying to get the school year finished up and he's been feeling well enough to get some lessons in most days which is nice.  

Rover's obedience class started up again after a 3 week break and he is doing well.  He does great with most commands but we are still working on the enthusiasm with which he greets people.  He'll be 8 months old in a couple of weeks and while we still have a long way to go I can see some calming down/maturity happening.  I'm looking forward to when we can move on to agility and other more fun classes.

I'm just feeling wiped out.  Not sure if it's allergies or just the last year and a half hitting me but I feel like I could happily sleep for the rest of the year.  I've been getting in some exercise and some naps and both seem to be helping.  

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. That's great that Will had a good week. And I like the look of the Marsh book. I've heard of that author but have not tried them yet. I know they have a reputation as one of the classic mystery writers...

    Hope you feel better!

  2. So glad Will is experiencing a better week! Those donuts look so delicious! Good for you listening to your body and resting and exercising! Here’s to an even better week!

  3. I've been feeling pretty weary, too. I don't know if there's something in the air or not. I can certainly understand why you are feeling that way.

    Get some rest. Glad to hear life gave you a bit of a break this week.

  4. Glad to hear Will is doing okay and sorry to hear you are a bit wiped out. It's been a TOUGH time you've been through lately. Be kind and gentle to yourself. I will fly over and join you for that sleep for a year challenge!!

    Have a good week Katherine.

    Elza Reads

  5. I am glad Will is doing better. And Rover is doing well in his classes. I hope you are getting enough rest and peace between all these things.

    I hope you have a great week ahead.

    Gayathri @ Elgee Writes

  6. Glad Will is doing well and Rover is getting better with his classes. Naps and exercise do help, it is so hard to take care of ourselves. Donut Disturb looks fun! I hope you have a great week!

  7. So glad to hear that Will had a good week! Hope you are able to rest, I am sure the last year and a half has been rough on your whole system and your starting to feel it and allergy season sure isn't helping!

    Have a great week and happy reading,

  8. It might be all catching up to you! I know that I am feeling wiped out these days, I just can't catch up with all I have to do between all that has happened just in the last month, much less your last year and a half.

    I am glad to hear that Will is doing well!!

  9. You need to take care of you, remember that. You have so much going on. Honestly I admire you for how you handle everything. Can't believe Rover is 8 months old already!! Glad Will is picking up weight.
    Allergies are awful here too. I was going to try Zytek.

  10. I hope you catch up on your rest and feel better! I'm glad Will is doing better, and I'm smiling as I think about the puppy's enthusiasm. Enjoy your week.

  11. Things sound positive and I hope you get some rest.

    I love a cozy mystery and need to get back to reading them!

    I hope you have a good week next week!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

  12. I'm so glad to hear things are going well for Will on several fronts. That means you can relax a bit and just enjoy him and Rover. Will Rover enjoy the energy and brain work for agility? That will be good for him.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  13. I have been having more allergy issues this year than the last few years I think. And I'm doing just as much outside work with mowing as I did those years too. Maybe pollen is just bad or something. Glad Will is doing better the last week or so. Hope he keeps feeling good!

  14. I don't know why, but I read that as "Rover's disobedience class," LOL. I had to go back and read again.

  15. Sleep and nap as much as you can, go easy. I saw Donut Disturb on NG but am only at #2 in the series so felt that was too far in to go as yet.

  16. I'm so glad that Will is having a good week! But I'm sorry you are feeling so wiped out. I hope you're able to rest and relax and get your energy back.

    Are you enjoying the Ngaio Marsh book? I love that series. I was in the middle of a series reread a few years ago; I should continue it.

  17. I'm very glad to hear that Will is doing well. I'm sorry you aren't feeling so well. I hope you'll be able to rest and feel better.

    I have the Veronica Bond book to read, too. I enjoyed the first one.

    I hope you have a great week!

  18. That is some great progress for Will. I hope you feel more energetic soon.

  19. Aww, I can just picture your pup greeting people with his enthusiasm! I'm glad he's doing well in his class. I meant to start the Veronica Bond series last year, but didn't get around to it. Hopefully I can read it this summer. Glad to hear it's a favorite of yours!

  20. I'm glad Will is doing well and gaining some weight. :) I hope he continues to improve.

    My Sunday Post

  21. I'm glad to hear Will is doing well and gaining weight. Please remember to take care of yourself, too!

  22. It's fantastic to hear Will is feeling good and gaining weight! 🤗

    I hope you can get in some well needed naps this week. 😌

    Have a wonderful week. 🌞

  23. Your fatigue is so understandable. Take care and rest when you can. Glad to hear Will is feeling better.
    I jumped into the series with Donut Disturb and found it a fun read. Would definitely read the next one.
    Mary @Bookfan

  24. I am so glad that Will had a good week. My 3 year old lab mix still hasn't seemed to calm down. Well, maybe a little but she still has way to much energy! I hope that you get the rest that you need. Have a great week!
