Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Ten Books I Want to Buy - June 2021


It's been awhile since I've made a book buying list so I thought now was the time to make one!  Here are ten books I'm hoping to buy soon!

1.  The Spy Wore Red by Aline, Countess of Romanones - I read this tons of times when I was a teenager and loved it and now that I'm reading The Princess Spy by Larry Loftis and finding out a lot of the behind the scenes stuff I feel the need for another copy!

2.  Into the Lion's Mouth: The True Story of Dusko Popov by Larry Loftis - I'm reading another book by this author and enjoying it so I want to pick up another book by him and this one looks intriguing.

3.  The Missing Sister by Lucinda Riley - This is a series I'm working on this year and am so excited for this final book.

4.  The Killings at Kingfisher Hill by Sophie Hannah - I've enjoyed the previous Poirot books by Hannah.  Even if the character doesn't read exactly like Christie's Poirot there's an affection and respect to the original creator that makes this series a great read.

5.  The Alice Network by Kate Quinn - This has been on my TBR for ages and now that I'm reading some other World War II espionage books now seems like the time to pick this one up.

6.  Seeing Darkness by Heather Graham - The Krewe of Hunters series by Heather Graham are just candy bars of books.  There isn't much substance but they're still tasty treats and this is the next one on my list to read.

7.  The Lion in the Living Room: How House Cats Tamed Us and Took Over the World by Abigail Tucker - This has been on my TBR for awhile and I think it'd be a fun read and one my son might enjoy too.

8.  The Suspicions of Mr. Whicher:  Murder and the Undoing of a Great Victorian Detective by Kate Summerscale - This one caught my eye quite awhile ago and I still haven't picked it up.  I love the look of it and am just curious about the subject matter.

9.  The Mystery of Mrs. Christie by Marie Benedict  - I'm a little bit on the fence about this one.  Agatha Christie is one of my very favorite authors and I've read quite a bit about the incident that this book is supposed to be about but I've heard some mixed reviews about Benedict's books.  I have a feeling this will either be a book I absolutely love or one I DNF.

10. The Daughters of George III: Sisters and Princesses by Catherine Curzon - I heard this one mentioned on a bookish YouTube channel that I always enjoy and I instantly added it to my TBR.  I'm always fascinated by the lesser known royals - especially from this era.  

What books do you want to pick up this month?


  1. I really enjoyed The Alice Network. I have been very curious about The Mystery of Mrs. Christie as well. I hope you enjoy all of these once you get your hands on a copy!

  2. Looks like some awesome historical ones on this list. I've been trying not to BUY but, could certainly come up with a list of 10 LOL

  3. I haven't read any of these but they look like great choices.

  4. Some of those sound quite appealing! I hope you get a chance to read them all. I agree about the Krewe of Hunter series. My daughter calls that kind of book "mental popcorn" - not in a derogatory way. They are light and fluffy but they taste so good! (Metaphorically speaking, of course.)

  5. But Wait! There's More! The Missing Sister is not the last. She is going to do one more about Pa Salt. But worth buying TMS for sure. All about the troubles in Ireland in early 20th Century.

  6. I'm curious about the other Loftis book you're reading. I enjoyed The Princess Spy.

  7. I think THE MYSTERY OF MRS. CHRISTIE sounds intriguing as well. Like you, though, I've heard mixed reviews. We'll see if I pick it up or not. I hope you enjoy all these!

  8. I have had The Lion in the Living Room on my NetGalley shelf FOR-EV-ER! If you like it, maybe it will spur me into reading it. 😺

  9. I love how you describe the Krewe of Hunters series, it's so true. :) Love them!

  10. Oh my. Just read Lucinda Riley died. She had cancer which I didn’t know about. So maybe no Pa Salt book. So sad for her and her family.

  11. I did pick up a vampire book. The Kindle version way only $0.99. Sadly my Paperwhite died 😢 for some reason. I only read books on it. WTHECKS?
