Sunday, June 27, 2021

Life with Leukemia (And Some Reading) - June 27

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Mrs. Pollifax on the China Station by Dorothy Gilman - I've been reading this series and thoroughly enjoying them and I was delighted to see it was getting republished with this style of cover! (Purchased)

The Chocolate Raccoon Rigamorole by JoAnn Carl - This series has the absolute best titles and I couldn't resist this one even though this series is massive and I've only read a few. (Publisher)

What the Cat Dragged In by Miranda James - I love this series and I absolutely had to pick this one up. (Publisher)

Murder Always Barks Twice by Jennifer Hawkins - This one involves a corgi which is a nice change from all the cats in cozies plus it involves a literary festival so I couldn't resist!  (Publisher)


Reading:  Mocha, She Wrote by Ellie Alexander and The Spy Wore Red by Aline, Countess of Romanones

Listening: The Girl Who Knew Too Much by Amanda Quick

This is pretty much sums up how we all feel this week!  Will has been on steroids this week and for some reason they are hitting him hard.  He's on them one week out of the month and the past few times haven't been too bad except for just some sleepiness. This time he's not feeling pretty bad and pretty cranky in addition to just the general exhaustion and being unable to sleep.  

I've had some insomnia this issues this week as well but luckily I'm really enjoying the books I'm reading so that takes the sting out of it a bit.  Other then that we've been playing video games - Will got the new Mario Golf which is weirdly fun and it doesn't involve fast reflexes so I can keep up!  

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. Oh, I am sorry to hear that Will hasn't been feeling too good this past week. I am glad that he has a new game to help him pass the time (and that it is one that you can play!).

  2. I love that some of the older mysteries are being republished with updated covers. Sorry to hear it's been a tough week with the steroids. Hopefully it will be better once the week is done. I know what you mean about insomnia. My mind always wants to race at night. Yoga before bed seems to help, but often I just don't have the energy to do it!

  3. I like the action cover as well.

  4. I'm sorry it has been a rough week but glad you have things you can do together. I love Mrs. Pollifax!

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  5. Glad your reading has been good; sleep deprivation is nasty; I'm kind of struggling with that as well this week 4-5 hours is not enough for me. Hope this week goes well.

  6. Aaaah Kitty photo!! Yea! So cute. You've got some great reads. I need to make a post on cozies. I really am starting to get into this genre and start searching them out! I think I need to write a blogpost about it.

    Hope you sleep better this week and that Will also feels better.

    Elza Reads

  7. I hope Will is doing better and this week is a better one for both of you.

    I also couldn't resist JoAnn Carl's new book even though I haven't read the entire series. Miranda James' books are always good too.

    Have a great week!

  8. I'm sorry the steroids are hitting worse than normal. I hope this week is better for him. And yay for reading - it you can't sleep might as well read, right?

  9. I hope Will has a better week and your insomnia leaves. Have fun with the video games!

  10. A tough week all round and I love the way your cat is showing how to rest up. Good that the reading has been worthwhile and my heartfelt sympathy with the insomnia.

  11. I'm sorry to hear that Will is having a tough time with the steroids this time around. (((((((HUGS))))))) for him. ❤

    I'm happy to hear you are enjoying your current books. 📚✨

    Have a wonderful week with more sleep! 🌞

  12. I hope Will feels better soon, and that you also get some sleep!

    Your books look good. I hope they help when you're not sleeping very much.

    Have a great week.

  13. I hope Will has had a better week this week! You got some great books!!
