Sunday, June 20, 2021

Life with Leukemia (And Some Reading) - June 20

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

The Spy Wore Red by Aline, Countess of Romanoes - After reading The Princess Spy by Larry Loftis I had to pick up this book for a reread! (Library)

The Official Downton Abbey Cookbook by Annie Gray - When I was at the library picking up the above book I saw this one and couldn't resist checking it out too! (Library)


Reading:  Lady Sunshine by Amy Mason Doan and The Whole Cat and Caboodle by Sofie Ryan

Listening:  A Dangerous Collaboration by Deanna Raybourn

Watching:  Not much but Will has become obsessed by The Food Theorists on YouTube and has spent the last few days telling me all about tricks grocery stores use to get you to buy more.  Pretty sure I fall for all of them.

Other Stuff:  

June 19, 2020

June 16, 2021

It has officially been a year since Will was diagnosed with Leukemia.  What a crazy and scary year it has been but we have made it.  He's such a tough kid and his attitude through all of this has been amazing.  He's had his ups and downs but for the most part he's been up and his sense of humor and serious levels of sarcasm never fail to prevail.  He's fascinated by anesthesia and how it works and actually looks forward to procedures so he can question the anesthesiologist.  And he's absolutely loved getting to hang out with the therapy dog at the affiliate here.  

Every comment and card and message I've gotten from everyone here has meant so so much.  I'm so glad we've been able to stay together as a family but this is so isolating - especially with Covid protocols and having this little space to vent or talk and having you all be so supportive has saved my sanity more then a few times.  Leukemia treatment is a long (but overwhelmingly successful) journey.  We've made it a year and have 84 weeks to go!  If you are interested in following Will's story he does have a Facebook group here.  

I hope everyone has a great week and happy reading!


  1. Sending prayers and lots of best wishes your way! It sounds like Will is an amazing little guy and that's neat he's so interested in the anesthesia! It is fascinating how all that works. I'm just blown away by what medicine can do now, my mom was just in the hospital recently and again- things have come so far.

    UNO! Haven't played that in forevr. :)

  2. Yes Covid has isolated you from a lot of support you would otherwise have had. Made me giggle that Will is educating you about the ploys of grocery stores. The Downton Abbey cook book would be really interesting. I think I would have mostly liked the food of that time, good down to earth stuff I would think. If Will is so resilient its due to yourself and your hubby and your love and support for him. Take care, sleeping can't be easy at a time like this with so much going on. I have no answers really, the book I am reading and trying to follow doesn't give easy answers. Praying and thinking of you.

  3. Sending lots of love, blessings and prayers to Will, you and your family! Will sounds like a super brave and clever young man. 🙏❤😊

  4. Nice to hear about Will, I suppose when he recovers and gets older he has a new career path open to him, eh? :D Sending hugs your way. <3

  5. I saw on Facebook that Will has been diagnosed a year ago. I remember it was just when I started blogging again and I was so shocked to hear of your predicament. So glad that the Lord above is still keeping His favor and grace upon you and Will. Our prayers are still with you.

    On a different note, for someone who doesn't really like cats, you've been reading a lot of cat books lately! LOL!! Keep it up! I love seeing all the recommendations.

    Lots of Love,

    Elza Reads

  6. I loved that you shared some pics with us and the FB therapy dog and how much your Comet must be a comfort to Will. Hope the summer lets you be outside a bit more. Stay well and our thoughts are with you all.

  7. I am happy to hear that Will is finding good things to enjoy in his journey, and has maintained humor and sarcasm!

    Your books look good, too. Enjoy! Here are my WEEKLY UPDATES

  8. I hope Will feels as good as he looks in that second picture. I love that he is telling you about marketing tricks at the supermarket. I hope you all have a wonderful week!

  9. I am so glad to know that while it is a long journey it is usually a successful one. I wish the best for Will and you.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  10. Aww he's such a brave, strong boy! Maybe he'll be an anesthesiologist one day! I worked for the L.A. Country Medical Association and seem to recall there is good money in that profession,plus a lot of power.

  11. This has certainly been a challenging year for all of you. I'm impressed by the strength and courage, especially Will's, as the journey continues. As always, the prayers continue.

  12. I'm so glad Will is doing well. I will continue to keep him in my prayers. Enjoy your books and have a great week!

  13. Lol... it comes to something when your child is telling you how the marketers are duping you into buying more at the stores:)). Glad you have reached such an important milestone and I'm so impressed at how brilliantly Will has coped. I think of you and your family often - especially when I start to feel a bit sorry for myself! Prayers and healing thoughts continue to flow your way.

  14. The Downton Abby cookbook sounds interesting. 🍽

    Well, I wouldn't be surprised if Will becomes an anesthesiologist in the future. I'm also happy to hear he hasn't lost his snark, heh heh. ❤❤❤ I can't believe it's already been a year, but I suppose for you it has seemed longer. (((((((HUGS)))))))

    Have a wonderful week. 🌞

  15. I'm glad that Will is doing just fine! Hope you have a great week!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  16. Such strength and courage from all of you is admirable.

    Wishing you a great reading week

  17. Your post made me cry. Your son has done well and he has learned so much through this process.

  18. Thank you for sharing those photos! Will is such a strong kid & I'm so glad he's kept his sense of humor through this journey. Maybe he'll be an anesthesiologist one day! I can only imagine how stressful this has been for you. You're strong & amazing too, mama! I will continue to keep you guys in my thoughts & send the biggest hugs.♥
