Sunday, May 23, 2021

Life with Leukemia (And Some Reading) - May 23

 It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

This week was another good week!  We are kind of getting to the point where 2 weeks out of 4 are pretty much normal and then there's a tough week and kind of recovery week.  Hopefully Will have more normal time and less tough times but thinking of how far he's come we'll take it.  This coming week Will has another spinal tap and a tough round of meds but we are trying to reduce some of the side effects though the big one is he has a hard time sleeping on steroids and that kind of non-fixable thing unfortunately.  

Jason has gotten his 2nd vaccine and it went pretty smoothly.  He felt a little foggy headed and sleepy the next day but not too bad.  Even though he's not at full immunity (he does work from home and is able to isolate pretty easily) we were able to visit family who IS at full immunity including my aunt and her husband who we haven't seen since Christmas of 2019.  It was a really nice bit of normalcy.  

Reading wise I'm making good progress on getting through my series and I'm getting to be a big believer in starting from the first book which I never really thought mattered


Reading:  Suede to Rest by Diane Vallere and Murphy's Slaw by Elizabeth Logan

Listening:  A Pretty Deceit by Anna Lee Huber

Watching:  I haven't been watching much other then YouTube but there are some Hallmark Mystery movies that I want to watch.

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. Yay for normalcy. I hope the next round isn't too hard on Will. Hugs to all.

  2. That's so nice you were able to see family again. It's been such a long horrible slog! Hopefully we're nearing the end of the worst of this thing (knock wood). And good luck to Will this week.

    I'm hoping to getting back to some series. I like a good long series once in while ha!

  3. Good that things are loosening up a little Covid wise for you. I am a big advocate for starting a series at the beginning. I was just thinking today about when to get the next Anna Lee Huber book from the library.

  4. So happy to read that things seem to be going a bit better and that you will be able to see more family as well.

  5. I am loving having normal times again, now that I'm fully vaccinated, and had a lovely visit yesterday with my fully vaccinated #2 son. We went to a favorite restaurant and had such a great time catching up.

    I am glad your son is coming along well, and getting into the routine of his treatment.

    Enjoy your books and your week, and here are my WEEKLY UPDATES

  6. I am so glad Will is having some normal weeks of feeling good! Hope that continues to happen!

    I do think it's important to start series from the beginning because of the character development, especially in cozies! It's why I am so OCD about

    Have a great week and happy reading!
    Week in Review

  7. Two weeks out of four sounds like such an improvement over last year! I hope the good weeks start to outnumber the bad ones soon. And how lovely to get to see your aunt and uncle! We are hoping to see some of our family sometime this summer.

    I have mixed feelings about reading series from the beginning. I think it depends on the series, tbh. It certainly doesn't make that much difference with the Poirot books, or the Miss Marples -- provided one doesn't start out with Poirot's last case, at least. But it makes a big difference in series like the Veronica Speedwell mysteries, where the main characters' relationship develops over time. The problem is knowing which kind of series it is before you start!

  8. I'm a big believer of reading series in order. I'm glad you are getting more normal and seeing family I hope this week goes better than expected

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  9. I hope the upcoming treatment is less gruelling than you expect and Will gets some sleep.
    I generally prefer to start series from the beginning.

    Wishing you a great reading week

  10. Wil is so tough. I added that cozy to my TBR. I like how its theme is about fabric.

  11. Will is so amazing... dealing with the spinal taps and meds and stuff. I hope this week goes smoothly and easily for him. And you!

  12. Glad you're having more "normal" weeks in this process. I hope it gets to the point where those become even more plentiful!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  13. It is wonderful to read that you had some normalcy this past week and that Will is in a bit of a good routine as far as treatment goes. Hope you have a nice week!

  14. Yay, for good weeks! That's so great to hear. 🤗🤗🤗

    Have a wonderful week. 🌞

  15. I am so glad that you had another good week! You deserve it! I don't always read series in order but it does seem to be the ideal way to go if you can. I hope that you are having another good week.

  16. I am glad it was a good week. We need more of those. I am glad you were able to spend time with family again. It's so nice to get back to some semblance of normalcy, isn't it? I hope you are enjoying your reading and week!
