Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Reading When Sick

This month has been a month of headaches - literally.  I'm not sure what exactly has been the issue - weather, allergies, just a cosmic bit of bad luck - but I've definitely not been feeling my best and my reading has taken a serious hit. 

I started this month with a big stack of my favorite topics that I was looking forward to diving into.  So far I've read about 2/3 of one and honestly I'm not loving it.  It could be that the book is actually just a bit flat.  Even worse my interest in reading is just about nil.  I've managed to keep my interest in audio books but that's about it. 

Basically, I just want to go bed and pull the covers over my head and sleep which is making reading incredibly unappealing.  I know there are some people who can curl up under a blanket and just plow through a stack of books when feeling under the weather but I'm definitely not one of them!  Can you read when sick?  Can you maintain interest in reading when you're not feeling so great?


  1. I'm so sorry that you haven't been feeling well, and know that headaches can really be the pits and uncomfortable. It depends. If I'm already reading something really good, I'll keep plowing along, but at some point, I'll end up napping.(lol) Sometimes, it's more comfortable to watch a movie or cooking show. For the past 3 months I've been suffering with a vicious sore throat that will not go away,and it hurts to talk so my friends are blessed that I haven't been speaking as much.(lol) I sure hope you feel better soon! Hugs...RO

  2. So sorry you've not been feeling well, Katherine. Reading while ill - problematic, right? If it's my head hurting, reading a book might not be fun. I bet that's part of the deal with the audios - you can listen without having to look. I will say that when I am truly ill - as in regular life stuff has to pause for a bit - I usually turn to TV and movies. Old favorites. I've watched many a romantic comedy while ill-ish. And it's OK to put a pause on reading if it's not working for you at the moment. Take care - hope you feel much better soon.

  3. I cant read when I'm sick unless it's a light cold. I think it's allergies/weather because my husband and my MIL have had such bad headaches. Hope you feel better !

  4. Well I certainly hope you get to feeling better! The headaches could be this crazy changing weather or - do you wear glasses? I get a headache when my prescription changes because of the stress on the eyes. Speaking of, thanks So Much for your kind comments about my upcoming eye surgery! xoxo It's appreciated.

    Depends how sick I am if I can read or concentrate. On our upcoming camping trip I have The Distant Hours (Huge book!) since you mentioned it several posts back. I had to get caught up on Netgalley books first.

  5. When I am sick like that I find reading difficult too, and audiobooks do save the day somewhat because no concentrating on a page and if I drift just a bit of a rewind. Reading when you feel like you do just doesn't go well with any book, just rest! I hope you'll be better soon and in the meantime don't push the reading because that only causes a slump.

  6. That picture haha! Sometimes you just have to crash! Seriously though- I hope you feel better soon! Headaches are no fun. And I can't really read when I don't feel good either- all I want to do is sleep!

  7. Have you talked to your doctor about these headaches? If your body wants to rest then just rest; it's telling you something. You do what you can; don't be so hard on yourself.

  8. So sorry you're sick! Ugh. Not fun.

    Can I read when I'm sick? Nope.

    Can I watch TV when I'm sick? Nope.

    All I can do when I'm sick is pray for death and sleep.

  9. That sucks that you have been so sick this month. I can't concentrate on books when I am sick especially headaches. :(

  10. Sorry you're sick! That's never fun.

    I definitely read more when I'm sick, especially if it's a cold or something where I can't sleep very well but I still want to be warm and comfy in my bed.

  11. Reading with a headache would be hard for me, too. I hope you feel better soon!

  12. I'm sorry you aren't feeling well. When I'm sick, I usually can't read. I just kind of lay there and watch TV, which I can't always concentrate on either. I get headaches alot and definitely can't concentrate when I have one of those. Hope you feel better!

  13. I struggle to read when I don't feel well or I'm really tired as my concentration just goes. My dad has just been diagnosed with migraines and he is having a pretty miserable time right now as he tries to get used to it.

  14. I hope you feel better soon! I can’t read when I’m sick or stressed out. I get really tired and have no attention span. I just want to sleep!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  15. Ugh... being sick is just no fun. I struggle to read when I'm sick as well. I was hit with cyclic vomiting syndrome a couple weeks ago, and all I could do was lay on the couch with the TV on low... but I couldn't watch the tv, I could only listen. I definitely couldn't pick up a book!

  16. So sorry you are so smitten with headaches - they are really miserable! And while I AM one of those folks who dive under the covers and retreat into a stack of books, the exception is when it's a headache - my eyes are too sore for it to be any kind of fun... I hope you soon feel MUCH better, especially now that Tornado is about to break up for the summer hols.

  17. I cannot read when I'm sick either. I can listen to audios, but then if I'm medicated for a cold I always end up falling asleep. 😂
