Friday, May 3, 2019

Friday Fives - May Reads

I'm taking a bit of a break from my usual Friday Linkups to try something a little different.  Michelle over at Because Reading is Better Than Real Life   used to do a Five on Fridays that I always enjoyed and I've seen a few other variations on the theme.  As well I'm in a list making kind of mood so I thought I'd give start making random five lists.  Sometimes they'll be bookish other weeks not so much.  I've started assigning each month a theme and picking books out of my rather giant collection that fit that theme to try and focus on that month.  This month is my birthday month so my May theme is My Favorite Things!  Here are five books that have some of my favorite things in them!

1.  Ghost Moon by Heather Graham - I love romantic suspense and this is romantic suspense with ghosts, an old house crammed full of stuff and set in Key West.

2.  The Bookshop Book by Jen Campbell - it' s a book about bookstores.  Do I really need to say anything else?

3.  Dead in a Flash by Brynn Bonner - I love genealogy and books about solving cold cases.  This is a bit of both and I'm really looking forward to it.

4.  A Dollhouse to Die For by Cate Price - This is a cozy involving antiques AND miniatures.  I love both and throw a murder mystery into that and I'm really looking forward to it.

5.  First Comes Marriage by Mary Balogh - This is a reread for me but I remember reading it.  It's a bit of a marriage of convenience and I love Balogh so this is a lot of favorite things wrapped up in one book.

What are some of your favorite things?


  1. You can't go wrong with romantic suspense and a book about bookstores! Hugs...RO

  2. Great way to put five books together - your favorite thngs for your birthday month, love it. I'd be most likely to read the bookshop book and I have read the Mary Balogh.

  3. I like the sound of that love letter to bookshops around the world. What a fun time the author must have had to research such a book. I added the cozy; I'm a fan of dollhouses even though I don't have one.

  4. We have a lot of favorite things in common :) I've never been into dolls or dollhouses, even as a little kid, but genealogy is definitely my thing, so I'll have to check that one out.

  5. I love it anytime a bookstore shows up in a story. :)

  6. I've always wanted one of those dollhouses with several floors, lots of rooms, balconies, stairs, roof and side that open...I'd display all my Harry Potter action figures in it!

  7. I like picking your books around a theme for the month. And yes to books set in bookstores!

  8. I love books about bookstores, too! 👍✨
