Monday, April 29, 2019

The View from Alameda Island - Fiction Kind of a Review

Goodreads:  The View from Alameda Island by Robyn Carr

Rating:  Today is Not the Day
Source:  Little Bird Publicity 

Description:  From the outside looking in, Lauren Delaney has a life to envy—a successful career, a solid marriage to a prominent surgeon and two beautiful daughters who are off to good colleges. But on her twenty-fourth wedding anniversary Lauren makes a decision that will change everything.
Lauren won’t pretend things are perfect anymore. She defies the controlling husband who has privately mistreated her throughout their marriage and files for divorce. And as she starts her new life, she meets a kindred spirit—a man who is also struggling with the decision to end his unhappy marriage.

But Lauren’s husband wants his “perfect” life back and his actions are shocking. Facing an uncertain future, Lauren discovers an inner strength she didn’t know she had as she fights for the love and happiness she deserves.

Genre: Fiction

Why I Picked This Book:  I enjoy Carr's fiction stand alones and I love starting over kind of reads.

My Impression:  I'm in a bit of a cranky reading mood at the moment - the kind of mood where most fictional characters seriously annoy me.  Therefore I don't really trust my opinion of this one so I'm not willing to give it a star rating or extended opinion.

I will say that Robyn Carr has the impressive ability to create sympathetic but flawed characters.  She also creates fully developed communities where the reader gets to know many of the characters that inhabit the main character's life.  While I did feel that the beginning was a bit clunky once Lauren and Beau meet it gained some traction and the pacing improved.  This is a complex story of an unhappy marriage and an even unhappier divorce with all the widespread pain and malice that an ugly divorce can cause. 

If you enjoy Robyn Carr's writing and/or books involving complicated relationships than I think you'd enjoy this one.  While I was annoyed with this one it really wasn't due to any fault of the book so don't let that stop you from picking this one up.  For my sake I'm planning on rereading this one when I'm not as grumpy and I think I've learned a bit about trying to force myself to get through a book when I'm clearly not in the mood. 

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?  I would.  Bad mood aside I usually really enjoy Carr's books and I don't think this one is any different.

Would I Recommend this Book?  If you like books about complicated relationships and families than I think you'd really enjoy this one.

* I received this book in exchange for an honest review.  As always my opinions and impressions are completely my own. *


  1. I know that feeling when I'm in a book slump of not trusting my rating. I'm never sure if it's me or the book.

  2. Oh no! I hate when reading funks happened. I hope it goes away for you soon! :)

  3. My favorite part about any Robyn Carr book is the setting. She excels at creating warm, welcoming towns that feel like just the sort of place you'd want to live. Not perfect, but cozy and nurturing.

  4. Yeah, if you're not in mood, just shelve it and read it later. I created a bookshelf for that on GR.

  5. I've had my eye on this one...and I know what you mean about sometimes not feeling in the mood for annoying characters. Thanks for your review.

  6. I did enjoy this one, although it got a bit over the top once or so. I think when a book isn't working for you there are many reasons and it just doesn't go down so well. I hope you have since picked up something that set you on reading fire again.
