Friday, April 12, 2019

Friday Fives - Five Books I've Gotten From the Library and Returned Unread

I'm taking a bit of a break from my usual Friday Linkups to try something a little different.  Michelle over at Because Reading is Better Than Real Life   used to do a Five on Fridays that I always enjoyed and I've seen a few other variations on the theme.  As well I'm in a list making kind of mood so I thought I'd give start making random five lists.  Sometimes they'll be bookish other weeks not so much.  This week I got to thinking about all the books that I SOOOOO wanted from the library but ended up getting returned unread for whatever reason - okay not whatever reason but because I had to many OTHER books that needed to be read that jumped in front of it.  Here are five from that list:

1.  The Distant Hours by Kate Morton - I love Kate Morton's books and this one has a family secret and a moldering estate!  And it was returned to the library unread.

2.  The Kingdom Keepers by Ridley Pearson - I love Disney World and I love Middle Grade adventure stories so this book involving adventurses at Disney World after hours seems pretty perfect for me.  I've checked it out from the library twice and not read a page.

3.  Practical Magic by Alice Hoffman - I decided to give this one a try after I discovered I enjoyed magical realism and read another Hoffman book that I enjoyed it.  Another one I checked out twice and not even opened.

4.  Stalking Jack the Ripper by Kerri Maniscalco - This one may be the winner.  I've checked it out at least three times and am pretty sure I've yet to even pull it out of my library bag.  I got it a few months ago on an Audible sale so I think I'm going to try listening.

5.  The Girl Who Knew Too Much by Amanda Quick - I was so excited when I got this one and yet somehow never read it.  I'm a little annoyed that I never managed to pick it up despite having it actually on my desk but hopefully I'll get to it soon.

Am I the only one that gets big stacks of books from the library filled with all kinds of good intentions only to return them unread?  We aren't going to discuss my buying habits!


  1. LOL! You are definitely not the only one Katherine! I practically live at the library, and my eyes are bigger than my intentions more often than I like. Most of my books I request and put on hold, so some can take days or months to actually show up. Meanwhile, I keep ordering more(lol) and before I know it there's a pile. I normally end up having to re-order the books that I ended up returning, causing this crazy cycle. (lol) Great topic, and now you know my secret. Happy Friday! RO

  2. You're definitely not alone! I used to do this quite often. Not so much anymore- we live really close to the library, we're there ALL the time (hence my blog name), and I try to be deeply honest with myself about what I have time to read and what I'll actually read so that I'm not bringing home things I won't actually bother with. (And the online renewal thing is SO awesome!) I'm a lot better about DNF'ing things that don't catch my fancy these days, too.

    Practical Magic is definitely worth the read! It's one of my favorite books ever, and on my "Books I Will Own Permanently" shelf. :) I've always wanted to read the Ridley Pearson books about Disney, but haven't ever gotten around to it. I went to an author event with him years ago and he seems like a super cool guy. :)

  3. Oh, you are not alone on this! But you have inspired me to get Distant Hours. that's the only Kate Morton book I haven't read. I love all her books. Big country houses and a mystery of some sort.

    I seem to get all the books at once, too bad they can't be staggered by the library. Some I want to read and then it doesn't grab me as I thought it might. Other times the books get pushed down the to-read list when I get a new NetGalley book. YOU got me addicted to Netgalley!!

  4. I haven't read Amanda Quick for years; I used to get her books for those deals where you can get so many books for a penny at first and then one monthly. I may have to give her another go. Stalking Jack the Ripper is up my alley and on my TBR. I guess I have to move it up.

  5. Morton's book looks good, I hope you get a chance to read this at some point!

  6. Number 4 and 5 are good. I've seen the movie Practical Magic but never read the book.

  7. I used to feel so guilty about doing that (and end up paying fines for being overdue, despite my best renewal efforts). But now I tell myself that the authors are still getting some money every time someone borrows one of their books from the library (in the UK), so even if I don't get to read it, it's still better than leaving it on the shelf.

  8. I don't recall sending any books back to the library unread!

  9. The only thing I don't love about libraries is that you have to give the books back, sometimes before you've had a chance to read them! I usually end up buying the books I really, REALLY want to read so I know I can take as long as I need to finish them.

  10. LOL oops! It doesn't happen too often here since I only use the library for ebook and audiobook but every once in a while it does. Thankfully just a push of the button to deal with it digitally.

  11. The Kingdom Keepers sounds great! 🙌🙌🙌 I'm always looking for new Middle Grade. 👍✨

    I'd read the prequel to Practical Magic first, anyway, if I were you. I loved and adored The Rules of Magic, but Practical Magic was a big disappointment for me. In fact... I tell people to read the prequel and watch the Practical Magic movie instead of reading the book. Ha ha. The film fixed everything that was wrong (in my opinion) with the movie. 😏

  12. This is the reason I do not check out books from the library for myself. I know I won't get to them, and I don't want to feel guilty. LOL Of course, then I end up buying them because I want them anyway--and there they sit unread anyway.

    I really enjoyed Practical Magic and hope you will too if you ever get to it.
