Wednesday, April 24, 2019

The Missing Years - Mystery Review

Goodreads:  The Missing Years by Lexie Elliott

Rating: Good
Source:  Publisher

Description:  Ailsa Calder has inherited half of a house. The other half belongs to a man who disappeared without a trace twenty-seven years ago—her father.
Leaving London behind to settle the inheritance from her mother’s estate, Ailsa returns to her childhood home, nestled amongst the craggy peaks of the Scottish Highlands, joined by the half-sister who’s almost a stranger to her.

Ailsa can’t escape the claustrophobic feeling that the house itself is watching her—as if her past hungers to consume her. She also can’t ignore how the neighbourhood animals refuse to set one foot within the gates of the garden.

When the first nighttime intruder shows up, Ailsa fears that the manor’s careless rugged beauty could cost her everything.

Genre: Mystery

Why I Picked This Book:  I enjoyed the previous Lexie Elliott book I read and I adore this blurb so I couldn't pass it up.

My Impression:  This book has two of my very favorite things - a missing person case and a crumbling family estate stuffed with secrets.  This one got off to a bit of a slow start.  Is Ailsa losing her mind, is the house haunted, or is someone out to make her think both of those things?  Throw in a community who is either overly interested in the house or openly hostile (or a bit of both) and there is a lot going on in this book.  And just what happened to Ailsa's father all those years ago?  I think all the plots, subplots, and mysteries gaining traction slowed down the beginning.  It was always enjoyable and easy to read though at times for the first third I felt a little bit impatient with the story.

When things start moving they really start moving!  And while I had enjoyed the book from the beginning I was well in truly hooked by the second half.  I like that Elliot's characters are more sympathetic than the average psychological thriller character (or at least in my experience).  While Ailsa wasn't someone I'd always want to spend time with I could always sympathize with her.  This was quite a mystery -some old some new - and was fascinating to unravel! 

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?  Absolutely!  This is the 2nd book by Elliot that I've read and I've really enjoyed both.

Would I Recommend this Book?  If you enjoy an atmospheric mystery this is definitely a good read and one I think most mystery lovers will enjoy.

* I received this book in exchange for an honest review.  As always my opinions and impressions are completely my own. *


  1. Now this has some things going for it that would draw me in, especially that her characters are sympathetic and relatable.

  2. I've seen this one around a lot lately and I think it would be one I would enjoy too.

  3. I'll be reading this one for a blog tour soon. It sounds like a good one. Glad you enjoyed it!

  4. Your two favorite things always drawn me in as well. I will look for this one.

  5. I'm going to be reading this soon. I'm looking forward to it.

  6. This isn’t a book I can’t wait to get. I really liked her first book. Great review!

    Let me know if you like The Dish, I just asked for it again from the library. Also, please let me know what your family’s favorite “ space movies” are as we like that’s too. I’m on the list for Apollo 11 and we recently watched The First Man.

  7. I hate when it takes a while for things to start going. I am glad this picked up and you enjoyed it. I will add it to my TBR list!


  8. I thought the beginning was a bit slow too, but the ending was wild!

  9. LOVE that cover! This sounds interesting as well. Great review!!
