Sunday, July 1, 2018

This Week in Reading - July 1

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

A Deadly Brew by Lynn Cahoon - 'Tis the season for Christmas book ARCs so when I saw this wonderfully Halloween-y cover from one of my favorite cozy authors in one of my favorite series there was no way I could pass it up! (NetGalley)

The Corpse at the Crystal Palace by Carola Dunn - I read the first few books in this series ages and ages ago and remember enjoying them and I love mysteries set in the 1920s.  I'm looking forward to continuing with this one.  (Publisher)

The Christmas Star by Donna VanLiere - I read another book by this author a year or two ago and enjoyed it.  This looks like a sweet non-romance Christmas book.  (NetGalley)

Snowfall on Lighthouse Lane by JoAnn Ross - I just read the first (I think) book in the Honeymoon Harbor series and loved it so I'm super excited to revisit.  (Little Bird Publicity)


Reading:  Buried in Books by Kate Carlisle and finally back to Rainy Day Friends by Jill Shalvis

Listening:  I've been listening to a lot of podcasts.  The Popcast is my current favorite.

Watching:  I've been enjoying World of Dance.  I like that there's such a variety of ages and styles and the judges are really positive.  I've also been seriously obsessed with YouTube videos.

Off the Blog:

How is July?  School starts back in 1 month and I'm not ready!!  We've had a nice lazy summer so far but haven't done the travelling I'd hoped to do.  But we still have a month left so it's not done yet!  Not much has been happening here which is both good and bad.  I love the downtime we've had and I think it's needed but I do want to do something!  Spraining my ankle definitely cut into my plans but it's doing pretty good so I think I can handle some activities that are slightly more active - though I'll probably skip the hiking for a bit.  

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday:  Man on the Roof - Mystery Review
Tuesday:  Books I'd Take to A Deserted Island
Wednesday:  Books from the Backlog
Thursday:  Buried in Books - Cozy Mystery Review
Friday:  Friday Linkups with Current Book
Saturday:  Rainy Day Friends + Risk of Rogues - Romance Reviews

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. I think a Halloween- themed cozy would be so fun! Why haven't I read one? Love the pumpkins. :)

    I think Carlisle and Cahoon are two cozy authors I'd really like to try at some point!

    Wow school starts back soon for you guys! WE still have til early Sept but with color guard and stuff it's almost like it's still in session?? :)

  2. Oh no! It sucks that you sprained your ankle. Hopefully it starts feeling better soon so you can get up and go exploring. :)

    Have a good week!

  3. Katherine, hope your ankle feels better soon, but hope you still enjoyed your downtime.

  4. Nice book cover! Have a good reading week!

  5. I said yes to the next JoAnn Ross book as well as I enjoyed the first one too. Make the most of July as much as you can.

  6. Over here school only starts in September :) enjoy your free July though :)

  7. Here in the UK the kids are still in school for another three weeks already, and we may well have had the best weather for the summer already. Hope you ankle gets better soon, sprains can be nasty. I guess you may well find plenty of time for reading.

    Here's my Sunday Post

  8. It's hard to believe that it a little over a month before school starts again. Our daughter is home schooled but we keep her in the same schedule as the public school use. It helps with her being able to be with friends. Hope you ankle heals soon. 😀

  9. Sprains seem like they take forever to heal, but I'm glad it's getting a little easier to cope with. I can't believe it's July already! Hugs...RO

  10. Hope you love Rainy Day Friends! We literally just got out of school last week so we have a little bit before we go back but I still can't believe it is July. Enjoy your new books and have a great week!

  11. So glad to see a new Tourist Trap book! I will look for that on audio! I can't believe it's July already!

    Have a great week and happy reading!
    Week in Review

  12. I can't wait for the new Tourist Trap book. It's one of the few series I'm almost caught up on. Have a great week!

  13. I am not ready for school to begin again either. I keep reminding myself that the summer is not even half over, but it feels like summer is just moving so fast!

  14. Snowfall on Lighthouse Lane looks like fun...I love lighthouses! I also like the look of Rainy Day Friends.

    Enjoy the rest of your is it half over?


  15. School just got out here and graduation was last weekend. It starts again after Labor Day, but it seems like summer vacation is never long enough. Hope your ankle is quick healing so you can still get some travel in!

  16. I've been in a Halloween-y mood and I'm enjoying a R.L. Stine book. :)

    Hope you enjoy your new books.

  17. Summer is going so fast! There’s stuff I need to get done, and I haven’t done any of it yet. I wanted to hike a lot this summer, but that hasn’t happened. I hope your ankle heals quickly!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  18. I can't believe that it's almost time for school to come back! Hope you have a lovely week!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays and Cover Spotlight!

  19. My daughter goes back to school next month too and it seems this summer break is going too fast. I’ve been seeing holiday ARCs I need to request soon. I hope your ankle heals and you have a great week!

  20. I'm happy your ankle is coming along nicely. Isn't it too hot for hiking right now, anyway?🔥

    Have a wonderful week. 🌞

  21. Glad to hear your ankle is feeling better. And hopefully yall get to do something fun this next month :)

  22. I need to read the first book in the Ross series because I said yes to a review copy of the second one. I hope you have a wonderful July and I hope your ankle is feeling better.

  23. I hope your ankle is continuing to heal well. I know you must be going crazy to get about more, but take it easy! July, already. How did that happen.

  24. I know how much you like Lynn Cahoon's books and I really need to give her work a try. I can't believe how fast this year has flown by. My daughter starts daily marching band practice in just a couple of weeks so school is almost here! Have a great week and enjoy your new books!

  25. And here we are - our schools haven't yet broken up for the summer - they have another 3 weeks before the summer holidays start:)). Glad you are getting a rest, but do take care you don't start doing too much on that ankle before it's ready! In the meantime, I hope you are able to enjoy the weather:)

  26. I can't believe it's July already. Where did the time go? A lazy summer sounds nice! We've been so busy. I'm hoping the last month before school starts again is lazy and relaxed.

  27. School goes back in a month?! School breaks up here in three weeks and doesn't start back until September! lol

  28. A few of your new books are new on my TBR shelf as well. They all sound good. I am glad your ankle is feeling better. I hope it continues to heal well. We will be headed up to visit my mom this month, which will be a nice break for all of us. I just wish it was a longer break. I hope you have a great week, Katherine.

  29. School soon already?! Oh wow-wee. We start the last Wednesday of August.
