Thursday, July 5, 2018

Buried in Books - Cozy Mystery Review

Rating: Very Good
Source: Publisher

Description:  Brooklyn has done everything she can to prepare for her nuptials with Derek and simply can't wait to start her new life with him. But things don't go as planned when Brooklyn's college frenemies, Heather and Sara, surprise her with a last-minute bridal shower. However, Brooklyn is touched when the women gift her rare copies of The Three Musketeers and The Red Fairy Book.

When one frenemy is found murdered and one of the rare books is deemed a forgery, Brooklyn can't help but wonder if the victim played a part in this fraud or if a murderer is still out there scamming and killing. Wedding jitters, counterfeit books, and a killer on the loose could ruin Brooklyn and Derek's big day. Can they make it down the aisle before more bodies start stacking up?

Genre: Mystery - Cozy

Why I Picked This Book:
  I just read the previous book and have been a fan of this series since the beginning.

My Impression:
  Who knew books could be so dangerous.  This is the twelfth book in this series and in each one there has been at least one murder directly connected to a book!   Brooklyn and Derek's relationship has been a thread that has run throughout the entire series so it was really fun to see them actually get married though it would be them if book related murder and mayhem didn't pop up.

The characters really make this book for me.  I love Brooklyn and Derek and all the characters that make up their world - especially both sets of parents.  I also enjoyed seeing the reunion between Brooklyn and her grad school roommates though frenemies is definitely the word to describe them.  I also enjoyed seeing Brooklyn teach a seminar (though it made me desperately want to learn how to make an accordion book) as well as seeing her reaction to being called a murder magnet.

The actual murder shows up a little later in the book -around page 100 or so - but it never felt like the book dragged or that I was in setup overload.  I did kind of figure out the whys and the whos but the reveal was still exciting and I still had a few questions right up until the full reveal.  This was a fast read and well paced.  Since there is a major life event that occurs for Brooklyn here and a lot of the page time is given to that I'm not sure how well this book would work for first time readers of the series but if you're a long time fan it will be a treat!

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?
  Absolutely!  I missed a few in the middle and am going to reading them while I wait for the next book.  

Would I Recommend this Book?
  If you're a fan of the series than absolutely.  If you're new to the series I recommend you start with an earlier book.  I feel like the first few books are more mystery focused while more recent books have had more character focus.


  1. Love the title and the cover to this and just looked up the first one, so going to put a reservation in at the library. I need to read at least one cozy mystery series!! And this one is it I do believe.

  2. I love it when rare books are part of a story, and while it seems to happen in cozies occasionally I'd love to see it happen in other mysteries and thrillers too. And good to know that the earlier ones are a little more mystery focused. One thing I do like about cozies if that if you like the characters, it's nice to see their lives progress.

  3. I absolutely adore that cover! Hugs...RO

  4. Cozies are great because you can just jump into the series, without knowing too much. I've done that with two different series and always loved it. Even if the characters are already established with their relationships and whatnot. This one does look interesting. Great review.

  5. I will have to keep in mind that this isn't a great one to start the series with. I do enjoy following the characters throughout a series so I would probably want to read the series in order anyway. Glad you enjoyed it!

  6. This sounds good Katherine and I love the rare book thread.

  7. Book related murders! I love the idea that I'm living life in the fast lane because I've my nose buried in yet another tome... This one sounds like great fun, Katherine:)

  8. I like this authors other series so I really need to try this one!

  9. Ahh awesome they're still so good so far into the series. I have book one marked to check out :)

  10. Your reviews of this series has been so pom pom cheers that I put the first book on hold! I'm first in the list so any day now.
