Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Shelved Under Murder - Cozy Mystery Review

Rating: Very Good
Source: NetGalley

October in Taylorsford, Virginia means it’s leaf peeping season, with bright colorful foliage and a delightful fresh crew of tourists attending the annual Heritage Festival which celebrates local history and arts and crafts. Library director Amy Webber, though, is slightly dreading having to spend two days running a yard sale fundraiser for her library. But during these preparations, when she and her assistant Sunny stumble across a dead body, Amy finds a real reason to be worried.

The body belonged to a renowned artist who was murdered with her own pallet knife. A search of the artist’s studio uncovers a cache of forged paintings, and when the sheriff’s chief deputy Brad Tucker realizes Amy is skilled in art history research, she’s recruited to aid the investigation. It doesn’t seem to be an easy task, but when the state’s art expert uncovers a possible connection between Amy’s deceased uncle and the murder case, Amy must champion her Aunt Lydia to clear her late husband’s name.

That’s when another killing shakes the quiet town, and danger sweeps in like an autumn wind. Now, with her swoon-inducing neighbor Richard Muir, Amy must scour their resources to once again close the books on murder.

Genre: Mystery - Cozy

Why I Picked This Book:
  The first in the series was one of my favorite cozy mystery reads so I knew I couldn't miss this one.

My Impression:
  I loved the first book in this series and was so excited for this one!  This series has so many of my very favorite things that it's hard to believe it's not written specifically for me.  There's a librarian who does research, there's some art theft, there some mysteries and scandals from the past floating up, a dead body or two, and even a touch of romance.  I really loved seeing more of Richard's work and just what a professional dancer/choreographer does.  As well, I felt we saw a bit more of Aunt Lydia and got to know her past more.  I also found the added element of the library fundraiser and the relationship between the library director (Amy) and the head of the Friends of the Library group really interesting.

The characters come alive from page one and the mystery had me invested early on.  Amy's involvement did make sense given the art angle and the small town staffing limitations.  I can't say the ending was a shock but I still enjoyed getting there.  The pacing was fast, the characters were likable, and the mystery was thoroughly entertaining - what's not to love?   

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?  Yes!  Is the next one available yet?

Would I Recommend this Book?
  If you enjoy bookish cozies you must read this series.  I think you could jump in here with no problem but the first one is so fun it shouldn't be missed!


  1. Oh I love the view out that window (maybe minus the police tape) it looks so, well cozy otherwise. This is one I'll definitely keep in mind for my next cozy.

  2. Recently I read some cozy mysteries and I find that I like cozies. This one sounds good.

  3. You know, if the setting is a library, I should just put it on my list regardless of the rest of the story. LOL

  4. I definitely need to check out this series!

  5. You'll have me drooling over cozies yet! I do have the first one in my TBR on GR. And when I have read through the Kate Carlisle mysteries ( book 1 which I have from the library) I'll consider this one as anything to do with books...!!

  6. This one does sound fun! I love the library bits! And yay for it being so good even when you had high expectations.

  7. I still need to start this series!

  8. I'm a total sucker for cozy mysteries!! Great review!

  9. What a cruel outcome - to be killed by your own palatte knife! You definitely need some of this in your life this summer:)
