Saturday, December 16, 2017

This Week in Reading - December 17

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

The Pajama Frame by Diane Vallere - I've read a few books in this series about an interior decorator obsessed with Mod design.  She makes all her clothes and the author includes the pattern numbers for the vintage pattern which always makes it fun.  Plus, this involves an old murder in a pajama factory which sounds pretty fun!  (NetGalley)

Twelve Angry Librarians by Miranda James - I'm super excited about this one.  I read the first in the series years ago and enjoyed it and I love the title on this one.  (Publisher)

Dial M for Mousse by Laura Bradford - I haven't read anything in this series yet but I love a good foodie murder and this one looks like a lot of fun.  Plus I love the movie/foodie pun.  (Publisher)


Reading:  Honey Baked Homicide by Gayle Leeson and Now that You Mention It by Kristin Higgins

Listening:  I just finished One Snowy Night by Jill Shalvis and am listening to podcasts while I decide what to listen to next.

Watching:  We've been having a good time with Hallmark Christmas movies and I'm looking forward to the end of The Voice.  I'm also excited to see that Top Chef has started back up.

Off the Blog:

This week's been kind of crazy.  J had to have surgery Monday and while it went great and he's fine he's been down all week.  I've finished almost all of the Christmas shopping though not everything has come in yet.  I've got 2 more stores to hit but I know what I want so hopefully I won't have to fight the crowds too much.

We had the Tornado's class party and Cub Scout Christmas party this week and then today we're getting together with my mother and her husband for a Christmas celebration.  Next weekend we're getting together with my dad and his wife and then of course there's Christmas!  It'll be a lot of fun but I have a feeling I'm going to be tired after it's all said and done.  And then of course the Tornado's birthday is right after Christmas so the festivities run a little bit longer.

I bought books for several people on my list and now I want ALL the books!  I may have to do some binge shopping soon though I really need to get a binge read session in first.  One of these days I'm going to build a fort of books and stay in there until I've read everything in the walls!

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday:  Ramblings from the Stacks - Looking Forward
Tuesday:  Top Ten Tuesday - Ten Books I Hope Santa Brings
Wednesday: A Christmas Carol + Other Christmas Reads
Thursday:  Murder For the Books - Cozy Mystery Review
Friday:  Friday Linkups with Current Book
Saturday:  Honey-Baked Homicide - Cozy Mystery Review

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. Glad J did well with his surgery, here's wishing a quick and easy recovery! I can't believe Christmas is in a week. Crazy.

    Buying books for others is hard because yes then sometimes you want to keep them! I think a book fort sounds pretty good. :)

  2. The Pajama Frame looks like fun, and so does Dial M for Mousse.

    I'm glad J's surgery went well...hope the recovery is successful.

    Enjoy your books, the holidays, and all the kid activities. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Now that sounds like a book lovers dream being in such a book fort. All the best for the coming week and may all go really peacefully and well.

  4. Haha the book fort sounds pretty amazing, maybe it's something we all need to try :P

    It sounds like you had a busy week! It's great to hear the surgery went well, I hope he recovers ASAP.

  5. Oh wow, these next two weeks sound pretty hectic. I hope you have a wonderful time with your families. Enjoy your new books and happy reading. 😁❤️

  6. I'm feeling like a book buying binge too! So hoping I'll have vouchers in my Christmas pressies :D Hope J feels better now.

  7. I've also bought some nice presents, but none of them are books :) have a lovely week!

  8. I've already completed my shopping (Thank God!), so now all I have to do is wait for Christmas to here! I hope you have a lovely weekend!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays!

  9. I hope J has a quick recovery. I am actually done shopping and only have a few minor things to get but the kids are done.
    I sent my daughter a list of books I wanted for xmas. She insisted to her dad to take her to get me a gift. I can't wait to see what they picked for me. I want a fort now too!

    I hope you have a great week, Katherine! Happy Reading! ox

  10. I hope your husband recovers quickly, it’s a drag to be down after surgery. Best wishes to him.
    Now it’s so late that I don’t think we will put a tree up. All we are doing is buying our granddaughter presents so I guess we will skip it.
    Nice books!

  11. You're watching Hallmark Holiday movies. You got to love em'. My fav ones are the ones featuring Dolly Parton. So many of these movies feature characters with amnesia, wouldn't you agree?

  12. I am glad your husband surgery went well and hope he gets healed up quickly. It can be a real pain being down this close to Christmas and so many things to do.

    I am sure you will enjoy that Emergency Dessert Squad mystery cause I have listened and reviewed the first one and I really liked it!! The names of her desserts are so funny!

    Have a great week!!
    Week in Review

  13. I hope J continues to recover and feel better!

    I hope you have a good week and that the last two stores aren't too crowded!!!

  14. Busy, Busy, Busy! Sounds like it all was fun though. I hope everything goes smoothly this week!

  15. Wow, it sounds like you’ve been busy. I’m still waiting for some of the Christmas gifts I bought for people to show up. I hope they get here before Christmas. Have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  16. I hope J's recovering well. I suppose it's perfect timing to be down, leading right into the holidays for more rest? Good luck finishing up - I'm kind of stuck with what else I should do to round out The Man's gifts. I think it is too late for my original plan because I've drug my feet and waited too long. :/ Enjoy the week!

  17. Glad his surgery went well and I hope it wasn't too serious of one. Every time you talk about cozies I want to go read them!

  18. I hope J's recovery continues - it's always harder at this time of year with the shorter, colder days, I think. It sounds like you have a very busy, social time - I LOVE the sound of a book fort! Have a happy week, Katherine:)

  19. Looks like you've been very busy. Glad the surgery went well for your loved one. I need to bake more cookies as well. Have a great week.

  20. The Pajama Frame looks so good. I have a couple of books in that series and really need to read them. So many of your cozies look great. Enjoy and have a great week!

  21. Whew! Glad things went well with the surgery. Sure does take it out of you, though. Hope yall are having a wonderful Christmas week!
