Thursday, December 14, 2017

Comic Sans Murder - Cozy Mystery Review

Comic Sans Murder (A Dangerous Type Mystery) by Paige Shelton

Rating:  Very Good
Source:  Publisher

Description: The visit of quirky world-famous horror author Nathan Grimes to Star City is especially thrilling for Clare Henry and her grandfather Chester. As the owners of The Rescued Word, a charming boutique shop in town, Clare and Chester specialize in restoring old typewriters and repairing beloved books. They've invited Nathan to their shop to use their equipment for his next book.
But all plans to work on the book take a step in the wrong direction when a tourist discovers an abandoned ski boot on the slopes--and the only sign of the owner is the dismembered foot he left inside! Nathan's writer's curiosity for all things horror is further piqued after the body of Clare's high school friend Lloyd Gavin is discovered sans one foot. When all toes point to a class reunion gone wrong, Nathan can't help but join Clare and her best friend, police officer Jodie Wentworth, as they hurry to track down the killer before more former classmates become Most Likely to Be Killed.

Genre: Mystery - Cozy

Why I Picked This Book:  I've been a fan of Paige Shelton since her Farmer's Market cozy mystery series so I was excited to get a chance to try this one.

My Impression:  My only real dealings with typewriters came from a typing class in high school and I can still remember the resistance of the keys and the fiddling with the eraser tape anytime you made a mistake.  They seemed clunky and harder to use than necessary and really I haven't given much thought to them sense.  I had no idea that they could be so fascinating and so fun!  I found myself looking up every model mentioned! 

This isn't a book with a lot of build up as the lone boot complete with foot is found on page one but it does take a few pages for the who to be identified.  I was really intrigued by all the whys in this mystery and couldn't wait to for the whole story to come to light.  The mystery was well done and kept the pages turning.

I loved the setup of the series.  Not only is the typewriter repair shop unique and entertaining but I loved the family dynamics between Clare, Chester, and Marion.  As well I really enjoyed the friendship between Clare and Jodie.  It gives Clare very loose permission to investigate which really helps the flow. 

When I started this book it had been awhile since I had read a book by Paige Shelton but I won't make the mistake of waiting so long again!  This was a fun, well paced mystery with a detective who is smart with just the right amount of spunk! 

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?  Yes!  I'm looking forward to catching up on this series as well as reading the several books by her I already have on my shelf.

Would I Recommend this Book?  If you like cozy mysteries Paige Shelton is an author you shouldn't miss!  I've enjoyed every book I've read by her but this one may be my favorite.


  1. Like you, it sure wasn't fun when using one of these, but as I got older something about the typewriter seems so fascinating. It's cool that an author would pick up on that, and use it part of the mystery in the book. Glad you enjoyed it Hugs...RO

  2. I used to have a typewriter, not that I used it much. I'd like to get one as decoration - I just think they are so cool. Great review though! This sounds like one I'd really enjoy. I'm a fan of cozies, and I need to read more. :)


  3. Ths sounds good, and yep I remember typing class!

  4. It has been so long since I used a typewriter. I had to do phyical therapy on my hand as a kid on a typewriter. I don't think you would have an easy time finding a manual typewriter now. This sounds like a good story.

  5. Another successful cozy. Hmm I taught myself to touch type on a typewriter - very old one, but never learned at school.

  6. When I see all of these cozies and read their summaries, I wish there were towns that had specialties like these cozy towns.
