Sunday, March 29, 2015

This Week in Reading - March 29

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week

What I Got:

Deadly Desires at Honeychurch Hall by Hannah Dennison - So there was some happy car dancing about this one.  I was checking my email when I had stopped for gas the other day when I saw the email asking if I wanted to review this one.  Umm yes please!  Murder at Honeychurch Hall was one of my favorite mysteries last year so I'm really excited about this. (Publisher)

Gummi Bears Should Not Be Organic by Stefanie Wilder-Taylor - I've read 3 of her books and really enjoyed 2.  Plus the title of this one makes me laugh.  I like her attitude on parenting and life in general and she's generally very funny.  (NetGalley)

When the Balls Drop by Brad Garrett - Garrett was the brother in Everyone Loves Raymond and I've thought he was funny in everything I've seen him in which honestly hasn't been all that much so I'm curious about this. (NetGalley)

A Fright to the Death by Dawn Eastman - This is a cozy mystery series I've been wanting to try so I was really excited to get on the blog tour for this one.  (Blog Tour)


Reading:  Great Expectations by Charles Dickens which is my Reading Assignment Challenge for this month and I need to seriously get reading!  Also, Mademoiselle Chanel by C.W. Gortner for a blog tour later this week.

Listening: Nothing yet but am planning on starting audio books again this week.

Watching:  All Star Academy on Food Network but not much else since we've been out of town most of this week.

Off the Blog:

We had a great vacation.  One day we went into Hattiesburg and went to the little zoo they have there which was nice and ate a fantastic lunch.  If for whatever reason you're ever in the Hattiesburg, MS area I highly recommend Crescent City Grill.  Other than that lots of playing with the Tornado and even a little bit of reading.

Since we've been home it's mostly been trying to get everything back together what with grocery shopping and laundry.  This week has flown by!  While we had a great spring break I'm looking forward to getting back to routine.

I'm horribly behind on blog visiting and comment replying but I'm trying to catch up!

On the Blog:

What Happened This Week:

What's Coming Up:

Monday: The Dead Play On - Romantic Suspense Review
Tuesday:  Ten Books I Recently Added to My TBR
Wednesday: Scent of Triumph - Blog Tour Review
Thursday: Mademoiselle Chanel - Blog Tour Review
Friday: Friday Linkups featuring my current book
Saturday: Cookbook Challenge Linkup

Have a great weekend and happy reading!


  1. Oh, I'm jealous you got the Dennison book! I really enjoyed the first one. The Gummi Bears book sounds fun;I agree with the title too. :D Have a great week!

    1. Yes I so agree! Something shouldn't be organic! I'm so excited about the Hannah Dennison! I loved Honeychurch Hall!

  2. Glad you had a nice vacation. I hate coming home after vacation and needing to get back into things. Enjoy your books and have a great week.

    1. Oh I know! I come back and feel like I need a vacation from my vacation! I think I'll be doing laundry for longer than we were away!

  3. I'm like you as much as I love holidays, I love getting back into routine too. And yay for the happy car dance, it's always so exciting when you get asked to review a book that you are dying to read.

    1. I get restless if I'm on vacation to long! I think I enjoy getting home almost as much as I enjoy leaving. I could do without the laundry though!

  4. Glad you had a nice vacation! I need a vacation. :) Enjoy your new books! That Dennison one looks good.

    Week in Review

    1. Thanks! Hopefully you will get a vacation soon!

  5. Great to hear about your break away, everyone needs a little bit of time to themselves, so don't feel guilty about comments and such!

    1. Thanks! We did have a lovely time and I'm trying not to let my to do list drive me crazy!

  6. Somehow Honeychurch fell off my reading list--thanks for the reminder. Hope you enjoy your nice mix of new books.

    My recap:

    1. You must read Honeychurch! It's so fun! I liked it so much I'm a little nervous that this won't live up to!

  7. I"m glad you had a nice vacation. I just got the Brad Garrett book from NetGalley, too. It looks great and he always makes me laugh.

    Have a great week!

    1. I'm excited about the Brad Garrett! I haven't seen too much of him but he always makes me laugh.

  8. I really, really enjoyed Great Expectations when I read it last year. I didn't have high expectations (hehe) going in, but it was a lovely story. I hope you enjoy it!

    1. Lol! Yeah my expectations weren't high either but I'm actually really enjoying it. It's a much better experience now than at 14!

  9. Deadly Desires looks good! Great cover...and your getaway sounds like fun. Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog. Enjoy your week!

    1. I'm so excited about it! I absolutely loved the first book!

  10. I'm happy you had a good spring break. Hattiesburg sounds like a great place to visit.

    Have a good reading week!

    1. It's a nice little town. Not necessarily a visit on it's own but there's some fun things to see.

  11. I'm glad you had a good vacation! Sounds fun and yay! You even got in some reading. I feel like the few days after a vacation are the worst - you have to recover, but its always nice to get back to the routine!

    Have a great week and enjoy your new goodies!

    1. We did have such a good time but I do feel like I'm drowning in laundry now!

  12. Oh! How is Great Expectations going? Dickens isn't one of my favorite writers, although admittedly I haven't had too much experience with him. Great Expectations is one I would love to read one day though.
    Thanks for stopping by The Local Muse!

    1. I read Great Expectation in high school and HATED it and him! Thankfully I'm enjoying it much more this go round!

  13. Sounds like fun vacation. I haven't been to Harttiesburg in years and years.
    Great Expectaions...good for you! I need to tackle a classic soon.

    1. I'm liking Great Expectations much more than when I read it in high school! I would've liked to get down to the coast but there wasn't time. Hattiesburg is a pretty little town.

  14. Great Expectations is one of my favorite books. It takes some effort to get into but it's worth it. Have a good week!

    1. I read this in high school and HATED it but I'm really enjoying it this go round. Dickens' writes like no other .

  15. Sounds like you had a fun vacation! But when you get home you have all this laundry and grocery shopping to do!! It's like you can't continue your relaxation once you get home lol. Oh well, that's how it will always be but it's good you got away with the family!

    I've also done a happy dance when I get those emails! My family just looks at me weird lol. I hope you enjoy all your books and have a great week!

    1. We all understand each other when it comes to the happy dance!
      I got home to no food in the house and no clean clothes but I'm catching up now!

  16. I have never read Great Expectation, but I loved the Gwyneth Paltrow version of the movie, it is one of my top 3 of all time, actually. I need to read more classics, for sure. Gummi Bears Should Not Be Organic is on a lot of lists. I should check that one out. Happy reading!

    1. I've never seen that movie! I'll have to look for it. I like Stefanie Wilder-Taylor. She's pretty honest and our attitudes frequently match up!

  17. So glad you had such a lovely vacation! Hattiesburg sounds lovely- and MS is one of the states I still need to visit, so thanks for the tip! And I am not going to lie, I want to read the one about Gummy Bears too, it sounds pretty fun, because no, they should NOT be organic! Hahah hope you enjoy all the new additions, and have a wonderful week :)
    Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight

    1. There's a lot of beautiful places to visit in MS - Oxford, Natchez, and Ocean Springs come to mind. The title on that book definitely made me laugh!

  18. My youngest daughter loves her organic gummy bears, lol ! Laundry when you come back from vacation is awful, but I'm glad you had a wonderful family time. And those kind of e-mails are so good, a happy dance is always in order ;) Have a great week !

    1. I think I'm just coming up for air laundry wise! We do have clean clothes again which is nice. Organic gummy bears!! For shame!

  19. I am glad you had a nice vacation. I would love to visit Mississippi someday. Hattiesburg sounds very nice. Your new books look like they will be good. I hope you enjoy them, Katherine! Have a great week!

    1. There are so many pretty placed in Mississippi! I do hope you visit one day. Plus you'd also be close to New Orleans which is always good.

  20. I'm glad to hear that you had a good vacation! I hate the re-settling part of getting home after a vacation...there have been times where I totally 'forget' to unpack. I hope you have a good week!

    1. I seriously thought about forgetting but I was running out of clothes fast! I think I've gotten it under control but I feel like I need a vacation again just to recover!

  21. Welcome back; I'm glad you had a lovely vacation! And glad you got your copy of Fright to the Death. I just finished reading mine; it was a lot of fun. We both got the new Dennison, too - Yay! Can't wait to read it. Have a great week!

    1. I was so relieved to get Fright to the Death. I'm not quite done with it but it's a fun read so far. I'm glad you got Honeychurch! I'm so excited about it!

  22. Glad you had a lovely vacation, but oh do mothers pay for it when they get back! Take a few minutes to relax this week!

    1. Oh don't we! It took me ages to get caught back up and now I'm back to being behind!
